.NET Framework

  1. A value that indicates the time delay between retry cycles when attempting to deliver a message that could not be delivered ...
  2. A value that specifies whether messages are traced at the service level (before encryption and transport-related transforms). ...
  3. A variable, RuntimeArgument or a DelegateArgument already exists with the name '{0}'. Names must be unique within an environment ...
  4. A violation of acknowledgement protocol has been detected. An InvalidAcknowledgement fault was sent to the remote endpoint ...
  5. A WaitForEvents or BeginWaitForEvents operation timed out after {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a ...
  6. A WebHost HTTP exception occurred.%r Sender Information: %1%r HtmlErrorMessage:%r %2%r Exception: %3%r Process Name: %4%r ...
  7. A WebHost HTTP exception occurred.%r Sender Information: %1%r HtmlErrorMessage:%r %2%r Exception: %3%r Process Name: %4%r ...
  8. A well-known object cannot marshal itself in its constructor, or perform any action that would cause it to be marshaled (such ...
  9. A Windows hotfix or later service pack is required on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 to use WS-AtomicTransaction and ...
  10. A Windows hotfix or later service pack is required on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 to use WS-AtomicTransaction and ...
  11. A Windows hotfix or later service pack is required on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 to ...
  12. A Windows service cannot be installed on this operating system. It can only be installed on Windows NT, Windows 2000, or ...
  13. A WindowsFormsHost cannot be rotated. To suppress this error, handle the LayoutError event and set ThrowException to false. ...
  14. A workflow cannot be prepared for runtime if any of SingleLevel, SkipValidatingRootConfiguration or OnlyUseAdditionalConstraints ...
  15. A workflow instance can only be configured with a single SymbolResolver. There is already a SymbolResolver in the WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager. ...
  16. A wsdl:binding element in a DESCRIPTION MUST specify the HTTP transport protocol with SOAP binding. Specifically, the transport ...
  17. A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST NOT use the attribute named parts on contained soapbind:header and soapbind:headerfault ...
  18. A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, in each of its soapbind:header, soapbind:headerfault and soapbind:fault elements, ...
  19. A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST use the attribute named part with a schema type of "NMTOKEN" on all contained soapbind:header ...
  20. A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST use the value of "literal" for the use attribute in all soapbind:body, soapbind:fault, ...
  21. A {0} message with messageId='{1}' and relatesTo='{2}' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because either the corresponding ...
  22. A {0} message with messageId='{1}' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because it did not have the DiscoveryMessageSequence ...
  23. A {0} message with messageId='{1}' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because the corresponding {2} operation was completed. ...
  24. A {0} message with messageId='{1}' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because the message header did not contain the required ...
  25. AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's EntityKey value is null or is not a temporary key. This can happen when ...
  26. AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager. Make ...
  27. Access denied. You might not have administrative credentials to perform this task. Contact your system administrator for ...
  28. Access modifier '|1' is not valid. The access modifier of 'Get' and 'Set' should be more restrictive than the property access ...
  29. Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not ...
  30. Access to member '%1!ls!' through a 'base' keyword from an anonymous method or iterator results in unverifiable code. Consider ...
  31. Access to member '%1!ls!' through a 'base' keyword from an anonymous method, lambda expression, query expression, or iterator ...
  32. Access to performance counters is denied. Application may be running in partial trust. Either disable performance counters ...
  33. Access to the temp directory is denied. Identity '{0}' under which XmlSerializer is running does not have sufficient permission ...
  34. Access to the temp directory is denied. The process under which XmlSerializer is running does not have sufficient permission ...
  35. Access to windows management instrumentation (WMI) is denied. Application may be running in partial trust. Either disable ...
  36. Accessor '%1!ls!' cannot implement interface member '%2!ls!' for type '%3!ls!'. Use an explicit interface implementation. ...
  37. Accessor validation was deferred and was performed while the method returned data. The binding was invalid for this column ...
  38. Action being performed on this control is being called from the wrong thread. Marshal to the correct thread using Control.Invoke ...
  39. Activation failed due to a Windows Side-by-Side error. System Event Log may contain some more information about this failure. ...
  40. ActiveViewIndex is being set to '{0}'. It must be smaller than the current number of View controls '{1}'. For dynamically ...
  41. ActiveX control must have at least one ContainerControl in its parent hierarchy to be properly instantiated. Set the ContainingControl ...
  42. ActiveX control named '{0}' already exists in this container. Change or set the "Name" property for this ActiveX control ...
  43. Activity '{0}' attempted to directly schedule the ActivityDelegate handler activity '{1}'. ActivityDelegate handlers cannot ...
  44. Activity '{0}' cannot access this public location reference because it is only valid for activity '{1}'. Only the activity ...
  45. Activity '{0}' cannot access this variable because it is declared at the scope of activity '{1}'. An activity can only access ...
  46. Activity '{0}' cannot add a match for Activity '{1}' because it is not its declarer. The matched Activity is declared by ...
  47. Activity '{0}' cannot add a match for Variable '{1}' because it is not its owner. The matched Variable is owned by '{2}'. ...
  48. Activity '{0}' cannot add a variable match because the two variables' signatures don't match. The signature including Name, ...
  49. Activity '{0}' cannot call GetLocation on this public location reference because it was created CodeActivityPublicEnviro ...
  50. Activity '{0}' cannot define arguments other than the built-in Result argument and also declare access to public locations ...
  51. Activity '{0}' cannot read from this public location reference because it was declared with ArgumentDirection.Out. To allow ...
  52. Activity '{0}' cannot write to this public location reference because it was declared with ArgumentDirection.In. To allow ...
  53. Activity '{0}' has multiple runtime arguments with evaluation order set to '{1}'. Runtime argument evaluation order values ...
  54. Activity '{0}' in DynamicUpdateMapBuilder.DisallowUpdateInside is not a public member of DynamicUpdateMapBuilder.UpdatedWorkflowDefinition. ...
  55. Activity '{0}' is invalid. Activities that support DataContext can not be used in this workflow because the root activity ...
  56. Activity '{0}' is invalid. NativeActivity derived activities that do asynchronous operations by calling one of the CreateBookmark ...
  57. Activity '{0}' is not a public member of updatedWorkflowDefinition. Please make sure this activity is part of the updated ...
  58. Activity '{0}' may not be executed before activity '{1}'. The binding properties of such activities may result in unexpected ...
  59. Activity execution status must be 'Executing', 'Canceling', 'Faulting' OR 'Compensating' to perform operations on a child ...
  60. Activity must be an ICompiledExpressionRoot to determine expression id. Make sure that the current definition has been compiled. ...
  61. activity must be contained in an '{1}' or '{2}' activity that is contained inside a '{3}' or a '{4}'-based custom activity. ...
  62. Activity with DisplayName='{0}' has an argument named '{1}' that is a Message or MessageContract. ReceiveParametersContent ...
  63. Activity with DisplayName='{0}' has an argument named '{1}' that is a Message or MessageContract. SendParametersContent does ...
  64. ActivityBind path '{0}' resolves to WorkflowParameterBinding.Value on Activity '{1}' whose type is System.Object. Expected ...
  65. ActivityDelegate '{0}' is already parented by activity '{1}' and cannot be parented by activity '{2}'. A delegate can only ...
  66. ActivityDelegate arguments don't match. Check your activity configuration to make sure it is in sync with the declared ActivityDelegate. ...
  67. ActivityDelegateParameter '{0}' cannot be modified. The ActivityDelegate which uses it has been locked. An ActivityDelegate ...
  68. Add a user by entering the user's ID, password, and e-mail on this page. You can also specify a question with an answer that ...
  69. Add another assembly to the Configured Assemblies list. After the assembly has been added, double-click the assembly in the ...
  70. Add New Access Rules You can optionally add access rules to control access to the whole Web site or to individual folders. ...
  71. Add one or more conditions to the WHERE clause for the statement. For each condition you can specify either a literal value ...
  72. Add one or more conditions to the Where expression. For each condition you can specify either a literal value or a parameterized ...
  73. Add Setting was unable to add the setting '{0}'. Please navigate to the settings file using the solution explorer and add ...
  74. Add-in Adapter {0} defines a constructor that doesn't take one parameter. This constructor can't be used in the add-in model. ...
  75. Add-In deployment cache updating utility AddInUtil -PipelineRoot: -AddInRoot: -Rebuild -Silent This tool updates the cache ...