SQL Server 2016

  1. CREATE INDEX statements with a DROP_EXISTING option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
  2. CREATE LOGIN statements with DEFAULT_DATABASE option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
  3. CREATE LOGIN statements with PASSWORD or SID options that do not specify a MUST_CHANGE option are not supported in a data-tier ...
  4. Create or edit perspectives to define views of the PowerPivot data. Before you can create perspectives, at least one table ...
  5. CREATE PROCEDURE statements with cursor parameters are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
  6. CREATE PROCEDURE statements with ENCRYPTION option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
  7. CREATE REMOTE TABLE could not complete. This error can occur when an object name has special characters embedded inside bracketed ...
  8. CREATE RULE and DROP RULE will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using CREATE RULE and DROP RULE in new ...
  9. CREATE SCHEMA statements that contain schema elements are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the elements from ...
  10. Create Server request must either specify SQL login with password or denote admin login is a federated user by setting 'IsFederatedAdminLogin' ...
  11. Create table statement contains a data type that is unsupported in Parallel Data Warehouse. Modify the statement and re-execute ...
  12. CREATE TRIGGER on table '%1!s!' failed because you cannot create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index. ...
  13. CREATE TRIGGER statements for DDL triggers are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement before rebuilding. ...
  14. CREATE TRIGGER statements with ENCRYPTION option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ENCRYPTION ...
  15. CREATE VIEW statements with ENCRYPTION option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ENCRYPTION ...
  16. Create, view, or delete relationships between tables in the PowerPivot window. Before you can manage relationships, at least ...
  17. CREATE/ALTER ENDPOINT cannot be used to update the endpoint with this information. The Dedicated Administrator Connection ...
  18. CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%1!s!'. Try again later. ...
  19. createpackage Create an XML package file for the specified model. Usage: MDSModelDeploy createpackage -package -model -version ...
  20. Creates a multidimensional and data mining project by extracting the metadata from an existing multidimensional and data ...
  21. Creates a new mining model based on an existing mining structure, and saves the model in a temporary file. Specifies the ...
  22. Creates a new mining model that is based on an existing mining structure, specifies the algorithm to use for analysis, and ...
  23. Creates a new mining structure on the current instance of Analysis Services and optionally define a percentage of the data ...
  24. Creates a prediction by mapping an existing mining model to an external data source and then filtering the input data by ...
  25. Creates a prediction on a mining model that contains a nested table, by using an external data source that also contains ...
  26. Creates a prediction on a mining model that contains a nested table, by using an external data source that also contains ...
  27. Creates a query that returns information about an existing mining model, or about the patterns and statistics in the data. ...
  28. Creates and populates an in-memory ADO recordset that is available outside of the data flow. Scripts and other package elements ...
  29. Creates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns. Create new columns or overwrite existing ...
  30. Creating a %1!s! index requires that the primary key in the base table satisfy the following restrictions. The maximum number ...
  31. Creating a CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE index will provide comparable analytics query performance while optimizing OLTP workload. ...
  32. Creating a CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE index will provide comparable analytics query performance while optimizing OLTP workload. ...
  33. Creating a new database for the users of the Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2010 gives them the freedom to create temporary ...
  34. Creating a UCP on the specified instance of SQL Server will provision the UCP schema, jobs, and policies, and enable the ...
  35. Creating and altering SOAP endpoints will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development ...
  36. Creating and scheduling a worker task for Always On Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %1!s!). ...
  37. Creating credentials using mismatched password for sp_control_dbmasterkey_password will be removed in a future version of ...
  38. Creating or altering compressed table '%1!s!' failed because the uncompressed row size would be %2!s!, including %3!s! bytes ...
  39. Creating or altering table '%1!s!' failed because the minimum row size would be %2!s!, including %3!s! bytes of internal ...
  40. Creating publications from heterogeneous data sources is supported only on servers running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and ...
  41. Creating the SQL Server Browser service with the following parameters: Display Name: '{0}', Service Type: '{1}', Start Type: ...
  42. Creation of a TSQL endpoint will result in the revocation of any 'Public' connect permissions on the '%1!s!' endpoint. If ...
  43. Creation of the full-text index is not available. Check that you have the correct permissions or that full-text catalogs ...
  44. Credential {0} is not supported on server version {1}. Microsoft Azure storage account credentials are supported on server ...
  45. Credentials cannot be used with the FILESTREAM Provider. Remove any credential entries that are associated with this blob ...
  46. Credentials must be specified before the report can be displayed. Enter credentials in the credentials area and click the ...
  47. Croatian, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  48. Croatian, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  49. CrossFilterDirection property on relationship should always be set to 'ToEndFiltersFromEnd'. Please check the relationship ...
  50. CrossFilterDirection property value 'FromEndFiltersToEnd' is not currently supported. Please check the relationship with ...
  51. Cryptographic provider %1!s! '%2!s!' in dll is different from the guid recorded in system catalog for provider with id %3!s!. ...
  52. Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still ...
  53. Cryptographic provider is now dropped. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use ...
  54. Cryptographic provider library '%1!s!' loaded into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
  55. CSN being added must be equal or greater than the last CSN. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). ...
  56. CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). ...
  57. Cube attribute binding for property '%{property_name/}' is invalid because the parent dimension has a different source cube ...
  58. Cube attribute binding for property '%{property_name/}' is invalid because the parent dimension has a different source cube. ...
  59. Cube attribute {0} can not be used as a mining structure column because its attribute hierarchy is not enabled. You can enable ...
  60. Cube Wizard has analyzed the relationships between tables in the data source view to identify fact tables and dimensions. ...
  61. CubeDimensionPermission object is not supported for Business Intelligence Semantic Model databases running on an Analysis ...
  62. Cumulative I/O performed by this session since it connected ("sys.dm_exec_sessions.reads" plus "sys.dm_exec_sessions.writes") ...
  63. Current number of threads waiting for a latch. These are latch requests that could not be given immediate grants and are ...
  64. current scan started from this LSN, available after at beginning of phase 2, DMV users should call PackLSN(.) before display ...
  65. Current selection has inconsistent action options. Select one of the options below to apply the same action to the whole ...
  66. Current selection includes areas with the different types of markup. Select one of the options below to set a new markup ...
  67. Current SQL server instance isn't the AlwaysOn primary node for SSISDB or has been removed from the AG, enable SSIS support ...
  68. Current thread is not configured to access SQL Server internal resources and was likely created inside the Common Language ...
  69. CURRENTGROUP() must be specified as the table argument to a table aggregation function when it is specified as the expression ...
  70. Currently, we can't upgrade this tabular model because it contains a pasted table. Upgrading pasted tables will be supported ...
  71. Cursor parameters in a stored procedure must be declared with OUTPUT and VARYING options, and they must be specified in the ...
  72. Cursor plan failed because it is not possible to force the plan for a cursor of type other than FAST_FORWARD or STATIC with ...
  73. Cursor plan forcing failed because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN, required element %1!s! is missing under element. Consider ...
  74. Cursor plan forcing failed because input plan has more than one node with OperationType=%1!s!. Consider using an XML cursor ...
  75. Cursor scroll locks were invalidated due to a transaction defect. Reissue the UPDATE or DELETE statement after a cursor fetch. ...