.NET Framework

  1. Collection type cannot be generated for type '{0}' from namespace '{1}'. Rename the type to '{2}' in namespace '{3}' or reference ...
  2. ColorBlend objects must be constructed with the same number of positions and color values. Positions must be between 0.0 ...
  3. Column and row spanning: If you want a control to span multiple rows or columns, set the RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties ...
  4. Column and row spanning: If you want a control to span multiple rows or columns, set the RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties ...
  5. Column {0} is used in a Not Null condition but it is mapped to a property {1} which is nullable. Consider making this property ...
  6. Columns AutoSize mode cannot be based exclusively on the headers because the column headers are invisible and at least one ...
  7. Columns AutoSize mode cannot be set to Fill because at least one visible column would inherit this AutoSize mode and is frozen. ...
  8. COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used. The COM object was released while it was still ...
  9. COM Reference '{0}' is the interop assembly for ActiveX control '{1}' but was marked to be linked by the compiler with the ...
  10. COM register method has an invalid signature (method: '%hs'; type: '%hs'). The COM register method must have a single string ...
  11. COM+: A method call failed.%r From: %1%r App ID: %2%r CLSID: %3%r IID: %4%r Action: %5%r Surrogate: %6%r Instance ID: %7%r ...
  12. COM+: A method call failed.%r From: %1%r App ID: %2%r CLSID: %3%r IID: %4%r Action: %5%r Surrogate: %6%r Instance ID: %7%r ...
  13. COM+: An error occurred while importing the type library.%r IID: %1%r Type library ID: %2%r Exception: %3%r Process Name: ...
  14. COM+: An error occurred while importing the type library.%r IID: %1%r Type library ID: %2%r Exception: %3%r Process Name: ...
  15. COM+: An error occurred while starting the DllHost initializer.%r AppId: %1%r Exception: %2%r Process Name: %3%r Process ...
  16. COM+: An error occurred while starting the DllHost initializer.%r AppId: %1%r Exception: %2%r Process Name: %3%r Process ...
  17. COM+: An error occurred while starting the service.%r AppId: %1%r ClsId: %2%r Surrogate: %3%r Exception: %4%r Process Name: ...
  18. COM+: An error occurred while starting the service.%r AppId: %1%r ClsId: %2%r Surrogate: %3%r Exception: %4%r Process Name: ...
  19. COM+:An error occurred while creating a COM instance.%r From: %1%r App ID: %2%r CLSID: %3%r Incoming Transaction ID: %4%r ...
  20. COM+:An error occurred while creating a COM instance.%r From: %1%r App ID: %2%r CLSID: %3%r Incoming Transaction ID: %4%r ...
  21. Combining FileMode: {0} with FileSystemRights: {1} is invalid. FileMode.Truncate is valid only when used with FileSystemRights.Write. ...
  22. Common reasons for this problem include that the server is not installed, the service is not started or the server is upgrading ...
  23. Compensate activity '{0}' with an unset 'Target' InArgument can only be used within the context of a Compensation/Confirmation/Cancellation ...
  24. Compilation failures occurred: {0}Complete results are contained in the Data property of this exception. Please correct the ...
  25. CompilerParameters.GenerateExecutable and CompilerParameters.CompilerOptions specify incompatible target types;;The value ...
  26. Compilers inline accesses to constants, and as such transparency enforcement is not done for them since there is no runtime ...
  27. CompileToMethod cannot compile constant '{0}' because it is a non-trivial value, such as a live object. Instead, create an ...
  28. Completing the Security Setup Wizard You have successfully completed the Security Setup Wizard. To complete this wizard and ...
  29. Complex content restriction or extension should consist of zero or one of 'group', 'choice', 'sequence', or 'all'; followed ...
  30. ComPlus:Method call transaction mismatch.%r Incoming Transaction ID: %1%r Current Transaction ID: %2%r From: %3%r App ID: ...
  31. ComPlus:Method call transaction mismatch.%r Incoming Transaction ID: %1%r Current Transaction ID: %2%r From: %3%r App ID: ...
  32. Component of type {0} could not be created. Make sure the type implements IComponent and provides an appropriate public constructor. ...
  33. Component Services (COM+ 1.0) are not installed on this computer. This installation requires Component Services in order ...
  34. Components cannot be added in localization mode. Select (Default) in the Language property to return to the default form ...
  35. ComposablePartDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only part definitions produced by the ReflectionM ...
  36. CompositeActivity '{0}' status is currently '{1}'. Dynamic modifications are allowed only when the activity status is 'Initialized' ...
  37. CompositeActivity '{0}' status is currently '{1}'. Workflow changes are allowed only when the activity status is 'Initialized' ...
  38. CompositeActivity '{0}' status is currently '{1}'. Workflow changes are allowed only when the activity status is 'Initialized', ...
  39. CompositeActivity '{0}' status is currently '{1}'. Workflow changes for '{2}' activity are allowed only when the activity ...
  40. CompositeActivity cannot transition to 'Closed' status when there are active child context still exist for child activity. ...
  41. CompositeCollectionView only supports NotifyCollectionChangeAction.Reset when the collection is empty or is being cleared. ...
  42. Condition cannot be specified for Column member '{0}' because it is marked with a 'Computed' or 'Identity' StoreGeneratedPattern. ...
  43. Condition member '{0}' with a condition other than 'IsNull=False' is mapped. Either remove the condition on {0} or remove ...
  44. Configuration binding extension '{0}' could not be found. Verify that this binding extension is properly registered in s ...
  45. Configuration data for the NetPipeSection has been read: maxConnectionsPendingDispatch is '{0}', maxPendingAccepts is '{1}', ...
  46. Configuration data for the NetTcpSection has been read: listenBacklog is '{0}', maxConnectionsPendingDispatch is '{1}', maxPendingAccepts ...
  47. Configuration endpoint extension '{0}' could not be found. Verify that this endpoint extension is properly registered in ...
  48. Configuration error. Either the '{0}' or the '{1}' attribute must be specified for the relativeAddress '{2}' under section ...
  49. Configuration files exist within a hierarchy. The configuration settings for an individual Web site are inherited from configuration ...
  50. Configuration for known types (in the system.runtime.serialization section group, dataContractSerializer section) contains ...
  51. Configuration for known types (in the system.runtime.serialization section group, dataContractSerializer section) contains ...
  52. Configuration for known types (in the system.runtime.serialization section group, dataContractSerializer section) contains ...
  53. Configuration for known types (in the system.runtime.serialization section group, dataContractSerializer section) contains ...
  54. Configuration section '{0}' cannot be instantiated under a partially trusted security policy (AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute ...
  55. Configuration settings for the Microsoft .NET Framework-based applications are stored in XML formatted .config files, which ...
  56. ConfigurationSection cannot be edited before being added to a section group belonging to an instance of class Configuration. ...
  57. ConfigurationSection properties can not be edited for the parent section of another section (ie. a section retrieved by calling ...
  58. ConfigurationSection properties cannot be edited when locked but they can be unlocked by explicitly setting SectionInforamtion.OverrideMode ...
  59. ConfigurationSectionGroup cannot be edited before being added to a section group belonging to an instance of class Configuration. ...
  60. Configured assemblies are the set of assemblies from the assembly cache that have an associated set of rules. These rules ...
  61. Configured assemblies are the set of assemblies from the assembly cache that have an associated set of rules. These rules ...
  62. Configured settings are invalid: Hashed passwords cannot be retrieved. Either set the password format to different type, ...
  63. Configured settings are invalid: Hashed passwords cannot be retrieved. Either set the password format to different type, ...
  64. Confirm activity '{0}' with an unset 'Target' InArgument can only be used within the context of a Compensation/Confirmation/Cancellation ...
  65. Confirm that you want to permanently delete all cards from Windows CardSpace. If you continue, all cards will be deleted ...
  66. Connecting lines used to visually communicate sequencing between activity designers inside {0} activity in the workflow. ...
  67. Connecting to a SQL Server instance using the MultiSubnetFailover connection option is only supported when using the TCP ...
  68. Connecting to via {0} timed out after {1}. Connection attempts were made to {2} of {3} available addresses ({4}). Check the ...
  69. Connecting with the MultiSubnetFailover connection option to a SQL Server instance configured with more than 64 IP addresses ...
  70. Connection open and login was successful, but then an error occurred while enlisting the connection into the current distributed ...
  71. Connection string. Instead of specifying a user name, password, and server name, specify a SQL Server connection string. ...
  72. Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed at the start of the login phase. This could be because of insufficient ...
  73. Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed at the start of the pre-login phase. This could be because of insufficient ...
  74. Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed during the post-login phase. The connection could have timed out while ...
  75. Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while attempting to authenticate the login. This could be because ...