.NET Framework

  1. Type '{0}' cannot inherit from a type that is not marked with DataContractAttribute or SerializableAttribute. Consider marking ...
  2. Type '{0}' cannot specify an XmlRootAttribute attribute because its IsAny setting is 'true'. This type must write all its ...
  3. Type '{0}' could not be found. Make sure that the required schemas are loaded and that the namespaces are imported correctly. ...
  4. Type '{0}' declares a .NET GUID of '{1}' but is being exported with a Windows Runtime GUID of '{2}'. Please ensure that the ...
  5. Type '{0}' defined in the conceptual model cannot be mapped to type '{1}' from the object layer. An enumeration type cannot ...
  6. Type '{0}' defined in the object layer is not compatible with type '{1}' defined in the conceptual model. An enumeration ...
  7. Type '{0}' does not have a content property. Specify the name of the property to set, or add a ContentPropertyAttribute or ...
  8. Type '{0}' does not have a static method '{1}' that takes a parameter of type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet' as specified ...
  9. Type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' declared as derivation of type '{2}' from namespace '{3}, but corresponding CLR types are ...
  10. Type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' has not been imported from schema. Consider first importing this type by calling one of the ...
  11. Type '{0}' has a key defined through an explicit DataServiceKeyAttribute, but it is not exposed through a top-level IQueryable ...
  12. Type '{0}' has a method '{1}' which is a generic IEnumerable but is marked with a SingleResultAttribute. Only IQueryable ...
  13. Type '{0}' has a method '{1}' with parameter '{2}' declared as an Out parameter. The parameter should be declared as In only. ...
  14. Type '{0}' has an instance method and a Shared method that have the same name '{1}'. To export to the Windows Runtime, the ...
  15. Type '{0}' has an instance method and a static method that have the same name '{1}'. To export to the Windows Runtime, the ...
  16. Type '{0}' has different implementations for Object.ToString() and Windows.Foundation.IStringable.ToString() which is not ...
  17. Type '{0}' has multiple constructors with '{1}' argument(s). Windows Runtime types cannot have multiple constructors with ...
  18. Type '{0}' has property '{1}' of entity type. Either this property has no corresponding entity set in the data context or ...
  19. Type '{0}' has set its ISerializable assembly name to "0". "0" is an invalid assembly name. Consider using the full name ...
  20. Type '{0}' implements interface '{1}', which is not a Windows Runtime interface. All interfaces that are implemented by exported ...
  21. Type '{0}' implements Windows Runtime async interface '{1}'. Windows Runtime types cannot implement async interfaces. Please ...
  22. Type '{0}' implements Windows Runtime async interface '{1}'. Windows Runtime types cannot implement async interfaces. Please ...
  23. Type '{0}' in assembly '{1}' cannot be forwarded safely from assembly '{2}' because assembly '{1}' is not fully trusted and ...
  24. Type '{0}' in conceptual side cannot be mapped to type '{1}' on the object side. Both the types must be abstract or both ...
  25. Type '{0}' in namespace '{1}' cannot be used as the base type of a data contract type, because it itself does not have a ...
  26. Type '{0}' is a recursive collection data contract which is not supported. Consider modifying the definition of collection ...
  27. Type '{0}' is derived from the type '{1}' that is the type for EntitySet '{2}'. Type '{0}' defines new concurrency requirements ...
  28. Type '{0}' is not a valid consumer connection point. It must be public, a subclass of ConsumerConnectionPoint, and have a ...
  29. Type '{0}' is not a valid provider connection point. It must be public, a subclass of ProviderConnectionPoint, and have a ...
  30. Type '{0}' is not valid in function '{1}'. The function must have return type and parameters expressed in conceptual side ...
  31. Type '{0}' is not valid in function '{1}'. The function must have return type and parameters expressed in primitive types. ...
  32. Type '{0}' of operation '{1}' and contract ('{2}', '{3}') could not be serialized. Ensure that the type can be serialized ...
  33. Type '{0}' was loaded in the ReflectionOnly context but the AssemblyBuilder was not created as AssemblyBuilderAccess.ReflectionOnly. ...
  34. Type '{0}' was not loaded in the ReflectionOnly context but the AssemblyBuilder was created as AssemblyBuilderAccess.ReflectionOnly. ...
  35. Type '{0}' with data contract name '{1}:{2}' is not expected. Add any types not known statically to the list of known types ...
  36. Type '{0}' with data contract name '{1}:{2}' is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not ...
  37. Type '{0}': If a KnownTypeAttribute attribute specifies a method it must be the only KnownTypeAttribute attribute on that ...
  38. Type '{1}', generated by the export process for type '{0}', has the same name as a type that is already in the module being ...
  39. Type '{2}' contains two members '{0}' 'and '{1}' with the same data member name '{3}'. Multiple members with the same name ...
  40. Type '{2}' contains two members '{0}' 'and '{1}' with the same name '{3}'. Multiple members with the same name in one type ...
  41. Type '|1' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider setting the 'Embed interop Types' property to false. ...
  42. Type '|1' cannot be used across assembly boundaries because it has a generic type parameter that is an embedded interop type. ...
  43. Type '|1' cannot be used across assembly boundaries because its base type has a generic type parameter that is an embedded ...
  44. Type '|1' cannot be used as a property type in this context because '|1' is an 'In' type parameter and the property is not ...
  45. Type '|1' cannot be used as a property type in this context because '|1' is an 'Out' type parameter and the property is not ...
  46. Type '|1' cannot be used for the '|3' in '|4' in this context because both the context and the definition of '|1' are nested ...
  47. Type '|1' cannot be used for the '|4' of '|5' in '|3' in this context because both the context and the definition of '|1' ...
  48. Type '|1' cannot be used in '|2' because 'In' and 'Out' type parameters cannot be made nullable, and '|1 is an 'In' type ...
  49. Type '|1' cannot be used in '|2' because 'In' and 'Out' type parameters cannot be made nullable, and '|1' is an 'Out' type ...
  50. Type '|1' cannot be used in '|3' in this context because both the context and the definition of '|1' are nested within interface ...
  51. Type '|1' cannot be used in this context because 'In' and 'Out' type parameters cannot be used for ByRef parameter types, ...
  52. Type '|1' cannot be used in this context because 'In' and 'Out' type parameters cannot be used for ByRef parameter types, ...
  53. Type '|1' cannot be used in this context because both the context and the definition of '|1' are nested within interface ...
  54. Type '|1' in assembly '|2' has been forwarded to assembly '|3'. Either a reference to '|3' is missing from your project or ...
  55. Type '|1' must be a value type or a type argument constrained to 'Structure' in order to be used with 'Nullable' or nullable ...
  56. Type '|2' is imported from different versions of assembly |1. Different versions of the same strong-named assembly cannot ...
  57. Type argument '|1' must have a public parameterless instance constructor to satisfy the 'New' constraint for type parameter ...
  58. Type argument inference failed for type parameter '|1' of '|2'. Type argument could not be inferred from the argument passed ...
  59. Type argument inference failed for type parameter '|1' of '|2'. Type argument inferred from the argument passed to parameter ...
  60. type cannot have Name attribute. Value types and types without a default constructor can be used as items within a dictionary. ...
  61. type cannot have Name attribute. Value types and types without a default constructor cannot be used as items within a dictionary. ...
  62. Type could not be marshaled because the length of an embedded array instance does not match the declared length in the layout. ...
  63. Type equivalence requires that all participating types, as well as all methods and fields within those types, are transparent ...
  64. Type handle '{0}' and field handle with declaring type '{1}' are incompatible. Get RuntimeFieldHandle and declaring RuntimeTypeHandle ...
  65. Type handle '{0}' and method handle with declaring type '{1}' are incompatible. Get RuntimeMethodHandle and declaring RuntimeTypeHandle ...
  66. Type information for activity '{0}' was not found in the database. The type may have been changed without versioning the ...
  67. Type library exporter encountered a reference type with layout marked as MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface) in a signature. ...
  68. Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a generic class and is not marked as ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. ...
  69. Type library exporter warning: Referenced type is defined in managed component, which is imported from a type library that ...
  70. Type library importer encountered a property getter '%ls' on type '%ls' without a valid return type. The importer will attempt ...
  71. Type mismatch. The return type '{0}' of best-match method '{1}' on type '{2}' is not compatible with the 'Result' argument ...
  72. Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between '%1!ls!' and '%2!ls!' ...
  73. Type parameter '|1' has the same name as a type parameter of an enclosing type. Enclosing type's type parameter will be shadowed. ...
  74. Type parameter '|1' must have either a 'New' constraint or a 'Structure' constraint to satisfy the 'New' constraint for type ...
  75. Type parameter name '|1' does not match the name '|2' of the corresponding type parameter defined on one of the other partial ...