.NET Framework

  1. When supplying the ID of a containing object, the FieldInfo that identifies the current field within that object must also ...
  2. When the 'Web Access Mode' property is set to FrontPage, specifies whether FrontPage Server Extensions' link repair is enabled. ...
  3. When the 'Web Access Mode' property is set to FrontPage, this property displays the version of the FrontPage Extensions that ...
  4. When the ListView is in virtual mode, you cannot add items to the ListView items collection. Use the VirtualListSize property ...
  5. When the ListView is in virtual mode, you cannot enumerate through the ListView items collection using an enumerator or call ...
  6. When the ListView is in virtual mode, you cannot remove items from the ListView items collection. Use the VirtualListSize ...
  7. When the ref attribute is present, the type attribute and complexType, simpleType, key, keyref, and unique elements cannot ...
  8. When the ResourceAssociationSet is bidirectional, IDataServiceMetadataProvider.GetResourceAssociationSet() must return the ...
  9. When there is a mapping fragment between EntitySet '{0}' and Table '{1}' with MakeColumnsDistinct attribute marked to 'true', ...
  10. When true (and encrypt=true), SQL Server uses SSL encryption for all data sent between the client and server without validating ...
  11. When true, indicates the connection should be from the Sql Server context. Available only when running in the Sql Server ...
  12. When true, omits calls to set the connection name attribute through Oracle's OCI. When false (default), the connection name ...
  13. When true, SQL Server uses SSL encryption for all data sent between the client and server if the server has a certificate ...
  14. When true, the connection object is drawn from the appropriate pool, or if necessary, is created and added to the appropriate ...
  15. When true, the server-side history state is hashed using the same settings as ViewState. When false, the server history state ...
  16. When unwrapSingleProperty is specified the argument expression must have the following ResultType: a CollectionType with ...
  17. When used by a DataAdapter.Update (UpdateCommand only), the version of the DataRow value that is used to update the data ...
  18. When used by a DataAdapter.Update, the source column name that is used to find the DataSetColumn name in the ColumnMappings. ...
  19. When used in partial trust, langID must be C#, VB, J#, or JScript, and the language provider must be in the global assembly ...
  20. When using a Bare parameter style and a service RoutingStyle of RequestElement, the method must have exactly one parameter. ...
  21. When using a custom output cache provider like '{0}', only the following expiration policies and cache features are supported: ...
  22. When using a custom output cache provider like '{0}', only the following expiration policies and cache features are supported: ...
  23. When using an InstanceStore as a persistence provider, additional keys cannot be specified when loading an instance by its ...
  24. When using SqlDependency without providing an options value, SqlDependency.Start() must be called for each server that is ...
  25. When using SqlDependency without providing an options value, SqlDependency.Start() must be called prior to execution of a ...
  26. When using the IAsyncResult design pattern, the End method cannot be decorated with OperationContractAttribute. Only the ...
  27. When using the rpc-encoded style, message contract types or the System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message type cannot be used ...
  28. When you close this wizard, you will be prompted to send a problem report to #(loc.Branding_Microsoft). For more information, ...
  29. When you create an application setting, you specify a name and value for the setting to be created. This lets you access ...
  30. When you use the default data provider, the Web Site Administration Tool creates entries in the default ASP.NET database. ...
  31. When you use the Web Site Administration Tool for the first time, it creates a default Web.config file for the application ...
  32. When you use the Web Site Administration Tool, you manage the settings in a Web.config file for a single application and ...
  33. Whenever a message is passed by a connector application, the connector type is required so that the sending and receiving ...
  34. Whether an empty string should be treated as a null value. If this property is set to true and the value is an empty string, ...
  35. Whether or not to continue to the next DataRow when the Update events, RowUpdating and RowUpdated, Status is UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred. ...
  36. Whether the data should be shown with the DataFormatString formatting applied when in edit mode. If set to true, the data ...
  37. Whether the data should be shown with the DataFormatString formatting applied when in edit mode. If set to true, the data ...
  38. While any type may derive from a transparent type or interface, restrictions apply as to the types that can inherit from ...
  39. While applications can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not install ...
  40. While applications can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not run this ...
  41. While applications from the Internet can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, ...
  42. While applications from the Internet can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, ...
  43. While examining an assembly for pipeline segments, expected an assembly with a certain identity but found a different one ...
  44. White space cannot be stripped from input documents that have already been loaded. Provide the input document as an XmlReader ...
  45. Wildcard '{0}' allows element '{1}', and causes the content model to become ambiguous. A content model must be formed such ...
  46. Wildcards '{0}' and '{1}' have not empty intersection, and causes the content model to become ambiguous. A content model ...
  47. Window is running in a restricted mode. Some UI features may be disabled for security reasons. For more information, contact ...
  48. Window is running in a restricted mode. Some UI features may be disabled for security reasons. For more information, contact ...
  49. Window is running in an unrestricted mode. Although the main window is running unrestricted, some features may be disabled ...
  50. Window is running in an unrestricted mode. Although the main window is running unrestricted, some features may be disabled ...
  51. Windows authentication interacts with Windows security, using the logon credentials that users provide when they log on to ...
  52. Windows CardSpace can replace the user names and passwords that you use to register and log on to websites and online services. ...
  53. Windows CardSpace could not start because the information that was obtained from the site was not valid. For more information, ...
  54. Windows CardSpace encountered an error when verifying the identity of the site and cannot continue. To close Windows CardSpace, ...
  55. Windows CardSpace is a system for creating relationships with websites and online services. Windows CardSpace provides a ...
  56. Windows CardSpace only supports secure MetadataExchange and does not allow mex over non https address. A non https address ...
  57. Windows Installer service could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that the Windows Installer service ...
  58. Windows Installer version 3.1 or higher is required to perform this installation. Please visit http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=893803 ...
  59. Windows Runtime class '{0}' has an invalid base type, '{1}'. Classes must derive either from System.Object or from a composable ...
  60. Windows Runtime interface '%2!ls!' has already been implemented by a base type of '%1!ls!'. Re-implementation of '%2!ls!' ...
  61. Windows Runtime type '{0}.{1}' was found in multiple referenced winmd files. Please remove either '{2}' or '{3}' from the ...
  62. WinFX Runtime Components 3.0 Beta 2 is required. You must install WinFX Runtime Components 3.0 Beta 2 prior to the installation. ...
  63. With the AllowHexSpecifier bit set in the enum bit field, the only other valid bits that can be combined into the enum value ...
  64. Workflow changes can not be applied to instance '{0}' at this time. The WorkflowChanges Condition property on the root activity ...
  65. Workflow does not support custom ProtectionLevel settings on Faults. Please do not specify ProtectionLevel on FaultContract ...
  66. Workflow doesn't support Duplex Contracts, please remove the CallbackContract property from the ServiceContractAttribute. ...
  67. Workflow runtime failed to create ActivityExecutor instance for activity type '{0}'. Please check whether the activity has ...
  68. Workflow service unexpectedly unloaded from memory while executing a ReceiveActivity. Make sure that the the workflow does ...
  69. Workflow View enables the users to visually design the process flow using activities in the toolbox. The process flow specified ...
  70. WorkflowChanges have already been applied. Create a new WorkflowChanges object to apply new changes or to re-apply previously ...
  71. WorkflowIdentity.Name and Package cannot contain leading or trailing white space (Unicode character categories Zl, Zp, or ...
  72. WorkflowInstance '{0}' could not be updated because it is already loaded. Consider suspending the instance before updating ...
  73. WorkflowInstance '{0}' could not be updated to identity '{1}'. Review the tracking output for a list of executing activities ...
  74. WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' has encountered an unhandled exception. The exception originated from Activity '%2', DisplayName: ...
  75. WorkflowInstance Id: '{0}' has encountered an unhandled exception. The exception originated from Activity '{1}', DisplayName: ...