.NET Framework

  1. ChangePasswordTemplate contains an IEditableTextControl with ID {1} for the username, this is not allowed if DisplayUserName=false. ...
  2. ChangePasswordTemplate does not contain an IEditableTextControl with ID {1} for the username, this is required if DisplayUserName=true. ...
  3. Changing an inline default value with information from the additional default values is not supported; the default value ...
  4. Changing both AllowOverride and OverrideMode is not supported for compatibility reasons. Please use only one or the other. ...
  5. Changing the base type of an activity which contains child activities will lead to the loss of the child activities. Continue ...
  6. Changing the Framework version requires a restart of the W3SVC service. Alternatively, you can change the Framework version ...
  7. Changing the result type of a query in a MethodExpression is not supported. Expected a return value of type 'IEnumerable ...
  8. Changing Theme location requires updating the relative paths associated with images. Not updating the paths might result ...
  9. Changing Theme location requires updating the relative paths associated with images. Not updating the paths might result ...
  10. Channel requirements cannot be met by the ChannelFactory for Binding '{0}' since the contract requires support for one of ...
  11. ChannelDispatcher requirements cannot be met by the IChannelListener for Binding '{0}' since the contract requires support ...
  12. ChannelFactory does not support the contract {0} as it defines a callback contract with one or more operations. Please consider ...
  13. Char' values cannot be converted to '|1'. Use 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.AscW' to interpret a character as a Unicode value or ...
  14. CharacterMetrics is not valid. The horizontal advance (defined as the sum of BlackBoxWidth, LeftSideBearing, and RightSideBearing) ...
  15. CharacterMetrics is not valid. The vertical advance (defined as the sum of BlackBoxHeight, TopSideBearing, and BottomSideBearing) ...
  16. Characters that can be used to create custom numeric format strings: '0' - Zero placeholder, '#' - Digit placeholder, '.' ...
  17. Chart Area Axes - The chart area contains incompatible chart types. For example, bar charts and column charts cannot exist ...
  18. Chart Preview is not available. An action that you have performed has caused failure in Chart Preview. Please try to undo ...
  19. CheckBoxField '{0}' contains a control that isn't a CheckBox. Override OnDataBindField to inherit from CheckBoxField and ...
  20. CheckConditionalRetrieve() can not be used with the HTTP method '{0}'. Only the HTTP methods GET and HEAD are valid with ...
  21. CheckConditionalUpdate() can not be used with the HTTP method '{0}'. Only the HTTP methods PUT, POST and DELETE are valid ...
  22. Child activities cannot be scheduled while setting up an isolation block. Wait for the OnEntered BookmarkCallback to be called ...
  23. Choice is not supported with encoded SOAP. Please change definition of schema type '{0}' from namespace '{1}': use all or ...
  24. Choose a method of the business object that returns data to associate with the SELECT operation. The method can return a ...
  25. Choose a method of the business object that returns data to associate with the SELECT operation. The method can return a ...
  26. Choose a method of the business object to associate with the DELETE operation. The method should accept a parameter for each ...
  27. Choose a method of the business object to associate with the DELETE operation. The method should accept a parameter for each ...
  28. Choose a method of the business object to associate with the INSERT operation. The method should accept a parameter for each ...
  29. Choose a method of the business object to associate with the INSERT operation. The method should accept a parameter for each ...
  30. Choose a method of the business object to associate with the UPDATE operation. The method should accept a parameter for each ...
  31. Choose a method of the business object to associate with the UPDATE operation. The method should accept a parameter for each ...
  32. Choose the Configure ListView task to select a layout. Once the ItemTemplate and LayoutTemplate are created you may choose ...
  33. Choose the Configure ListView task to select a layout. Once the ItemTemplate is created you may choose a view from the Current ...
  34. Choose the policy level you would like to create. The new policy will contain the default policy for the selected level. ...
  35. Choose this option if your e-mail server requires you to explicitly pass a user name and password when sending an e-mail ...
  36. Circular assembly reference '%1!ls!' does not match the output assembly name '%2!ls!'. Try adding a reference to '%1!ls!' ...
  37. Circular loop was detected while serializing the properties. Complex property '{0}' has a value which causes the loop. Please ...
  38. Class '{0}' implements Interface '{1}', which is declared 'Friend'. Implementing 'Friend' interfaces is not allowed by Windows ...
  39. Class '|1' must declare a 'Sub New' because its base class '|2' does not have an accessible 'Sub New' that can be called ...
  40. Class '|1' must declare a 'Sub New' because its base class '|2' has more than one accessible 'Sub New' that can be called ...
  41. Class public method '{0}' has been made private, because it implements an interface method '{1}' with a different name, and ...
  42. Click a row to select a user and then click Edit user to view or change the user's password or other properties. To assign ...
  43. Click Continue to proceed without reinstalling the service pack and install all other available components. Click Download ...
  44. Click Download Component for information on where to obtain the correct service pack. After installing the service pack, ...
  45. Clicking this checkbox or changing any of the tracing settings below will immediately submit the page and apply the updated ...
  46. Client cannot determine the Service Principal Name based on the identity in the target address '{0}' for the purpose of SspiNegotiation/Kerberos. ...
  47. Client certificate is invalid with native error code {0} (see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=187517 for details). ...
  48. Client certificate is required. No certificate was found in the request. This might be because the client certificate could ...
  49. Client delegate did not provide a certificate; and there are not other user-provided certificates. Need to attempt a session ...
  50. Client is unable to finish the security negotiation within the configured timeout ({0}). The current negotiation leg is {1} ...
  51. Client side task-based asynchronous method must not have any out or ref parameters. Any data that would have been returned ...
  52. ClientCredentialType '{0}' can only be used on the server side, not the client side. Please use one of the following values ...
  53. ClientCredentialType.None is not valid for the TransportWithMessageCredential security mode. Specify a message credential ...
  54. Close message was received by client security session.TraceCodeSecurityClientSessionKeyRenewed=Client security session renewed ...
  55. Close these applications and click Retry to continue the installation. Selecting Ignore will result in a reboot at the end ...
  56. Close timed out after {0}. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Close or increase the CloseTimeout value on the ...
  57. CLR assembly '%2' was imported from a type library and cannot be re-exported to a type library. Make sure the type library ...
  58. CLR assembly '%s' was imported from a type library and cannot be re-exported to a type library. Make sure the type library ...
  59. CLR namespace '{2}' has already been mapped to data contract namespace '{0}'. It cannot be mapped to another data contract ...
  60. Code from a trusted zone is granted the Internet permission set. This permission set grants the right to use isolated storage ...
  61. Code group grants code from the Internet zone the Internet permission set. This permission set grants Internet code the right ...
  62. Code group grants the intranet permission set to code from the intranet zone. This permission set grants intranet code the ...
  63. Code statements for the object '{0}' were lost during serialization. This may have been a result of another object misbehaving ...
  64. Collection interface type '{0}' is being used as a get-only property and does not have an Add method. Consider adding a setter ...
  65. Collection of parameters and values used in Update(). These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound ...
  66. Collection of parameters and values used when calling the UpdateMethod. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided ...
  67. Collection of parameters used during the Delete operation. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound ...
  68. Collection of parameters used during the Insert operation. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound ...
  69. Collection of parameters used during the Update operation. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound ...
  70. Collection of parameters used in Delete(). These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound controls. ...
  71. Collection of parameters used in the FilterExpression property. Filtering is only available when the DataSourceMode is set ...
  72. Collection of parameters used in the FilterExpression property. Filtering is only available when the SelectMethod returns ...
  73. Collection of parameters used when calling the DeleteMethod. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by ...
  74. Collection of values used when calling the InsertMethod. These parameters are merged with the parameters provided by data-bound ...
  75. Collection type cannot be generated for type '{0}' from namespace '{1}'. Cannot use a generic list type as a base type because ...