SQL Server 2016

  1. The RelatedEnd cannot be returned by this RelationshipManager. A RelatedEnd can only be returned by a RelationshipManager ...
  2. The RelatedEnd with role name '{0}' from relationship '{1}' has already been loaded. This can occur when using a NoTracking ...
  3. The RelatedRoleID property for the {0} is a self-reference. The RelatedRoleID property of a Role must refer to a Role other ...
  4. The RelatedRoleID property for the {0} refers to the {2}, but the RelatedRoleID for "{3}" does not refer to "{1}". The RelatedRoleID ...
  5. The relation '{0}' cannot be traversed from an instance of type '{1}' because that type is not a source type of the relation. ...
  6. The Relation property of the {0} references the {1} end of the {2}. This property must reference a Relation end that refers ...
  7. The Relation property of the {0} references the {2} end of the {3}, but the Relation property of the RelatedRole "{1}" also ...
  8. The Relation property of the {0} references the {2}, but the Relation property of the RelatedRole "{1}" references the {3}. ...
  9. The Relation property of the {0} refers to the {1} end of the {2}, which is not bound to a set of uniquely constrained columns ...
  10. The relationship '%{strNewRelationship/}' cannot be created since relationship '%{strExistingRelationship/}' already exists ...
  11. The relationship '%{strNewRelationship/}' cannot be created since relationship '%{strExistingRelationship/}' already exists ...
  12. The relationship '{0}' does not contain the role '{1}'. Make sure that EdmRelationshipAttribute that defines this relationship ...
  13. The relationship being added conflicts with an existing relationship. Consider deleting the previous relationship and calling ...
  14. The relationship between column '%{fromTable/}'['%{fromColumn/}' and column '%{toTable/}'['%{toColumn/}' cannot have SecurityFilterBehavior ...
  15. The relationship between column '%{fromTable/}'['%{fromColumn/}' and column '%{toTable/}'['%{toColumn/}' cannot have SecurityFilterBehavior ...
  16. The relationship between the table in Excel and the table in the PowerPivot window was lost. It might have been lost either ...
  17. The relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that contains ...
  18. The relationship cannot be created in the requested direction. When you click create, the direction of the relationship will ...
  19. The relationship cannot be defined because the EntitySet name '{0}.{1}' is not valid for the role '{2}' in association set ...
  20. The relationship for {0} '{1}' specifies NaturalJoin but the containing grouping '{3}' does not specify NaturalGroup. NaturalJoin ...
  21. The relationship has been identified as damaged. You can try to edit it, but editing might fail. The safest way to fix the ...
  22. The relationship is currently between a primary key column and a non-primary key column. If this is incorrect, click Reverse. ...
  23. The relationship manager supplied by the object implementing IEntityWithRelationships is not the expected relationship manager. ...
  24. The relationship manager was defined with an owner of type '{0}', which is not compatible with the type '{1}' for the source ...
  25. The relationship you're activating lets you filter {0} by {1}, but Excel {2} allows only one filtering path between tables ...
  26. The relationship you're creating lets you filter {0} by {1}, but Excel {2} allows only one filtering path between tables ...
  27. The relationship you're creating lets you filter {0} by {1}, but Excel {2} allows only one filtering path between tables ...
  28. The Remote Blob Storage server-side data cannot be removed because existing blobs are registered. This data can only be removed ...
  29. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" cannot be opened. Check the database name and ensure that it is in the restoring state, ...
  30. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy ...
  31. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" has not had enough log backups applied to roll forward all of its files to a common point ...
  32. The remote copy of database "%1!s!" is not recovered far enough to enable database mirroring or to join it to the availability ...
  33. The remote server "%1!s!" does not exist, or has not been designated as a valid Publisher, or you may not have permission ...
  34. The remote server '%1!s!' is not defined as a subscription server. Ensure you specify the server name rather than a network ...
  35. The remote server cannot be accessed. Either the server is not running, you do not have sufficient permissions to access ...
  36. The remote server cannot be accessed. Either the server is not running, you do not have sufficient permissions to access ...
  37. The remote server cannot be accessed. This may be because the server is not running, you do not have sufficient permissions ...
  38. The remote service has sent a message body of type '%1!s!' that does not match the message body encoding format. This occurred ...
  39. The REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option cannot be enabled on table '%1!s!' because it will exceed the maximum allowable size of %2!s! ...
  40. The REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE_OVERRIDE hint is not applicable to object '%1!s!' because it is not a table with REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE ...
  41. The RemoveFromSQLServer method encountered OLE DB error code 1!8.8X! (%2!s!) The SQL statement that was issued has failed. ...
  42. The renewal of the lease between availability group '%1!s!' and the Windows Server Failover Cluster failed because SQL Server ...
  43. The Reorganize Index task defragments and compacts clustered and non-clustered indexes on tables and views. This will improve ...
  44. The Reorganize Index task defragments and compacts clustered and nonclustered indexes on tables and views. This will improve ...
  45. The repeat count %1!d! is negative and is not valid for function "%2!s!". The repeat count parameter cannot be negative. ...
  46. The replication administrative user for Oracle Publisher "%1!s!" has insufficient permissions. Refer to the script /MSSQL/Install/oracleadmin.sql ...
  47. The replication agent completed successfully. See the previous job step history message or Replication Monitor for more information. ...
  48. The replication agent encountered a failure. See the previous job step history message or Replication Monitor for more information. ...
  49. The replication agent encountered an error and is set to restart within the job step retry interval. See the previous job ...
  50. The Replication agent had detected inconsistent data in replication system table. It is possible that an article was added ...
  51. The replication agent had encounter an unexpected null '{0}' value from the database back end. Contact Technical Support. ...
  52. The replication agent had encountered an exception. Source: {0} Exception Type: {1} Exception Message: {2} Message Code: ...
  53. The replication agent had encountered an unexpected exception, a memory dump containing information about the exception has ...
  54. The replication agent had encountered at least one unhandled exception during execution. Extended error information can be ...
  55. The replication agent has not logged a progress message in %1!s! minutes. This might indicate an unresponsive agent or high ...
  56. The replication agent is being shut down because execution time for status callback handlers has exceeded the system limit ...
  57. The replication agent job '%1!s!' was not removed because it has a non-standard name; manually remove the job when it is ...
  58. The replication agent responded to a shutdown/cancel request and has been stopped. See the previous job step history message ...
  59. The Replication Conflict Viewer is not registered on '%1', or %9 could not retrieve information about the Viewer from the ...
  60. The replication Merge Agent failed to change metadata on one or more database objects at the Subscriber when applying the ...
  61. The replication Merge Agent failed to propagate a Publisher schema change to the Subscriber. When troubleshooting, restart ...
  62. The replication Merge Agent failed to retrieve subscription partitioning information from the Publisher. When troubleshooting, ...
  63. The replication mode updated notification for logical server '%1!s!', ag id '%2!s!', local database id '%3!s!', partner database ...
  64. The replication operation on database '%1!s!' failed because there are alter operations pending on the database. Try again ...
  65. The replication settings on SQL Server version 6.0 cannot be upgraded directly to SQL Server 2000. You must first upgrade ...
  66. The replication upgrade task was not able to completely transfer your existing replication configuration settings to SQL ...
  67. The report '{0}' cannot be opened because no data source is associated with it. Associate a model data source with this report ...
  68. The report '{0}' cannot be opened because the data source '{1}' associated with it is not a report model. This report was ...
  69. The report '{0}' cannot be opened because you do not have permission to access the data source: '{0}'. Contact your administrator. ...
  70. The report '{0}' contains a reference to a data source that is not valid. Verify that the shared data sources and models ...
  71. The report '{0}' contains a reference to a dataset that is not valid. Verify that the shared datasets that are required for ...
  72. The report '{0}' is in an earlier report format and must be automatically upgraded before opening it in Report Builder 3.0. ...
  73. The Report Builder launch URL is not valid. It can be an absolute or relative URL and must include the .application file ...
  74. The report cannot be rendered. A filter is required to prevent too much data from being returned. Add a filter to your report. ...
  75. The report contains an embedded image with an invalid name {1}'. Embedded image names must be CLS-Compliant identifiers. ...