SQL Server 2016

  1. The specified credentials for {0} service are not valid. To continue, provide a valid account and password for the {0} service. ...
  2. The specified credentials that were provided for the SQL Server service are not valid. To continue, provide a valid account ...
  3. The specified cumulative update could not be applied because service pack or general distribution release is already installed. ...
  4. The specified custom schema suffix is a zero-length string or contains invalid characters. Specify valid characters for the ...
  5. The specified data set folder is not valid. Specify a value for the TargetDatasetFolder property in the deployment settings. ...
  6. The specified data source folder is not valid. Specify a value for the TargetDataSourceFolder property in the deployment ...
  7. The specified database does not exist. You must choose an initialization option that creates the database when restoring ...
  8. The specified database folder '%{filename/}' is not valid. It does not match the Analysis Services naming convention of 'ID.version.db'. ...
  9. The specified DbCrossJoinExpression inputs contain expression bindings with a duplicate variable name, '{2}'. The first occurrence ...
  10. The specified delimiters do not match the delimiters used to build the pre-existing match index "%1!s!". This error occurs ...
  11. The specified directory '{0}' does not match the directory of currently installed features. The features are currently installed ...
  12. The specified directory path, "{1}", for the {0} parameter either has an invalid character or a formatting problem. Specify ...
  13. The specified directory path, "{1}", for the {0} parameter is a relative path. However, the directory path must be an absolute ...
  14. The specified directory path, "{1}", for the {0} parameter is not valid because the path is a UNC path. Specify an absolute ...
  15. The specified directory, "{1}", for the {0} parameter is not valid because the directory is encrypted or is in an encrypted ...
  16. The specified directory, "{1}", for the {0} parameter is not valid because the directory is not writable. Specify a directory ...
  17. The specified directory, "{1}", for the {0} parameter is not valid because the directory is on a removable drive. Specify ...
  18. The specified directory, "{1}", for the {0} parameter is not valid because this directory is compressed or is in a compressed ...
  19. The specified directory, "{1}", for the {0} parameter is not valid because this directory is on a shared disk in a cluster. ...
  20. The specified directory, "{1}", for the {0} parameter must not be the same as "{2}". Specify a different directory for the ...
  21. The specified disk resource '{0}' is not a valid cluster physical disk resource name. To continue, specify a valid disk resource ...
  22. The specified DNS name, '%1!s!', is invalid. The length of the DNS name needs to be between 1 and 63 characters, inclusive. ...
  23. The specified drive is FAT32 file system. It is recommended that you install SQL Server on a NTFS file system as it is more ...
  24. The specified edition upgrade from source {0} edition to target {1} edition is not supported. For information about supported ...
  25. The specified edition upgrade is not supported. For information about supported upgrade paths, see the SQL Server 2016 version ...
  26. The specified element expressions cannot be contained by the same collection because no common element type can be inferred ...
  27. The specified encrypted column encryption key signature does not match the signature computed with the column master key ...
  28. The specified encrypted column encryption key signature's length %1!d! does not match the length %2!d!. The encrypted column ...
  29. The specified encrypted column encryption key's ciphertext length %1!d! does not match the ciphertext length %2!d!. The encrypted ...
  30. The specified endpoint URL '%1!s!' is invalid. Reenter the command specifying the correct URL. For information about specifying ...
  31. The specified entity cannot be deleted from the ObjectSet because the entity is a member of the EntitySet '{0}.{1}' instead ...
  32. The specified entity cannot be detached from the ObjectSet because the entity is a member of the EntitySet '{0}.{1}' instead ...
  33. The specified feature '{0}' is not supported when running the PREPAREIMAGE action, since it does not support SysPrep. Remove ...
  34. The specified filegroup '%1!s!' is not a valid filegroup for database '%2!s!'. Specify a valid existing filegroup or create ...
  35. The specified FILESTREAM share name already exists. You should delete the share if it exists or specify a different share ...
  36. The specified FILESTREAM share name does not match the file share resource of the current failover cluster. Change the FILESTREAM ...
  37. The specified FILESTREAM share name is not a valid Windows share name. Verify that the share name is a valid Windows share ...
  38. The specified filter returns more members than can be displayed. Only the first {0} members are displayed. Consider specifying ...
  39. The specified folder is not valid. Specify a value for the TargetReportItemFolder property in the deployment settings. If ...
  40. The specified folder uses a special share name that can usually be accessed only by a login with administrative privileges ...
  41. The specified header or data row delimiter "{1}" is not found after scanning {2} bytes of the file "{0}". Do you want to ...
  42. The specified header or data row delimiter "{1}" is not found after scanning {2} bytes of the file "{0}". The preview cannot ...
  43. The specified holdout parameters, HoldoutMaxPercent=%{holdoutmaxpercent\}, HoldoutMaxCases=%{holdoutmaxcases\}, will cause ...
  44. The specified holdout parameters, HoldoutMaxPercent=%{holdoutmaxpercent\}, HoldoutMaxCases=%{holdoutmaxcases\}, will cause ...
  45. The specified ID is in the empty (or SMDL) namespace but it is not a GUID. IDs in the empty (or SMDL) namespace must match ...
  46. The specified input cannot be accepted because it contains an edge with antipodal points. For information about using spatial ...
  47. The specified input does not represent a valid geography instance because it exceeds a single hemisphere. Each geography ...
  48. The specified input does not represent a valid geography instance. Use MakeValid to convert the instance to a valid instance. ...
  49. The specified instance name does not meet the instance naming rules for SQL Server. For more information, click Help on the ...
  50. The specified instance name is already used by an existing SQL Server instance. To continue, specify a unique instance name ...
  51. The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be managed by a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL ...
  52. The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL ...
  53. The specified instance of SQL Server version {0} is incompatible with the SQL Server version {0} of the UCP. Managed instances ...
  54. The specified IP Address '%1!s!' is not valid in the cluster-allowed IP range. Check with the network administrator to select ...
  55. The specified IP Address, '%1!s!', is duplicated in the IP address list. Each IP address included in the listener configuration ...
  56. The specified item is not a report definition (.rdl). Specify a report by opening the tool pane and specifying the path and ...
  57. The specified job '%1!s!' is not created for maintenance plans. Verify that the job has at least one step calling xp_sqlmaint. ...
  58. The specified LINQ expression of type '{0}' cannot be translated into a valid provider-specific LINQ to Entities store expression ...
  59. The specified listener URL '%1!s!' is invalid. Reenter the command specifying the correct URL. For information about specifying ...
  60. The specified listener with DNS name, '%1!s!', does not exist for the Availability Group '%2!s!'. Use an existing listener, ...
  61. The specified locale ID is not valid. Verify that the locale ID is correct and that a corresponding language resource has ...
  62. The specified login is not a member of the db_owner fixed database role for the publication database and is not a member ...
  63. The specified LSN {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!} for repldone log scan occurs before the current start of replication in the log {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. ...
  64. The specified Master Data Services database will be upgraded with the following upgrades. Verify that this information is ...
  65. The specified maximum size limit for the audit log file is less than the minimum value allowed. The maximum size limit must ...
  66. The specified maximum size limit is greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be less than 16777215 ...
  67. The specified maximum size limit is greater than the maximum value allowed. The maximum size limit must be less than 16777215 ...
  68. The specified member '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a valid provider-specific LINQ to Entities store expression ...
  69. The specified metadata path is not valid. A valid path must be either an existing directory, an existing file with extension ...
  70. The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because its return ...
  71. The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because no overload ...
  72. The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because one or ...
  73. The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because the instance ...
  74. The specified method '{0}' on the type '{1}' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because the parameter ...
  75. The specified MSX does not exist, or is a 6.5 (or earlier) version of SQLServer, or is version 7.0 but it's SQLServerAgent ...