Power BI

  1. Column '%{IWColumnName/}' in Table '%{IWTableName/}' contains blank values and this is not allowed for columns on the one ...
  2. Column '%{IWColumnName/}' of table '%{IWTableName/}' has a RowNumberBinding, but the type of the attribute is not RowNumber. ...
  3. Column '%{table/}'['%{column/}' does not have IsUnique attribute set, and cannot be used as a key column in a One to One ...
  4. Column '{0}' in DataSet '{1}' cannot be found in physical Sql database. Column matching is case sensitive. Column '{2}' appears ...
  5. Column '{1}' contains 'NULL' value thus cannot be used as '{0}' for Azure Table. Check the data in column '{1}' or remove ...
  6. Column reference to '%{column/}' in table '%{table/}' cannot be used with a variation '%{variationColumn/}' because it does ...
  7. Column segment data size is incorrect for table '%{IMBITableId/}'. Either the partition file '%{strPartFileName/}' is corrupt ...
  8. Column segment data size is incorrect for table '%{IMBITableId/}'. Either the partition file '%{strPartFileName/}' is corrupt ...
  9. Column segment data size is incorrect for table '%{IWTableName/}'. Either the partition file '%{strPartFileName/}' is corrupt ...
  10. Column segment data size is incorrect for table '%{IWTableName/}'. Either the partition file '%{strPartFileName/}' is corrupt ...
  11. Column Usage cannot be set to DAX Usage on non-Tabular Models. Attribute '%{property/}' has Column Usage set to DAX Usage. ...
  12. Column {0} is used in a Not Null condition but it is mapped to a property {1} which is nullable. Consider making this property ...
  13. column/} is not a valid reference to a column in a table. Please provide a table name in front of the column name or fix ...
  14. ColumnName/}' in table '%{TableName/}' is a calculated column and cannot be used in model with DirectQuery mode enabled. ...
  15. Columns of Binary type cannot be used in user defined hierarchies. The column '%{column/}' in the table '%{table/}' is defined ...
  16. Columns of Binary type cannot be used in user defined hierarchies. The column '%{IWColumnName/}' in the table '%{IWTableName/}' ...
  17. Columns of type Binary cannot be used in user-defined hierarchies. The column '%{column/}' in table '%{table/}' is defined ...
  18. Columns with Column Usage set to DAX Usage cannot be used in the Where, Order By or Distinct clauses when Query mode is set ...
  19. Command InternalProcessPartitions is supported only by server running in VertiPaq mode and AzureMode with ScaleOut enabled. ...
  20. Commit operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to materialize cell writebacks and modify the contents of the ...
  21. Compares the value of a numeric expression in one period to a previous period, as a percentage of the previous period's value. ...
  22. Component Services (COM+ 1.0) are not installed on this computer. This installation requires Component Services in order ...
  23. Compresses a binary value using the given compression type. The result of this call is a compressed copy of the input. Compression ...
  24. Compressing segment %d{segment/} of column '%{IMBIColumnId/}' for the '%{IMBITableId/}' table '%{IMBIPartitionId/}' partition ...
  25. Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table '%{IMBIPartitionId/}' partition completed in '%d{steps/}' ...
  26. Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table '%{IMBIPartitionId/}' partition completed in '%d{steps/}' ...
  27. Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table completed in '%d{steps/}' steps with '%d{clusters/}' ...
  28. Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table completed in '%d{steps/}' steps with '%d{clusters/}' ...
  29. Compute the product of the values in column a and column b in the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 3, b = 4], a = 5, b = 6]}) ...
  30. Computes the density of the list {0} by creating a table of records that reports the count for each value. An optional equation ...
  31. Computes the distribution of values in the list {0}, into a table of buckets. These buckets include Start, Center, and End ...
  32. comScore Digital Analytix allows customers to discover and analyze key business metrics. The Power BI content pack allows ...
  33. Condition cannot be specified for Column member '{0}' because it is marked with a 'Computed' or 'Identity' StoreGeneratedPattern. ...
  34. Condition member '{0}' with a condition other than 'IsNull=False' is mapped. Either remove the condition on {0} or remove ...
  35. Connect and explore your appFigures data in Power BI. The appFigures content pack automatically creates a dashboard where ...
  36. Connect and explore your appFigures data in Power BI. The out of box dashboard allows you to monitor and explore data about ...
  37. Connect to Microsoft's organizational data of Windows and Windows Phone UserVoice feedback to get a quick and up-to-date ...
  38. Connect to Microsoft's organizational data of Windows and Windows Phone UserVoice feedback to get a quick and up-to-date ...
  39. Connect to Microsoft's organizational data to gain insights into Headcount, Average Directs and Anniversaries. You will get ...
  40. Connect to Microsoft's organizational data to gain insights into headcount, average directs and anniversaries. You will get ...
  41. Connect to Microsoft's organizational data to gain insights into Microsoft IT Applications' adoption of latest technologies ...
  42. Connect to Microsoft's organizational data to gain insights into the summary of calls that are made to the DCU every day ...
  43. Connect to Microsoft's organizational data to gain insights into the summary of calls that are made to the DCU every day ...
  44. Connect to the data in your workbook on OneDrive so you can create Power BI reports and dashboards for it. Data is automatically ...
  45. Connect to the data in your workbook on SharePoint so you can create Power BI reports and dashboards for it. Data is automatically ...
  46. Connect to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account for access to insights about your opportunities, accounts, and more. This ...
  47. Connect to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account for immediate access to insights about your opportunities, accounts, and more. ...
  48. Connect to your Microsoft Dynamics NAV instance and immediately gain access to business performance insights. The app is ...
  49. Connect to your Salesforce account and select one or more of your Salesforce reports. The reports will be imported into separate ...
  50. Connecting to Acumatica directly from Power BI allows you to access powerful business insights. Log in to Power BI using ...
  51. Connecting to SparkPost directly from Power BI allows you to access powerful insights about email. Log in to Power BI using ...
  52. Connecting to this data source is not supported in DirectQuery mode. The only supported Spark data source is Microsoft Azure ...
  53. Connection cannot be created for the following Files: {0} Reason: The files are either an invalid Office Data Connection ...
  54. Connection cannot be created for the following Files: {0} Reason: The files are either an invalid Office Data Connection ...
  55. Connection encryption for '{0}' is not supported in DirectQuery mode. Turn off encryption for this data source or switch ...
  56. Connection Page is not available. Please switch to use 'All' properties tab page to set the properties of connection string. ...
  57. Connection string used for set credentials does not match the connection string you are trying to save. Please revert the ...
  58. ConnectionString, Account or Password properties cannot be specified for datasource '%{Datasource/}' that has 'Structured' ...
  59. Connects to the data source using the credentials specified on the Analysis Services database that contains the data source. ...
  60. Consolidate partitions for measure groups with {0} or more partitions that have less than {1} million rows or are smaller ...
  61. Contact Microsoft Product Support to report the problem. For more information about this rule, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=208180 ...
  62. contains one or more Power View sheets that connect to an external Analysis Services server, which is not currently supported. ...
  63. Content not valid - The conceptual side Member or Property '{0}' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace. ...
  64. Controls the default normalization algorithm for the PredictCaseLikelihood() function when invoked with no parameters or ...
  65. Controls the normalization of continuous attributes. Setting this value to 1 causes all continuous attributes to be normalized ...
  66. Controls the threshold at which the algorithm detects instability in variances in the ARTXP time series algorithm and stops ...
  67. Converts a binary value to a list of text values split at lines breaks. If a delimiter is specified, then line breaks may ...
  68. Converts a binary value to a list of text values split at lines breaks. If a quote style is specified, then line breaks may ...
  69. Converts a list of any count into a list of a specified count by padding the list with a default value if the list is too ...
  70. Converts a list of text into a binary value using the specified encoding and lineSeparator.The specified lineSeparator is ...
  71. Converts a list of text into a single text. The specified lineSeparator is appended to each line. If not specified then the ...
  72. Converts a list, {0} into a table by applying the optional splitting function, {1}, to each item in the list. By default, ...
  73. Converts a text value to a list of text values split at lines breaks. If includeLineSeparators is true, then the line break ...
  74. Converts a text value to a list of text values split at lines breaks. If includeLineSeparators is true, then the line break ...
  75. Copies of query preview results are stored on your local disk for faster viewing later. You can clear this cache or configure ...