Visual Studio 2010

  1. Cannot deploy the workflow template to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server because a 32-bit version of SharePoint Server is ...
  2. cannot detect whether the site '%1' has been configured for use with ASP.NET %3. You may need to manually configure this ...
  3. Cannot determine the item type of collection type '{0}' because it has more than one Add method or ICollection implementation. ...
  4. Cannot determine the item type of dictionary type '{0}' because it has more than one Add method or IDictionary implementation. ...
  5. Cannot determine the positional parameters for type '{0}' because it has more than one constructor overload with '{1}' parameters. ...
  6. Cannot determine where to place the extracted method. Fixing syntax and build errors, and trying again may resolve the problem. ...
  7. Cannot display the dialog box because there is already a dialog box or message open in the program, or because the command ...
  8. Cannot download the requested test result from {0}. Ensure that your deployment path ({1}) is valid, and that you have write ...
  9. Cannot embed interop type '%1!ls!' found in both assembly '%2!ls!' and '%3!ls!'. Consider setting the 'Embed Interop Types' ...
  10. Cannot embed interop type '|1' because the source interface '|2' referenced by its ComEventInterfaceAttribute cannot be found. ...
  11. Cannot embed interop type '|1' found in both assembly '|2' and '|3'. Consider setting the 'Embed Interop Types' property ...
  12. Cannot embed interop types from assembly '%1!ls!' because it is missing either the '%2!ls!' attribute or the '%3!ls!' attribute ...
  13. Cannot Enlist new child TransactedObjects after a transaction has begun. Change your code to enlist the object before the ...
  14. Cannot establish a link of type {0} between elements {1} and {2} since there is already a link of this type between these ...
  15. Cannot evaluate expression because a thread is stopped at a point where garbage collection is impossible, possibly because ...
  16. Cannot evaluate expression because we are stopped in a place where garbage collection is impossible, possibly because the ...
  17. Cannot explicitly modify Children collection of Panel used as ItemsPanel for ItemsControl. ItemsControl generates child elements ...
  18. cannot expose type '|2' used in the underlying delegate type '|3' of the event it is implementing outside the project through ...
  19. cannot expose type '|2' used in the underlying delegate type '|3' of the event it is implementing to |4 '|5' through |6 '|7'. ...
  20. Cannot find a computer named '|'. Type the correct name, or see your administrator about why the computer is not available. ...
  21. Cannot find an embedded resource for the following project item extension: '{0}'. The resource '{1}' cannot be found in assembly ...
  22. Cannot find assembly information referred to in Mapping instruction. BAML stream might be corrupted or BAML version is incompatible ...
  23. Cannot find missing dependency '%s' for file '%s'. Your project may still build, but may continue to appear out of date until ...
  24. Cannot find outputs of project output group '%1'. Either the group, its configuration, or its project may have been removed ...
  25. Cannot find parent CombinedFragment or CombinedFragment is not configured correctly. InsertionPoint cannot be created as ...
  26. Cannot find the certificate that matches the project system thumbprint. To sign the application and deployment manifests, ...
  27. Cannot find the Class/Interface corresponding to Lifeline {0}. The Service Interaction Designer needs to be updated with ...
  28. Cannot find the definition for {0} {1}. The definition is expected to exist in {3}. A relationship between {2} and {0} {1} ...
  29. Cannot find the out-of-browser application for {0}. You need to run this application in your Web Browser and install it on ...
  30. Cannot find the SoaOperation corresponding to the Operation {0}. The Service Interaction Designer needs to be updated with ...
  31. Cannot find type '{0}'. The assembly used when compiling might be different than that used when loading and the type is missing. ...
  32. Cannot generate a DataSet that contains multiple tables with the same name ({0}). Unselect duplicate tables, or use the TableMappings ...
  33. Cannot generate instance reference expression for component '{0}'. It is not sited and no global instance property could ...
  34. Cannot generate SQL script to insert large object data into table with no primary key or unique index defined on it. Table: ...
  35. Cannot generate the sample XML as one or more schemas in the set is invalid. Please open the schema files and correct the ...
  36. Cannot get stream with FileMode.Create, FileMode.CreateNew, FileMode.Truncate, FileMode.Append when access is FileAccess.Read. ...
  37. Cannot get the definition of the following element from the Model Store: {0}. Make sure the ModelStore.uml file exists in ...
  38. Cannot get updates for this file type. The file is not the correct type, or the site where you are saving it is not a Document ...
  39. Cannot have more than one binding on property '{0}' on '{1}'. Ensure that this property is not bound through an implicit ...
  40. Cannot have two new namespaces compatible with the same old namespace using an XmlnsCompatibility attribute. '{0}' namespace ...
  41. Cannot implement '|1.|2' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation for '|3.|2' for some type arguments. ...
  42. Cannot implement interface '|1' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation of another implemented ...
  43. Cannot infer a common type for the first and second operands of the binary 'If' operator. One must have a widening conversion ...
  44. Cannot infer a common type for the second and third operands of the 'If' operator. One must have a widening conversion to ...
  45. Cannot infer a return type because more than one type is possible. Consider adding an 'As' clause to specify the return type. ...
  46. Cannot infer an element type because more than one type is possible. Specifying the type of the array might correct this ...
  47. Cannot infer an element type, and Option Strict On does not allow 'Object' to be assumed. Specifying the type of the array ...
  48. Cannot inherit interface '%1!ls!' with the specified type parameters because it causes method '%2!ls!' to contain overloads ...
  49. Cannot inherit interface '|1' because it could be identical to interface '|2' from which the interface '|3' inherits for ...
  50. Cannot inherit interface '|1' because the interface '|2' from which it inherits could be identical to interface '|3' for ...
  51. Cannot inherit interface '|1' because the interface '|2' from which it inherits could be identical to interface '|3' from ...
  52. Cannot initialize CommonStructureAdapter: the HttpContext.Current is not set. IWarehouseAdapter.Initialize() method must ...
  53. Cannot initialize CommonStructureAdapter: the HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance is not set. IWarehouseAdapter.Initialize() ...
  54. Cannot initialize listening for ASP.NET instrumentation. Exception was thrown: {0}. Code coverage data for ASP.NET projects ...
  55. Cannot initialize post instrumentation for the ASP.NET project '{0}'. Exception was thrown: {1} The code coverage data for ...
  56. Cannot initialize post instrumentation for the ASP.NET project '{0}'. The code coverage data for this project may be incomplete. ...
  57. Cannot initialize the following SharePoint project item: '{0}'. This item requires a type provider that has the following ...
  58. Cannot initialize type '%1!ls!' with a collection initializer because it does not implement 'System.Collections.IEnumerable' ...
  59. Cannot install add-in. The add-in was being installed when ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.InstallAddIn was called, which ...
  60. Cannot install the primary interop assemblies that are required for this project. The project will not be created. To create ...
  61. Cannot install this assembly into the global assembly cache: %s. The assembly could not be found at this build location: ...
  62. Cannot load a Satellite DLL because the Registry Value '{1}' cannot be found. Will attempt to use default values for name ...
  63. Cannot load an icon for the following project item extension: '{0}'. The icon has a file extension that is not supported. ...
  64. Cannot load file '{0}': the file was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio. To convert the file to the current format, ...
  65. Cannot load the requested template. Select a different template and contact your network administrator or support personnel. ...
  66. Cannot modify the value of a symbol that is in use. Edit the symbol header file manually. 'Edit->Resource Symbols' can be ...
  67. Cannot move or copy items between Visual C++ projects when the projects are not in the same "Show All Files" mode. Please ...
  68. Cannot move the property sheet '{0}' past the system property sheet '{1}' since a user property sheet cannot occur earlier ...
  69. Cannot navigate to '%1'. The length of the absolute path of the temporary file exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed ...
  70. Cannot navigate to application resource '{0}' by using a WebBrowser control. For URI navigation, the resource must be at ...
  71. Cannot obtain location of the instrumentation utility. Exception was thrown: {0}. Post instrumentation will not be enabled. ...
  72. Cannot obtain suppression XML schema file for message suppression. The message suppression will not work properly. Error ...
  73. Cannot obtain the symbols information for the binary {0}. Please ensure that both the binary and the symbols files are accessible. ...
  74. Cannot obtain value of local or argument '%1!ls!' as it is not available at this instruction pointer, possibly because it ...
  75. Cannot open '|' as a copy. The path to the copy is too long. If the file is on a network, click Tools, and then click Connect ...