SQL Server 2016
- CREATE INDEX statements with a DROP_EXISTING option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
- CREATE LOGIN statements with DEFAULT_DATABASE option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
- CREATE LOGIN statements with PASSWORD or SID options that do not specify a MUST_CHANGE option are not supported in a data-tier ...
- Create or edit perspectives to define views of the PowerPivot data. Before you can create perspectives, at least one table ...
- CREATE PROCEDURE statements with cursor parameters are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
- CREATE PROCEDURE statements with ENCRYPTION option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
- CREATE REMOTE TABLE could not complete. This error can occur when an object name has special characters embedded inside bracketed ...
- CREATE RULE and DROP RULE will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using CREATE RULE and DROP RULE in new ...
- CREATE SCHEMA statements that contain schema elements are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the elements from ...
- Create Server request must either specify SQL login with password or denote admin login is a federated user by setting 'IsFederatedAdminLogin' ...
- Create table statement contains a data type that is unsupported in Parallel Data Warehouse. Modify the statement and re-execute ...
- CREATE TRIGGER on table '%1!s!' failed because you cannot create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index. ...
- CREATE TRIGGER statements for DDL triggers are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement before rebuilding. ...
- CREATE TRIGGER statements with ENCRYPTION option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ENCRYPTION ...
- CREATE VIEW statements with ENCRYPTION option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ENCRYPTION ...
- Create, view, or delete relationships between tables in the PowerPivot window. Before you can manage relationships, at least ...
- CREATE/ALTER ENDPOINT cannot be used to update the endpoint with this information. The Dedicated Administrator Connection ...
- CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%1!s!'. Try again later. ...
- createpackage Create an XML package file for the specified model. Usage: MDSModelDeploy createpackage -package -model -version ...
- Creates a multidimensional and data mining project by extracting the metadata from an existing multidimensional and data ...
- Creates a new mining model based on an existing mining structure, and saves the model in a temporary file. Specifies the ...
- Creates a new mining model that is based on an existing mining structure, specifies the algorithm to use for analysis, and ...
- Creates a new mining structure on the current instance of Analysis Services and optionally define a percentage of the data ...
- Creates a prediction by mapping an existing mining model to an external data source and then filtering the input data by ...
- Creates a prediction on a mining model that contains a nested table, by using an external data source that also contains ...
- Creates a prediction on a mining model that contains a nested table, by using an external data source that also contains ...
- Creates a query that returns information about an existing mining model, or about the patterns and statistics in the data. ...
- Creates and populates an in-memory ADO recordset that is available outside of the data flow. Scripts and other package elements ...
- Creates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns. Create new columns or overwrite existing ...
- Creating a %1!s! index requires that the primary key in the base table satisfy the following restrictions. The maximum number ...
- Creating a CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE index will provide comparable analytics query performance while optimizing OLTP workload. ...
- Creating a CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE index will provide comparable analytics query performance while optimizing OLTP workload. ...
- Creating a new database for the users of the Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2010 gives them the freedom to create temporary ...
- Creating a UCP on the specified instance of SQL Server will provision the UCP schema, jobs, and policies, and enable the ...
- Creating and altering SOAP endpoints will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development ...
- Creating and scheduling a worker task for Always On Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %1!s!). ...
- Creating credentials using mismatched password for sp_control_dbmasterkey_password will be removed in a future version of ...
- Creating or altering compressed table '%1!s!' failed because the uncompressed row size would be %2!s!, including %3!s! bytes ...
- Creating or altering table '%1!s!' failed because the minimum row size would be %2!s!, including %3!s! bytes of internal ...
- Creating publications from heterogeneous data sources is supported only on servers running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and ...
- Creating the SQL Server Browser service with the following parameters: Display Name: '{0}', Service Type: '{1}', Start Type: ...
- Creation of a TSQL endpoint will result in the revocation of any 'Public' connect permissions on the '%1!s!' endpoint. If ...
- Creation of the full-text index is not available. Check that you have the correct permissions or that full-text catalogs ...
- Credential {0} is not supported on server version {1}. Microsoft Azure storage account credentials are supported on server ...
- Credentials cannot be used with the FILESTREAM Provider. Remove any credential entries that are associated with this blob ...
- Credentials must be specified before the report can be displayed. Enter credentials in the credentials area and click the ...
- Croatian, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
- Croatian, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
- CrossFilterDirection property on relationship should always be set to 'ToEndFiltersFromEnd'. Please check the relationship ...
- CrossFilterDirection property value 'FromEndFiltersToEnd' is not currently supported. Please check the relationship with ...
- Cryptographic provider %1!s! '%2!s!' in dll is different from the guid recorded in system catalog for provider with id %3!s!. ...
- Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still ...
- Cryptographic provider is now dropped. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use ...
- Cryptographic provider library '%1!s!' loaded into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
- CSN being added must be equal or greater than the last CSN. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). ...
- CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%1!s!,%2!s!), the current CSN is (%3!s!,%4!s!). ...
- Cube attribute binding for property '%{property_name/}' is invalid because the parent dimension has a different source cube ...
- Cube attribute binding for property '%{property_name/}' is invalid because the parent dimension has a different source cube. ...
- Cube attribute {0} can not be used as a mining structure column because its attribute hierarchy is not enabled. You can enable ...
- Cube Wizard has analyzed the relationships between tables in the data source view to identify fact tables and dimensions. ...
- CubeDimensionPermission object is not supported for Business Intelligence Semantic Model databases running on an Analysis ...
- Cumulative I/O performed by this session since it connected ("sys.dm_exec_sessions.reads" plus "sys.dm_exec_sessions.writes") ...
- Current number of threads waiting for a latch. These are latch requests that could not be given immediate grants and are ...
- current scan started from this LSN, available after at beginning of phase 2, DMV users should call PackLSN(.) before display ...
- Current selection has inconsistent action options. Select one of the options below to apply the same action to the whole ...
- Current selection includes areas with the different types of markup. Select one of the options below to set a new markup ...
- Current SQL server instance isn't the AlwaysOn primary node for SSISDB or has been removed from the AG, enable SSIS support ...
- Current thread is not configured to access SQL Server internal resources and was likely created inside the Common Language ...
- CURRENTGROUP() must be specified as the table argument to a table aggregation function when it is specified as the expression ...
- Currently, we can't upgrade this tabular model because it contains a pasted table. Upgrading pasted tables will be supported ...
- Cursor parameters in a stored procedure must be declared with OUTPUT and VARYING options, and they must be specified in the ...
- Cursor plan failed because it is not possible to force the plan for a cursor of type other than FAST_FORWARD or STATIC with ...
- Cursor plan forcing failed because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN, required element %1!s! is missing under element. Consider ...
- Cursor plan forcing failed because input plan has more than one node with OperationType=%1!s!. Consider using an XML cursor ...
- Cursor scroll locks were invalidated due to a transaction defect. Reissue the UPDATE or DELETE statement after a cursor fetch. ...