.NET Framework

  1. WorkflowOperationBehavior cannot apply the dispatch behavior because the DispatchOperation instance is in an invalid state. ...
  2. WorkflowRuntime configured in current host has wrong WorkflowSchedulerService registered. Do not explicitly register WorkflowSchedulerService ...
  3. WorkflowService definitions cannot be added or removed after the WorkflowServiceHost has been opened, faulted, aborted or ...
  4. WorkflowServiceHost does not support adding application endpoints using AddServiceEndpoint(ServiceEndpoint endpoint) overload. ...
  5. WorkflowServiceHostFactory cannot resolve the constructor string '{0}' to a workflow type. The constructor string must contain ...
  6. Would you like to clear the DataList ItemTemplate and DataKeyField? Warning: this will delete your existing item templates ...
  7. Would you like to regenerate the DataList ItemTemplate and DataKeyField using the selected data source schema? Warning: this ...
  8. Would you like to regenerate the FormView templates and data keys using the selected data source schema? Warning: this will ...
  9. Would you like to regenerate the ListView templates and data keys using the selected data source schema? Warning: this will ...
  10. Would you like to regenerate the {0} {1} fields and data keys using the selected data source schema? Warning: this will delete ...
  11. Would you like to remove the outer table element? Warning: this will clear all the currently set style properties on the ...
  12. Wrapper type for message {0} cannot be projected as a data contract type since it has multiple namespaces. Consider using ...
  13. Write lock may not be acquired with read lock held. This pattern is prone to deadlocks. Please ensure that read locks are ...
  14. WriteStartElement cannot be called immediately after WriteStartElement without writing the 'type'='array' or 'type='object' ...
  15. Writing an object with a recursive structure has limitations when it has large depth. Consider reducing the depth of the ...
  16. Writing audit messages to the Security log is not supported by the current platform. You must write audit messages to the ...
  17. WRN: A partial bind occurs when only part of the assembly display name is provided. WRN: This might result in the binder ...
  18. WRN: Assembly resolved to a different version or identity than expected. Check if binding policy changed since native image ...
  19. WRN: Invalid processor architecture is specified in assemblyIdentity. Valid processor architectures are neutral/x86/IA64/AMD64. ...
  20. WRN: Native image will not be probed in LoadFrom context. Native image will only be probed in default load context, like ...
  21. WRN: This might lead to runtime failures. WRN: It is recommended that you remove the dependency on multiple versions, and ...
  22. WRN: This might lead to runtime failures. WRN: It is recommended to inspect your application on whether this is intentional ...
  23. Wrong value for 'tokenChecking' attribute. The enumeration value must be one the following: 0 (None), 1 (Allow), 2 (Require). ...
  24. WS-Addressing is required by the transport when configured to detect duplicate messages, but the message encoder is using ...
  25. WS-Addressing is required by the transport when configured to retransmit messages, but the message encoder is using {0}. ...
  26. WS-I's Basic Profile 1.1 consists of implementation guidelines that recommend how a set of core Web services specifications ...
  27. X509CertificateValidationMode.Custom requires a CustomCertificateValidator. Specify the CustomCertificateValidator property. ...
  28. XamlTypeInvoker.GetItems returned null for type '{0}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented collection type. ...
  29. XC1002: If you are using PartialClassGenerationTask or CompilationPass2Task, please ensure that the BuildTaskPath property ...
  30. XC1008: Incorrect Xaml Encountered. Cannot apply directive '{0}' inside type '{1}' because it is not a collection or dictionary. ...
  31. XC1012: The XAML MSBuild task only processes files that contain an '{0}' directive. Please refer to documentation for usage ...
  32. XC1013: Unable to resolve the type '{0}' referenced by field '{1}'. Ensure that the type name is correct or that the Assembly ...
  33. XC1015: Unable to resolve the type '{0}' referenced by Property '{1}'. Ensure that the type name is correct or that the Assembly ...
  34. XC1016: Unable to resolve the type '{0}' or one of its arguments. Ensure that the type name is correct or that the Assembly ...
  35. XML '{2}' '{3}:{4}' does not contain expected attribute '{0}:{1}'. The deserializer has no knowledge of which type to deserialize. ...
  36. XML comment block cannot be associated with any language element that supports the application of XML documentation comments. ...
  37. XML comment tag '|1' appears with identical attributes more than once in the same XML comment block. XML comment will be ...
  38. XML comment type parameter '|1' does not match a type parameter on the corresponding '|2' statement. XML comment will be ...
  39. XML literals and XML axis properties are not available during this debugging session because they are not used in this assembly. ...
  40. XML literals and XML properties are not supported in embedded-code within ASP.NET. To use XML features, move the code to ...
  41. XML parser could not be loaded for the following reason: '%2!ls!'. The XML documentation file '%1!ls!' will not be generated. ...
  42. XmlArray and XmlArrayItem cannot be used in conjunction with XmlAttribute, XmlAnyAttribute, XmlElement, XmlText, or XmlAnyElement. ...
  43. XmlAttribute and XmlAnyAttribute cannot be used in conjunction with XmlElement, XmlText, XmlAnyElement, XmlArray, or XmlArrayItem. ...
  44. XmlAttribute and XmlAnyAttribute cannot be used with rpc\literal SOAP, you may use the following attributes: XmlArray, XmlArrayItem, ...
  45. XmlElement, XmlText, and XmlAnyElement cannot be used in conjunction with XmlAttribute, XmlAnyAttribute, XmlArray, or XmlArrayItem. ...
  46. XmlReaderSettings.XmlNameTable must be the same name table as in XmlParserContext.NameTable or XmlParserContext.NamespaceManager.NameTable, ...
  47. XmlSerializer attribute {0} is not valid in {1}. Only XmlElement, XmlArray, XmlArrayItem and XmlAnyElement attributes are ...
  48. XmlSerializer attribute {0} is not valid in {1}. Only XmlElement, XmlArray, XmlArrayItem, XmlAnyAttribute and XmlAnyElement ...
  49. XmlText, XmlAnyElement, or XmlChoiceIdentifier cannot be used with rpc\literal SOAP, you may use the following attributes: ...
  50. XmlWriterSettings.{0} can contain only valid XML text content characters when XmlWriterSettings.CheckCharacters is true. ...
  51. XmlWriterSettings.{0} can contain only valid XML white space characters when XmlWriterSettings.CheckCharacters and XmlWr ...
  52. XPS FixedPage markup references a resource that is not listed using a required-resource relationship or has an incorrect ...
  53. You are about to apply the first digital signature to this document. If this document must be signed by other users, you ...
  54. You are about to apply the first digital signature to this document. If this document must be signed by other users, you ...
  55. You are about to apply the first digital signature to this document. If this document must be signed by other users, you ...
  56. You are about to change the Chart Area auto positioning property. Changing a single Chart Area auto positioning may cause ...
  57. You are about to close this Web Part. It is currently providing data to other Web Parts, and these connections will be deleted ...
  58. You are about to permanently delete all cards for this Windows user on this computer. Deleting your cards may prevent sites ...
  59. You are about to permanently delete this Web Part. Are you sure you want to do this? To delete this Web Part, click OK. To ...
  60. You are about to reset all personalized Web Parts to their shared values and delete any private Web Parts. Click OK to complete ...
  61. You are currently editing other configurations that inherit from this configuration. Click OK, to save the changes to those ...
  62. You are currently editing other configurations that must be applied before editing this location. Do you want to save the ...
  63. You are currently editing other configurations that must be applied before editing this location. Do you want to save the ...
  64. You are running setup as a local machine account and your machine is part of a domain. Only domain accounts are supported ...
  65. You can add or remove additional components after this installation using the "%1" entry in the Add/Remove section of the ...
  66. You can choose to create a rule that applies to the whole site or to only a specific subdirectory. In the directory structure ...
  67. You can configure the Web site to use the same provider for all application features. In this case, all data for membership ...
  68. You can configure your application to use the following types of security, which depend on how the Web site will be used: ...
  69. You can create and manage user accounts, if you have set the authentication type to From the Internet (forms authentication). ...
  70. You can optionally add access rules to control access to the whole Web site or to individual folders. Rules can apply to ...
  71. You can optionally add roles, or groups, that enable you to allow or deny groups of users access to specific folders in your ...
  72. You can run the aspnet_regsql.exe executable without any command-line arguments to run a wizard that will help you with specifying ...
  73. You can save your cards to a file to back them up or to transfer them to a different computer. Select the cards that you ...
  74. You can select cards to send to websites or online services. If you don't have any cards, you can create a card that will ...
  75. You can specify how the Web site is used-either from the Internet (publicly) or from an intranet (on a local area network). ...