Power BI

  1. Failed to parse directory section of the database backup. Directory offset=%ld{dirOffset/}, directory size=%ld{dirSize/}, ...
  2. Failed to parse directory section of the database backup; this error is likely caused by a backup truncation. Directory offset=%ld{dirOffset/}, ...
  3. Failed to reserve AS Engine trace directory out of all {0} available directories. Check if AS Engine is failing or something ...
  4. Failed to retrieve configuration {0} in section {1} for configuration type {2}: Error Failed to parse type {3} from configuration ...
  5. Failed to retrieve configuration {0} in section {1} for configuration type {2}: Error The property is encrypted, however ...
  6. Failed to start the server because a component used for this purpose (pxazurewrapper.dll) was not found on your computer ...
  7. Failed to validate backup log section of the database backup: database crypto key is missing in the database object filegroup ...
  8. Failed to validate backup log section of the database backup: database crypto key is present in the database object filegroup ...
  9. Failed to validate backup log section of the database backup: database crypto key is present in the non-database object filegroup ...
  10. Failure to initialize the managed library '%{mgddll/}'. Verify that Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or above is installed on ...
  11. Fast combine is now enabled. Privacy levels are not considered when combining data. This could expose sensitive or confidential ...
  12. Fetch tabular metadata command requested following partition Ids list: '%{PartIdsList/}' for the database with Id='%{DbId/}', ...
  13. Fetch tabular metadata request contains duplicate partition entry '%{PartitionId/}', for dimension '%{DimensionId/}, database ...
  14. File '%{file/}' is corrupted. It contains last committed timestamp = '%{timestampfile/}' which is newer than the last committed ...
  15. File '%{fileName/}' specified in Restore command is AS encrypted backup file that was created by earlier prerelease of SQL ...
  16. File for a cloned Vertipaq data object '%1' conflicts with a master data object file. This conflict of file names is unexpected ...
  17. Filter the data that this role can see by entering a DAX filter expression that returns a True/False value. For example: ...
  18. Find the position of all the occurrences of a = 2, b = 4 in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 6, b = 8], a = 2, b = 4], a = ...
  19. Find the position of all the occurrences of a = 2, b = 4 or a = 6, b = 8 in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 6, b = 8], a ...
  20. Find the position of the first occurrence of a = 2, b = 4 in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 6, b = 8], a = 2, b = 4], a ...
  21. Find the position of the first occurrence of a = 2, b = 4 or a = 6, b = 8 in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 6, b = 8], a ...
  22. Find the position of the second occurrence of a = 2, b = 4 in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 6, b = 8], a = 2, b = 4], a ...
  23. Find the row with the largest value in column a with the condition a > 0, in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 0, b = 0], a ...
  24. Find the row with the largest value in column a with the condition a > 0, in the table. The rows are sorted before the filter ...
  25. Find the row with the largest value in column a with the condition b > 0, in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 8, b = 0], a ...
  26. Find the row with the largest value in column a with the condition b > 0, in the table. The rows are sorted before the filter ...
  27. Find the row with the smallest value in column a with the condition a < 3, in the table ({[a = 2, b = 2], a = 0, b = 0], ...
  28. Find the row with the smallest value in column a with the condition a < 3, in the table. The rows are sorted before the filter ...
  29. Find the row with the smallest value in column a with the condition b < 0, in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 8, b = 0], ...
  30. Find the row with the smallest value in column a with the condition b < 0, in the table. The rows are sorted before the filter ...
  31. Finished compressing segment %d{segment/} of column '%{IMBIColumnId/}' for the '%{IMBITableId/}' table '%{IMBIPartitionId/}' ...
  32. Focus on what matters to you with Power BI dashboards that collect your most important data in one place. Stay in the know, ...
  33. Following partition files were not saved on disk:'%{FileList/}'; files are expected to be saved during distributed processing. ...
  34. For a local file, verify that the path and file name are correct. For a remote file, verify that the URL is correct and you ...
  35. For each OLAP mining structure column there must be an enabled attribute hierarchy. The '%{structureCol/}' OLAP mining structure ...
  36. For faster performance, use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server or the SQL Server Native Client provider to connect ...
  37. For the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model, each row of input must contain a non-null value in the Key Time ...
  38. For the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model, each row of input must contain a unique value in the Key Time ...
  39. For use with TimeSeriesData only: A positive integer that sets the number of forecast points. Set 0 for no forecast, or when ...
  40. Forces the algorithm to use the indicated columns as regressors in the regression formula regardless of their importance ...
  41. Forecast can't be created because the timeline isn't evenly spaced. The dates or numbers in a valid timeline must have a ...
  42. Forecast model '%{name/}' cannot be created because a model, a table or a table variable with the same name already exists. ...
  43. Formats the numeric value {0} to a text value according to the format specified by {1}. The following format parameters may ...
  44. Formats the numeric value {0} to a text value according to the format specified by {1}. The format is a single character ...
  45. FullGlobe cannot have internal elements and must be the only object in the instance. Remove any other objects in the same ...
  46. FullGlobe instances cannot be objects in the GeometryCollection. GeometryCollections can contain the following instances: ...
  47. Function %{funcName/} expects a fully qaulified column reference as argument number %{iArg/}, when it's used within EVALUATE. ...
  48. Function %{funcName/} may not be used in DirectQuery-enabled models. Consider changing the expression of the formula or disabling ...
  49. Function '%{funcName/}' does not support comparing values of type %{type1/} with values of type %{type2/}. Consider using ...
  50. Function '%{funcName/}' may not be used in DirectQuery-enabled models. Consider changing the expression of the formula or ...
  51. Function '%{funcName/}' scalar expressions have to be Aggregation functions over CurrentGroup(). The expression of each Aggregation ...
  52. Function '{0}' with the same {1} space type parameters already exists. Make sure that function overloads are not ambiguous. ...
  53. Function behavior in the event of ties. Skip - ranks that correspond to elements in ties will be skipped; Dense - all elements ...
  54. Function behavior in the event of ties. Skip - ranks that correspond to elements in ties will be skipped; Dense - all elements ...
  55. Function metadata used in DbFunctionExpression must allow composition. Non-composable functions or functions that include ...
  56. Function SubstituteWithIndex() detected more than one row in the index table matching to the current row of the original ...
  57. Functions listed in the provider manifest that are attributed as NiladicFunction='true' cannot have parameter declarations. ...
  58. Gain immediate insights from your data using the elastic scale SQL Data Warehouse with direct connect. Seamlessly combine ...
  59. Gain insights into events, notifications and logs available in the Azure Audit Logs for your Azure subscription. The Power ...
  60. Generate a list of records containing x and y, where x is a value and y is a list. x should remain less than 10 and represent ...
  61. Generates a list given an initial value function, a condition function, a next function, and an optional transformation function ...
  62. Generates a list of values given four functions that generate the initial value {0}, test against a condition {1}, and if ...
  63. Get a link or embed code that you can place on a website, or send in email. Your report may be featured in a public gallery. ...
  64. Get insights into your business by connecting Power BI with QuickBooks Online. Connect Power BI to QuickBooks Online using ...
  65. Get insights into your business by connecting Power BI with QuickBooks Online. Connect Power BI to QuickBooks Online using ...
  66. Get insights into your business by connecting to QuickBooks Online with this Power BI content pack. With your QuickBooks ...
  67. Get insights into your work with the Smartsheet content pack for Power BI. This content pack gives you a comprehensive view ...
  68. Get more from Maps with new experiences provided by Esri. You can create rich maps and analyze them with unique interactions ...
  69. Get the day component of a date , datetime , or datetimezone value representing the date and time of 5/14/2011 05:00:00 PM. ...
  70. Get the most from your Salesforce data by letting Power BI build a custom dashboard. You also have the option to import your ...
  71. Gets the relationships among a set of tables. The set {0} is assumed to have a structure similar to that of a navigation ...
  72. Given a pair of columns representing attribute-value pairs, rotates the data in the attribute column into a column headings. ...
  73. Given a {0}, where a {1} is a list of values, splits the list into a row for each value. Values in the other columns are ...
  74. Given the cardinality of Association End Member {0}, it should be mapped to key columns of the table {1}. Either fix the ...
  75. Given the {1} of records in the input {0}, creates a table with a column for each field in the record. Optionally, {3} may ...