SQL Server 2016
- Communications to the remote server instance '%1!s!' failed before database mirroring was fully started. The ALTER DATABASE ...
- Communications to the remote server instance '%1!s!' failed to complete before its timeout. The ALTER DATABASE command may ...
- Compacts an input data flow by pivoting it on a column value, making it less normalized. The input data should be sorted ...
- Compares the value of a numeric expression in one period to a previous period, as a percentage of the previous period's value. ...
- Comparison, sorting, and manipulation of character strings that do not use a *_BIN2 collation is not supported with %1!s!. ...
- complete for pool . {2} Delete for {2} blobs attempted, {3} blobs were deleted. {4} blobs were not found in the blob store. ...
- Complete metadata information for the data source column "%1!s!" is not available. Make sure the column is correctly defined ...
- Complete: implements extensive change tracking at the Publisher to support data transformations and advanced row filtering ...
- Component "%1!s!" (%2!d!) has been removed from the Data Flow task because its output is not used and its inputs either have ...
- Component "%1!s!" could not be created and returned error code 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". Make sure that the component is registered ...
- Component %1!s! from brick %2!s! reported that the component %3!s! in brick %4!s! is in a suspicious state because of the ...
- Component %1!s! reported that the component %2!s! in brick %3!s! is in a suspicious state because of the error: %4!s!, severity: ...
- Component '%1!s!' is outside of allowed range. Maximum for 'fractionDigits' is 10 and maximum number of digits for non fractional ...
- Component Services (COM+ 1.0) are not installed on this computer. This installation requires Component Services in order ...
- Component with name "{0}" and class ID "{1}" could not be created because a module it uses could not be found. Verify that ...
- Component with name "{0}" and class ID "{1}" could not be created because an error was encountered during its upgrade to ...
- Component with name "{0}" and class ID "{1}" could not be created because it was built with a version newer than the one ...
- Component {0} has no inputs, or all of its inputs are already connected to other outputs. You may be able to edit the component ...
- Compressed history target could not add package '%I32u' to the package occurrence list. Events from this package will not ...
- Compressed history target could not add package '%ws' to the package occurrence list. Events from this package will not be ...
- Compressing segment %d{segment/} of column '%{IMBIColumnId/}' for the '%{IMBITableId/}' table '%{IMBIPartitionId/}' partition ...
- Compressing tables with sparse columns or column sets is not supported by the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings. ...
- Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table '%{IMBIPartitionId/}' partition completed in '%d{steps/}' ...
- Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table '%{IMBIPartitionId/}' partition completed in '%d{steps/}' ...
- Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table completed in '%d{steps/}' steps with '%d{clusters/}' ...
- Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table completed in '%d{steps/}' steps with '%d{clusters/}' ...
- Computed column '%1!s!' cannot be used as full-text type column for image or varbinary(MAX) column. This computed column ...
- Computed column '%1!s!' cannot be used for full-text search because it is nondeterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed ...
- Computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' cannot be persisted because the column type, '%3!s!', is a non-byte-ordered CLR ...
- Computed column cannot be used as a partition key if it is not persisted. Partition key column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is ...
- Computed column is defined with a user-defined function which is not allowed with system-versioned table '%1!s!' because ...
- Computed columns and CLR types cannot be checked for object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because the internal expression evaluator ...
- Computing the expression "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The expression may have errors, such as divide by zero, ...
- Com[mandFile filespec Optional. Loads a text file that contains additional dtexec command options, prior to package execution. ...
- Condition cannot be specified for Column member '{0}' because it is marked with a 'Computed' or 'Identity' StoreGeneratedPattern. ...
- Condition member '{0}' with a condition other than 'IsNull=False' is mapped. Either remove the condition on {0} or remove ...
- Configuration block version %1!s! is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall. ...
- Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID '%1!s!' is not found ...
- Configuration failure. This is a generic warning for all configuration types. Other warnings should precede this with more ...
- Configuration manager agent cannot '%1!s!' '%2!s!' due to invalid state '%3!s!'. This is a fatal error affecting system functionality ...
- Configuration manager agent cannot '%1!s!' '%2!s!'. Examine previous logged messages to determine cause of this error. This ...
- Configuration manager agent cannot send reported error to configuration manager due to error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity ...
- Configuration manager agent encountered error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity %3!s! while updating brick incarnation to %5!s!. ...
- Configuration manager agent encountered error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity %3!s! while updating state information. Examine ...
- Configuration manager agent enlistment encountered error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity %3!s! and is shutting down. This is ...
- Configuration manager agent enlistment failed due to different enlistment protocol versions between manager and agent. Version ...
- Configuration manager agent initialization failed. See previous errors in error log. This is a serious error condition and ...
- Configuration manager agent is ignoring stale message from manager brick %1!s! due to '%2!s!' mismatch. Expected %3!s! but ...
- Configuration manager agent thread encountered fatal exception (error: %1!s! severity: %2!s! state: %3!s!). This is a serious ...
- Configuration manager cannot '%1!s!' '%2!s!'. Examine previous logged messages to determine cause of this error. This is ...
- Configuration manager cannot initialize communication object. Examine previous logged messages to determine cause of this ...
- Configuration manager cannot perform action %1!s! on other bricks in the matrix due to error %2!s!, state %3!s!, severity ...
- Configuration manager could not write the WMI offline configuration file during the execution of stored procedure '%1!s!'. ...
- Configuration manager enlistment denied join of brick . Machine architecture mismatch. Agent machine architecture , manager ...
- Configuration manager enlistment denied join of brick . Server default collation mismatch. Agent collation , manager collation ...
- Configuration manager enlistment denied join of brick . SQL version or build number mismatch. Agent version , manager version ...
- Configuration manager enlistment denied join of brick . Supported number of bricks mismatch. Agent supported number of bricks ...
- Configuration manager enlistment encountered error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity %3!s! and is shutting down. This is a serious ...
- Configuration manager enlistment encountered error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity %3!s! while sending enlistment reply to brick ...
- Configuration manager enlistment encountered error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity %3!s! while updating brick incarnation to ...
- Configuration manager enlistment is ignoring message from brick . Enlistment protocol version mismatch. Agent version , manager ...
- Configuration manager enlistment is ignoring stale message from brick %1!s! due to '%2!s!' mismatch. Expected %3!s! but received ...
- Configuration manager enlistment is queuing a failure request for brick due to receiving new enlistment request from this ...
- Configuration manager error handler initialization failed due to error %1!s!, state %2!s!, severity %3!s!. This is a serious ...
- Configuration manager is evicting brick from which it did not receive expected reply during communication. This also includes ...
- Configuration manager thread encountered fatal exception (error: %1!s! state: %2!s! severity: %3!s!). This is a serious error ...
- Configuration registry key "%1!s!" was not found. A configuration entry specifies a registry key that is not available. Check ...
- Configure a URL to access Web Portal. Click Advanced to define multiple URLs, or to specify additional parameters on the ...
- Configure a URL used to access the Report Server. Click Advanced to define multiple URLs for a single Report Server instance, ...
- Configure an account to be used by subscriptions to access file shares. Use an account with as minimum permissions as possible ...
- Configure Database Mail for the Master Data Services database. After a profile is created, you must use SQL Server Management ...
- Configure parameter bindings for the child package. Note: Parameters from externally referenced child packages are ignored. ...
- Configure peer nodes and peer connections. To specify configuration options, right-click a node, a connection, or the design ...
- Configure the file connection properties to reference a group of files and directories that exist or are created at run time. ...
- Configure the properties required to perform file system operations, such as creating, moving, or deleting files or directories. ...