.NET Framework

  1. Cannot determine the item type of dictionary type '{0}' because it has more than one Add method or IDictionary implementation. ...
  2. Cannot determine the positional parameters for type '{0}' because it has more than one constructor overload with '{1}' parameters. ...
  3. Cannot directly modify the collection of Web Parts. Instead, use the WebPartManager.AddWebPart() or WebPartManager.DeleteWebPart() ...
  4. Cannot download file group after the application has been updated. Restart the application before attempting the download. ...
  5. Cannot embed interop type '%1!ls!' found in both assembly '%2!ls!' and '%3!ls!'. Consider setting the 'Embed Interop Types' ...
  6. Cannot embed interop type '|1' because the source interface '|2' referenced by its ComEventInterfaceAttribute cannot be found. ...
  7. Cannot embed interop type '|1' found in both assembly '|2' and '|3'. Consider setting the 'Embed Interop Types' property ...
  8. Cannot embed interop types from assembly '%1!ls!' because it is missing either the '%2!ls!' attribute or the '%3!ls!' attribute ...
  9. Cannot enable network support because Network DTC Access is disabled, or both Inbound and Outbound communication are disabled. ...
  10. Cannot enlist in the distributed transaction because an existing transaction is in progress on the connection. Finish existing ...
  11. Cannot enlist in the transaction because a local transaction is in progress on the connection. Finish local transaction and ...
  12. Cannot enlist in the transaction because the connection is the primary connection for a delegated or promoted transaction. ...
  13. Cannot explicitly load {0} for entities that are detached. Objects loaded using the NoTracking merge option are always detached. ...
  14. Cannot explicitly modify Children collection of Panel used as ItemsPanel for ItemsControl. ItemsControl generates child elements ...
  15. cannot expose type '|2' used in the underlying delegate type '|3' of the event it is implementing outside the project through ...
  16. cannot expose type '|2' used in the underlying delegate type '|3' of the event it is implementing to |4 '|5' through |6 '|7'. ...
  17. Cannot extract personalization data for '{0}', because personalization data was never applied to this control. Ensure that ...
  18. Cannot find a token authenticator for the '{0}' token type. Tokens of that type cannot be accepted according to current security ...
  19. Cannot find all types required by the 'async' modifier. Are you targeting the wrong framework version, or missing a reference ...
  20. Cannot find all types required by the 'Async' modifier. Are you targeting the wrong framework version, or missing a reference ...
  21. Cannot find assembly information referred to in Mapping instruction. BAML stream might be corrupted or BAML version is incompatible ...
  22. Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder '{0}' in the master page '{1}', verify content control's ContentPlaceHolderID attribute in ...
  23. Cannot find ShowInOutlineViewAttribute promoted property '{0}' on type: '{1}'. Specify an existing property of type: '{1}' ...
  24. Cannot find stub method '%1' in '%2' as specified in ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute. Please make sure the stub method ...
  25. Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', ...
  26. Cannot find The X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', ...
  27. Cannot find type '{0}'. The assembly used when compiling might be different than that used when loading and the type is missing. ...
  28. Cannot find xaml hosting section in the configuration file. Please make sure this section has been added correctly or the ...
  29. Cannot get stream with FileMode.Create, FileMode.CreateNew, FileMode.Truncate, FileMode.Append when access is FileAccess.Read. ...
  30. Cannot have more than one binding on property '{0}' on '{1}'. Ensure that this property is not bound through an implicit ...
  31. Cannot have more than one resource binding on attribute '{0}'. Ensure that this attribute is not bound through an implicit ...
  32. Cannot have two new namespaces compatible with the same old namespace using an XmlnsCompatibility attribute. '{0}' namespace ...
  33. Cannot have two operations in the same contract with the same name, methods {0} and {1} in type {2} violate this rule. You ...
  34. Cannot implement '|1.|2' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation for '|3.|2' for some type arguments. ...
  35. Cannot implement interface '|1' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation of another implemented ...
  36. Cannot import the policy. The value of the attribute '{0}' must be either 'true', 'false', '1' or '0'. The following error ...
  37. Cannot import the security policy. The protection requirements for the secure conversation bootstrap binding are not supported. ...
  38. Cannot import type '{0}' in namespace '{1}' as its base type because derived type is ISerializable but the base type is not ...
  39. Cannot infer a common type for the first and second operands of the binary 'If' operator. One must have a widening conversion ...
  40. Cannot infer a common type for the second and third operands of the 'If' operator. One must have a widening conversion to ...
  41. Cannot infer a return type because more than one type is possible. Consider adding an 'As' clause to specify the return type. ...
  42. Cannot infer an element type because more than one type is possible. Specifying the type of the array might correct this ...
  43. Cannot infer an element type, and Option Strict On does not allow 'Object' to be assumed. Specifying the type of the array ...
  44. Cannot inherit interface '%1!ls!' with the specified type parameters because it causes method '%2!ls!' to contain overloads ...
  45. Cannot inherit interface '|1' because it could be identical to interface '|2' from which the interface '|3' inherits for ...
  46. Cannot inherit interface '|1' because the interface '|2' from which it inherits could be identical to interface '|3' for ...
  47. Cannot inherit interface '|1' because the interface '|2' from which it inherits could be identical to interface '|3' from ...
  48. Cannot inherit two different operations with the same name, operation '{0}' from contracts '{1}' and '{2}' violate this rule. ...
  49. Cannot initialize type '%1!ls!' with a collection initializer because it does not implement 'System.Collections.IEnumerable' ...
  50. Cannot install the #(loc.Branding_ProductName). Other applications on your computer are not compatible with this program. ...
  51. Cannot LDFTN a non-final virtual method for delegate creation if target object is potentially not the same type as the method ...
  52. Cannot load dynamically generated serialization assembly. In some hosting environments assembly load functionality is restricted, ...
  53. Cannot load the requested template. Select a different template and contact your network administrator or support personnel. ...
  54. Cannot load the stylesheet object referenced by URI '{0}', because the provided XmlResolver returned an object of type '{1}'. ...
  55. Cannot make this application an online application because the previous version is installed. To install this application ...
  56. Cannot make this change because constraints are enforced on relation {0}, and changing this value will strand child rows. ...
  57. Cannot match new Activity '{0}' with old Activity '{1}' because their declarers do not match. The new Activity is declared ...
  58. Cannot match new Variable '{0}' with old Variable '{1}' because their owners do not match. The new Variable is owned by '{2}' ...
  59. Cannot modify channel parameters because the {0} is in the {1} state. This operation is only supported in the Created state. ...
  60. Cannot modify the controls collection of a GenericWebPart. To create a new GenericWebPart, use the WebPartManager.CreateWebPart() ...
  61. Cannot monitor EntryWritten events for this EventLog. This might be because the EventLog is on a remote machine which is ...
  62. Cannot navigate to application resource '{0}' by using a WebBrowser control. For URI navigation, the resource must be at ...
  63. Cannot navigate to application resource '{0}' by using a WebBrowser control. For URI navigation, the resource must be at ...
  64. Cannot nest a System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity containing a PersistOnClose attribute within a System.Activities.S ...
  65. Cannot nest a System.Workflow.ComponentModel.TransactionScopeActivity within a System.Activities.Statements.TransactionScopeActivity ...
  66. Cannot open '{0}'. The Uri parameter must be a relative path pointing to content inside the Silverlight application's XAP ...
  67. Cannot open a designer for the file because the class within it does not inherit from a class that can be visually designed. ...
  68. Cannot perform ControlArray.AddCopy() because the ControlArray is empty. Add the control you want copied to the first position ...
  69. Cannot perform this operation on an AutomationElement that contains only cached data. The requested operation requires a ...
  70. Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while calling the default constructor on the type '{1}'. ...
  71. Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while reading the IsReadOnly property on the type '{1}'. ...
  72. Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because an exception occurred while trying to access the collection value. If the collection ...
  73. Cannot populate the collection '{0}' because it does not implement ICollection or is read-only. If the collection is not ...
  74. Cannot populate the value of enumerable member '{0}' because it is null (Nothing in Visual Basic). If the collection is not ...
  75. Cannot pre-generate serialization assembly for type '{0}'. Pre-generation of serialization assemblies is not supported for ...