Visual Studio 2010

  1. An unexpected error occurred while evaluating the Code Analysis check-in policy. The error might be transient. Try again. ...
  2. An unexpected error was encountered in the assembly: {0}. Detailed error: {1} The manual test activity will be closed. Do ...
  3. An unexpected start or end tag was found within a block. Make sure that you did not mis-type a start or end tag, and that ...
  4. An unhandled exception was encountered while trying to render the current silverlight project on the design surface. To diagnose ...
  5. An unhandled exception was raised from Microsoft .NET Framework v 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0, but the current debugger is configured ...
  6. An unknown error has occurred while attempting to create an Adapter. Please close all instances of Visual Studio and try ...
  7. An unknown error occurred. Please verify your entry and try again. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator. ...
  8. An unknown error was encountered while trying to reload the document. You should close and reload the document. Error Text: ...
  9. An unrecognized certificate-issuing authority provided the security certificate for the server you are trying to access. ...
  10. An unsaved document cannot be moved into another project from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved ...
  11. An unspecified failure occurreed while initializing the %s source control provider. You cannot use this provider to perform ...
  12. An update for Windows Automation API 3.0 must be installed to enable automation on Windows Presentation Foundation controls. ...
  13. An update to Visual Studio is required before you can use the Silverlight Designer. To continue editing your XAML files without ...
  14. An x:Class attribute is required to generate an event handler. Modify the root element of the XAML document to include an ...
  15. An XML error has occurred. Please correct the problem and try again. Click the Details button for a more specific description ...
  16. An XML expansion pack is currently not attached to this document. You can add a solution by selecting Document Template on ...
  17. An XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the NewNamespace and OldNamespace ...
  18. An XmlnsDefinitionAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the ClrNamespace and XmlNamespace ...
  19. An XmlnsPrefixAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the Prefix and XmlNamespace properties, ...
  20. Analysis found files in a folder being migrated that are branched from other folders that are not being migrated. During ...
  21. Analysis found files in a folder being migrated that are branched to other folders that are not being migrated. During migration, ...
  22. Analysis found Source Depot changelists with actions in folders under migration and not under migration. During migration, ...
  23. ancestor-or-self::*" selects all the element ancestors of the context node, including the context node. "ancestor-or-self::author" ...
  24. ancestor::*" selects all the element ancestors of the context node. "ancestor::author" selects all the "author" element ancestors ...
  25. and '|2' cannot overload each other because they differ only by parameters declared 'ByRef' or 'ByVal'. 'Shadows' assumed. ...
  26. And keyword Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
  27. And operator Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
  28. AndAlso operator Performs a short-circuit logical conjunction on two expressions. Returns True if both operands evaluate ...
  29. Annotation conflict: 'Null' property at Deref=0 on a post condition must be a subset of the Null property on the precondition ...
  30. Anonymous methods, lambda expressions, and query expressions inside structs cannot access instance members of 'this'. Consider ...
  31. Anonymous type member property '|1' cannot be used to infer the type of another member property because the type of '|1' ...
  32. Anonymous type property '|1' cannot be used in the definition of a lambda expression within the same initialization list. ...
  33. Another build customization has an identical display name as this build customization. Please specify a different display ...
  34. Another build customization has an identical name as this build customization. Please specify a different name for this build ...
  35. Another debugger has registered itself as the Just-In-Time debugger. To repair, enable Just-In-Time debugging or run Visual ...
  36. Another install of this package is already running. Please wait for the other install to finish before reinstalling this ...
  37. Another installation process is running. Wait a moment, then click Retry. Or, if you are running any other installation process ...
  38. Another macro project with the name '%1' has already been loaded. Do you want to unload that project and load this project ...
  39. Another program installation requires a reboot of this computer. You must reboot before installing Visual Studio. After the ...
  40. Another user defined property has an identical name as this property. Please specify a different name for this property. ...
  41. Another user has modified the contents of this table or view; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the ...
  42. Another user has modified the contents of this table or view; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the ...
  43. Another version of Visual Studio is installed in the directory you have selected. Click OK to choose a different directory. ...
  44. ANSI and Unicode source code for MFC, OLE DB, ATL, and ATL Server, including makefiles for the ATL and MFC DLLs and static ...
  45. Ansi keyword Used in a Declare statement. The Ansi modifier specifies that Visual Basic should marshal all strings to ANSI ...
  46. Any changes made to this copy cannot be updated on the server until the other file is closed. To update the server copy with ...
  47. Any changes made to this copy cannot be updated on the workspace until the other file is closed. To update the workspace ...
  48. any other file as the first argument if you want to have the file open automatically in an editor. When you enter a project ...
  49. API matching configuration error: the image '{0}' was specified in two different modules '{1}' and '{2}'. Each image must ...
  50. APICalls : Demonstrates calling Win32 API functions to enumerate and control processes and windows, and to query and change ...
  51. Appearance : Playback of the action recording fails. Problem : No specific error is displayed. Solution : Perform the failed ...
  52. Appearance : Playback of the action recording fails. Problem : The error message is displayed because automation playback ...
  53. Appearance : Playback of the action recording fails. Problem : The error message is displayed because the automation playback ...
  54. Appearance : The action recording tries to launch the application. Problem : The system cannot find the file specified or ...
  55. Appearance : The action recording tries to set value on a password text box. Problem : The automation playback engine is ...
  56. appears to be a non-generic, strongly typed collection. Add an implementation to the instance of {1} where T is the underlying ...
  57. Application cannot access {0}. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. Otherwise, there might be a problem ...
  58. Application does not require a console, probably because it creates its own windows for interaction with the user. If WinMain ...
  59. Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. This may have been caused by low virtual memory levels that were ...
  60. Application library caching cannot be used by out-of-browser applications. Do you want to enable application library caching ...
  61. Application Mappings : The semicolon-separated list of file extensions to be associated with the primary project output. ...
  62. Application Page items are added to the following folder: {0}. An item with the specified name already exists in that folder. ...
  63. Application Protection : The level of process isolation used by the virtual directory. Value is set only when the virtual ...
  64. Application settings allow you to store and retrieve property settings and other information for your application dynamically. ...
  65. Application verifier has triggered a breakpoint in %1. This is an error in %2 or any of the DLLs it has loaded. Please see ...
  66. Applications can depend on other applications that live remotely. In order for apps to communicate with remote apps, each ...
  67. Applications communicate to remote applications via communication channels. Each channel might have properties that can be ...
  68. Applies changes from one branch into another. tf merge /recursive /force /candidate /discard /version:versionspec /lock:(none|checkin|checkout) ...
  69. Applying a theme as the default theme to a Web site will replace existing formatting information. Individually themed pages ...
  70. Are you sure that you want to remove '{0}' account? If you do so, then other Application Tiers that use this account as the ...
  71. Are you sure that you want to remove the integration settings? If you remove these settings, team projects and team project ...
  72. Are you sure that you want to remove this Web application from Team Foundation Server? If you do so, any project sites contained ...
  73. Are you sure that you want to update the default column settings? If you choose OK, these settings will be applied to all ...
  74. Are you sure you want to cancel publishing this test run? All data for this run will be removed from the Team Foundation ...
  75. Are you sure you want to delete %s? Please Note: Any project configurations that were created with this solution configuration ...