SQL Server 2016

  1. Cannot change relationship's state to the state other than deleted or detached if the source or target entity is in the deleted ...
  2. Cannot change sort order or locale. An unexpected failure occurred while trying to reindex the server to a new collation. ...
  3. Cannot change subscription property '%1!s!' because there is no entry for this subscription in the MSsubscription_properties ...
  4. Cannot change the property '%1!s!' . This property is only valid for subscriptions that allow updating at the Subscriber. ...
  5. Cannot change the retention period unit for publication "%1!s!" because the compatibility level of the publication is lower ...
  6. Cannot change the value of validate_subscriber_info for publication '%1!s!' because the publication has active subscriptions. ...
  7. Cannot clean up the meta data for publication '%1!s!' because other publications are using one or more articles in this publication. ...
  8. Cannot combine incompatible absolute Uris base '{0}' relative '{1}'.When trying to combine 2 absolute Uris, the base uri ...
  9. Cannot compile query because combination of LogicalOp = '%1!s!', PhysicalOp = '%2!s!', and sub_element = '%3!s!' under RelOp ...
  10. Cannot complete ALTER TABLE command. Do not execute the command 'ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE TRIGGER ALL' on a published ...
  11. Cannot complete the operation because there is no connection to the workspace database that contains the model currently ...
  12. Cannot complete the replication operation. The security check for the current user is failing. Only members of the sysadmin ...
  13. Cannot complete the request because the number of undo operations in the system exceeds the available resources. Please retry ...
  14. Cannot complete the requested operation in the subscription database because a snapshot is currently being delivered to the ...
  15. Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE SET HADR operation on database '%1!s!'. The database is not joined to an availability ...
  16. Cannot connect to a server for Dependency Services. Configure the connection in Query Results section of the Options dialog ...
  17. Cannot connect to Cloud Adapter on this Virtual Machine. Please make sure it is configured correctly, for installing Cloud ...
  18. Cannot connect to the data source for table "{0}". Make sure that Data Source is available. If you contact Microsoft support ...
  19. Cannot connect to the server due to a security issue. The server may not have been able to match the host for Silverlight. ...
  20. Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL ...
  21. Cannot connect using OLE DB provider "%1!s!" to linked server "%2!s!". Verify the connection parameters or login credentials ...
  22. Cannot constrain the execution order of action "{0}" to run after action "{1}" as the action "{1}" is already constrained ...
  23. Cannot convert a clustered index to a nonclustered index by using the DROP_EXISTING option. To change the index type from ...
  24. Cannot convert a clustered index to a nonclustered index by using the DROP_EXISTING option. To change the index type from ...
  25. Cannot convert a nonclustered index to a clustered index because a foreign key constraint references the index. Remove the ...
  26. Cannot convert a primary XML index to a secondary XML index using the DROP_EXISTING option. '%1!s!' is a primary XML index. ...
  27. Cannot convert a selective XML index to a secondary selective XML index using the DROP_EXISTING option. '%1!s!' is a selective ...
  28. Cannot convert the expression result data type "%1!s!" to the column data type "%2!s!". The result of the expression should ...
  29. Cannot convert the expression result data type to the column data type. The result of the expression should be written to ...
  30. Cannot convert to text/ntext or collate to '%1!s!' because these legacy LOB types do not support the Unicode supplementary ...
  31. Cannot copy user script file to the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%1!s!). Ensure that there is enough disk space available, ...
  32. Cannot create %1!s! on the '%2!s!' view because it uses the nondeterministic user-defined function '%3!s!'. Remove the reference ...
  33. Cannot create %1!s! on the view '%2!s!' because it references a sparse column set. Views that contain a sparse column set ...
  35. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because function "%3!s!" referenced by the view performs user or system data access. ...
  36. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a CUBE, ROLLUP, or GROUPING SETS operator. Consider not indexing ...
  37. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a join using an ODBC standard escape syntax. Consider using an ANSI ...
  38. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a ranking or aggregate window function. Remove the function from ...
  39. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains an OUTER APPLY. Consider not indexing the view, or removing OUTER ...
  40. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains more than one APPLY. Consider not indexing the view, or using only ...
  41. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains one or more subqueries. Consider changing the view to use only joins ...
  42. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains the DISTINCT keyword. Consider removing DISTINCT from the view or ...
  43. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains the TABLESAMPLE clause. Consider removing TABLESAMPLE or not indexing ...
  44. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains the TOP or OFFSET keyword. Consider removing the TOP or OFFSET or ...
  45. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references a table using a CONTAINSTABLE or FREETEXTTABLE full-text function. ...
  46. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references an internal system rowset provider. Consider not indexing this ...
  47. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references common table expression "%3!s!". Views referencing common table ...
  48. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references derived table "%3!s!" (defined by SELECT statement in FROM clause). ...
  49. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references imprecise common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function "%3!s!". ...
  50. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references table valued common language runtime (CLR) function "%3!s!". Consider ...
  51. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it references the inline or multistatement table-valued function "%3!s!". Consider ...
  52. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses a CONTAINS or FREETEXT full-text predicate. Consider eliminating CONTAINS ...
  53. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses a LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL OUTER join, and no OUTER joins are allowed in ...
  54. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses aggregate "%3!s!" with the DISTINCT keyword. Consider not indexing this ...
  55. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses aggregate "%3!s!". Consider eliminating the aggregate, not indexing the ...
  56. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses non-deterministic common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function ...
  57. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses OPENROWSET, OPENQUERY, or OPENDATASOURCE. Consider not indexing the view, ...
  58. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses table variable "%3!s!". Consider not indexing this view or removing the ...
  59. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses the OPENXML rowset provider. Consider removing OPENXML or not indexing ...
  60. Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because the view uses the "*" operator to select columns. Consider referencing columns ...
  61. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because column '%3!s!' that is referenced by the view in the WHERE or GROUP BY clause ...
  62. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains an INNER join that specifies a join hint. Consider removing the join ...
  63. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains one or more UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators. Consider creating ...
  64. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references another view '%3!s!'. Consider expanding referenced view's definition ...
  65. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references CLR routine (function or method) '%3!s!' outside non-key columns ...
  66. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because its select list does not include a proper use of COUNT_BIG. Consider adding COUNT_BIG(*) ...
  67. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because the view references non-deterministic or imprecise member function '%3!s!' on ...
  68. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because the view uses an implicit conversion from string to datetime or smalldatetime. ...
  69. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because view uses imprecise user-defined function '%3!s!'. Consider removing reference ...
  70. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The collation cast expression with collation name '%3!s!' is non-deterministic because ...
  71. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The function '%3!s!' yields imprecise results. Use a precise system function, or modify ...
  72. Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The function '%3!s!' yields nondeterministic results. Use a deterministic system function, ...
  73. Cannot create %1!s!. To create %2!s!, the database must have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_FILEGROUP that is online and has at least ...
  74. Cannot create a distributed availability replica for availability group '%1!s!'. An availability replica of the specified ...
  75. Cannot create a distributed availability replica for availability group '%1!s!'. Local availability group is participating ...