Visual Studio 2010

  1. ByRef keyword Specifies that an argument is passed in such a way that the called procedure can change the underlying value ...
  2. ByVal keyword Specifies that an argument is passed in such a way that the called procedure or property cannot change the ...
  3. C Compiler Char Type : Specifies the default character type of the C compiler that will be used to compile the generated ...
  4. C Preprocess Options : C-compiler preprocessor option to pass to MIDL; must be in exact format of the Cpp Preprocess options. ...
  5. C,Count: T,ShowTypes: N,ShowNames: V,ShowValues: M,ShowModule: #,ShowLineOffset: B,ShowByteOffset: L,ShowLanguage: X,ShowExternalCode: ...
  6. C/C++ Code Analysis (/analyze) is not enabled in the project. Make sure "Enable Code Analysis for C/C++ on Build" is selected ...
  7. Cache list data in the database file to improve client and server performance. This will increase the size of the database. ...
  8. CacheInDocument has no effect on non-public members. To enable caching, set the visibility of this DataSet to public by editing ...
  9. Calculate the directory size in the background. Using the background worker allows us to update the UI as the size results ...
  10. Calculates the difference in seconds between two times in the same day, and also constructs a TimeSpan value for that difference. ...
  11. Call GC.SuppressFinalize to suppress finalization of your instance once Dispose has been called. Objects that implement IDisposable ...
  12. Called by the container to return an implementation of IDropTarget which allows a windowless control to act as the target ...
  13. Called by the framework before a creation of the Windows window attached to a CWnd object to load the window placement information ...
  14. Called to determine the status or execute a command added through Commands.AddNamedCommand. Implemented by the Add-in writer. ...
  15. Called to retrieve the full path of the WinHelp file associated with the specified object and the identifier of the appropriate ...
  16. Calling '%ls' without the MEM_RELEASE flag might free memory but not address descriptors (VADs). This causes address space ...
  17. Calling a method with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute applied to it can create a security weakness. Unmanaged ...
  18. Calling Convention : Select the default calling convention for your application (can be overridden by function). (/Gd, /Gr, ...
  19. Calling managed '%s': Managed code may not be run under loader lock, including the DLL entrypoint and calls reached from ...
  20. Calling Validate method of ExceptionValidationRule is not supported. Validation results for ExceptionValidationRule are set ...
  21. Calls ExecuteNonQuery on an existing command. Wraps the execution in a try/finally block to return the connection object ...
  22. calls into {1} which has a LinkDemand. By making this call, {1} is indirectly exposed to user code. Review the following ...
  23. calls {1} but does not explicitly check whether the conversion succeeded. Either use the return value in a conditional statement ...
  24. calls {1} but does not use the HRESULT or error code that the method returns. This could lead to unexpected behavior in error ...
  25. calls {1} but does not use the new string instance that the method returns. Pass the instance as an argument to another method, ...
  26. calls {1}, a method that is typically only called within an implementation of 'IDisposable.Dispose'. Refer to the IDisposable ...
  27. Camera or scanner software not found. Please read the documentation that came with your TWAIN capable camera or scanner and ...
  28. Can Add Assembly Reference With Strong Name : Determines if an assembly reference can be added to the project. If the relative ...
  29. Can Add Project Reference By Identifier : Determines if a project reference to a project with a given identifier can be added. ...
  30. Can Add Reference To File : Determines if the given file can be added as either an assembly reference or an ActiveX reference. ...
  31. Can be used to open HTML files and text files which are local to the project. None of the following are supported for OpenInHelpBrowser: ...
  32. Can be used to open HTML files and text files which are local to the project. None of the following are supported for OpenInWebBrowser: ...
  33. can not be launched using this method. Use Add/Remove Programs available from the Control Panel of your operating system ...
  34. Can't AutoThumbnail a picture that has a Hyperlink. To remove the hyperlink, right-click the picture, click Hyperlink Properties ...
  35. Can't AutoThumbnail a picture that has a Hyperlink. To remove the hyperlink, right-click the picture, click Hyperlink Properties ...
  36. Can't AutoThumbnail a Picture that has Hotspots. You can remove the Hotspots by clicking on the Picture, then clicking on ...
  37. Can't AutoThumbnail a Picture that has Hotspots. You can remove the Hotspots by clicking on the Picture, then clicking on ...
  38. Can't AutoThumbnail a Picture that is smaller than the AutoThumbnail Size. You can change the AutoThumbnail Size from the ...
  39. Can't AutoThumbnail a Picture that is smaller than the AutoThumbnail Size. You can change the AutoThumbnail Size from the ...
  40. can't be the same as the application (e.g. '~/'). It must be a path underneath of the application (e.g. '~/ProjectCollections/Collection1'). ...
  41. Can't change property {0} on test {1} because the test is open in an editor. Please close the editor in order to make this ...
  42. Can't launch server for '{0}'. This may be caused by using a custom web server which ASP.NET Profiler does not support at ...
  43. Cancel this meeting invitation. No meeting will be created on your calendar, and no invitations will be sent to other people. ...
  44. Cancel this meeting. This meeting will be removed from your calendar and you will be given the option of sending cancellation ...
  45. Canceling the New Team Project Wizard will delete this project and all of its contents. It may take several minutes for this ...
  46. Cannot access performance counters on {0}. To open performance counters user accounts must be a member of the security group ...
  47. Cannot access protected member '%1!ls!' via a qualifier of type '%2!ls!'; the qualifier must be of type '%3!ls!' (or derived ...
  48. Cannot access the delegate type '{0}' for the '{1}' event. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does not allow ...
  49. Cannot access the Web server because Microsoft Internet Explorer is offline. Run Internet Explorer, uncheck the File menu's ...
  50. Cannot add 'File and Printer Sharing' to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure ...
  51. Cannot add a different AssemblyRef for '%1'. Specification of PublicKey or Version information does not match existing record ...
  52. Cannot add a port to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure the Windows Firewall. ...
  53. Cannot add an application to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure the Windows ...
  54. Cannot add directory '{0}' to deployment items because there is a deployment item associated with a file with the same name. ...
  55. Cannot add element to property '{0}', because the property can have only one child element if it uses an explicit collection ...
  56. Cannot add file '{0}' to deployment items because there is a deployment item associated with a directory with the same name. ...
  57. Cannot add file {3} to F# project '{0}'. This project uses wildcards in item specification: '{2}' for item type '{1}' Wildcards ...
  58. Cannot add file {3} to F# project '{0}'. This project uses wildcards in item specification: '{2}' for item type '{1}' Wildcards ...
  59. cannot add FrontPage Web Sites to source control. Use Visual Studio to save all Web Site files. Then from the web server, ...
  60. cannot add items from a different source control database while the projects are retrieved asynchronously. Please try again ...
  61. Cannot add machine role '{0}' to environment '{1}'. Another machine role with same ID already exists in another environment ...
  62. Cannot add property sheet '%s' as it is either an invalid property sheet, or adding it would cause a circular inheritance ...
  63. Cannot add property sheet '%s' as it is either an invalid property sheet, or adding it would cause a circular inheritence ...
  64. cannot add some of the projects you have selected to source control because they are Web projects that are using FrontPage ...
  65. Cannot add the control '{0}' to the design surface. This control is not available in the .NET Framework version that this ...
  66. Cannot add the control to the design surface or bind to the control because the type {0} cannot be resolved. Please try to ...
  67. Cannot add the following test because it is not valid: '{0}'. Make sure that the values of Id and TestType properties are ...
  68. Cannot add the item because the following folder cannot be created in the project: {0}. A folder with the same name already ...
  69. Cannot add the item. There already exists an item with the same name under source control that prevents this add operation ...
  70. Cannot add the item. You are attempting to add an item to a source-controlled project, but the item path has one or more ...
  71. Cannot add the property sheet as it would cause a circular dependency. The property sheet being added would either directly ...
  72. Cannot apply match conversion step because the set of input values does not contain at least one non-null value or no match ...
  73. Cannot autoattach to the SQL Server, possibly because the firewall is configured incorrectly or autoattach is forbidden by ...
  74. Cannot automatically create animation clone for frozen property values on '{0}' objects. Only FrameworkElement and FrameworkContentElement ...
  75. Cannot automatically generate a valid default value for property '{0}'. Specify a default value explicitly when owner type ...