Formats the numeric value {0} to a text value according to the format specified by {1}. The following format parameters may be used for {1}.
- "D" or "d": (Decimal) Formats the result as integer digits with an optional negative sign. The precision specifier controls the number of digits in the output.
- "E" or "e": (Exponential [scientific]) Exponential notation. The precision specifier controls the maximum number of decimal digits (default is 6).
- "F" or "f": (Fixed-point) Integral and decimal digits with optional negative sign.
- "G" or "g": (General) Most compact form of either fixed-point or scientific.
- "N" or "n": (Number) Integral and decimal digits with group separators and a decimal separator with optional negative sign.
- "P" or "p": (Percent) Number multiplied by 100 and displayed with a percent symbol.
- "R" or "r": (Round-trip) A text value that can round-trip an identical number. The precision specifier is ignored.
- "X" or "x": (Hexadecimal) A hexadecimal text value.
For use with TimeSeriesData only: A positive integer that sets the number of forecast points. Set 0 for no forecast, or when ...
Forces the algorithm to use the indicated columns as regressors in the regression formula regardless of their importance ...
Forecast can't be created because the timeline isn't evenly spaced. The dates or numbers in a valid timeline must have a ...
Forecast model '%{name/}' cannot be created because a model, a table or a table variable with the same name already exists. ...
Formats the numeric value {0} to a text value according to the format specified by {1}. The following format parameters may ...
Formats the numeric value {0} to a text value according to the format specified by {1}. The format is a single character ...
FullGlobe cannot have internal elements and must be the only object in the instance. Remove any other objects in the same ...
FullGlobe instances cannot be objects in the GeometryCollection. GeometryCollections can contain the following instances: ...
Function %{funcName/} expects a fully qaulified column reference as argument number %{iArg/}, when it's used within EVALUATE. ...