.NET Framework

  1. Value of parameter '{0}' cannot be specified more than once within a single 'xsl:call-template' or 'xsl:apply-templates' ...
  2. Value of type '|1' cannot be converted to '|2'. Type mismatch could be due to mixing a file reference to '|3' in project ...
  3. Value of type '|1' cannot be converted to '|2'. Type mismatch could be due to the mixing of a file reference with a project ...
  4. Value of type '|1' cannot be converted to '|2'. You can use the 'Value' property to get the string value of the first element ...
  5. Value type '{0}' cannot have the IsReference setting of '{1}'. Either change the setting to '{2}', or remove it completely. ...
  6. values cannot be converted to 'Char'. Use 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW' to interpret a numeric value as a Unicode character ...
  7. Values for advanceWidths and glyphOffsets constitute too large of a GlyphRun. The area of its bounding box, measured in renderingEmSize ...
  8. Variable '|1' is passed by reference before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. ...
  9. Variable '|1' is passed by reference before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. ...
  10. Variable '|1' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. Make sure ...
  11. Verify for strong name signature self consistency. If -vf is specified, force verification even if disabled in the registry. ...
  12. Verify that an assembly's annotations are correct only, do not attempt to make multiple passes to find all required annotations ...
  13. Verify the installation of target components and generate a report. Components can be in the following states: Unknown, Not ...
  14. Verifying SignedInfo using key {0}, signature description {1}, hash algorithm {2}, and asymmetric signature deformatter {3}. ...
  15. Version number of the ObsoleteAttribute can be updated by applying the Windows.Foundation.Metadata.VersionAttribute to {0}. ...
  16. Visibility of interfaces must be one of the following: NestedAssembly, NestedFamANDAssem, NestedFamily, NestedFamORAssem, ...
  17. Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation require Windows Workflow Foundation PRBN (part of Microsoft ...
  18. Visual Studio version "{0}" is not supported. Please specify a value from the enumeration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.VisualStudioVersion. ...
  19. Warning! You have chosen to install this feature inside a folder used by a previous version of Visual Studio. Choose OK to ...
  20. Warning! You have chosen to install this feature inside the system's temporary folder. Choose OK to select a different folder.Choose ...
  21. Warning! You have chosen to install this feature inside the Windows folder, which contains critical system components. Choose ...
  22. WARNING: '{1}' on class '{0}' is not an interface member. Method-level role based security requires an interface definition ...
  23. WARNING: '{1}' on class '{0}' is not an interface member. Unmanaged late bound calls cannot take advantage of AutoComplete ...
  24. Warning: A StringBuilder buffer has been overflowed by unmanaged code. The process may become unstable. Insufficient capacity ...
  25. Warning: Components of the Common Language Runtime debugging services are from different builds. Continuing to run will cause ...
  26. Warning: Components of the Common Language Runtime debugging services are from different builds. Continuing to run will cause ...
  27. Warning: No 64-bit install detected. You should register the 64-bit version before using the 32-bit version under WOW64. ...
  28. Warning: No 64-bit install detected. You should register the 64-bit version before using the 32-bit version under WOW64. ...
  29. Warning: No built assemblies contain components to inherit from. Build the current application, or click Browse and select ...
  30. WARNING: The .NET Framework does not apply CAS policy by default. Any settings shown or modified by CasPol will only affect ...
  31. WARNING: The assembly at {0} cannot be loaded. Caspol can make a partial determination of what evidence would be associated ...
  32. WARNING: The assembly does not declare an ApplicationAccessControl Attribute. Application security will be enabled by default. ...
  33. Warning: The dependency '%1' in project '%2' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would overwrite the reference ...
  34. Warning: WS-AT network support is enabled but will not function until Network DTC Access and either Inbound or Outbound communications ...
  35. Warning: You are about to uninstall a set of Windows Communication Foundation components. This could lead to damaging existing ...
  36. was not of the correct format. Expected a string to be of the form 'Thursday, 10-Jun-93 01:29:59 GMT', 'Thu, 10 Jan 1993 ...
  37. WCF/WF registration tool version %s Microsoft Corporation. . Administration utility that manages the installation and uninstallation ...
  38. We have user-provided certificates. The server has specified {0} issuer(s). Looking for certificates that match any of the ...
  39. Web Part export is currently disabled. It can be enabled by setting enableExport="true" in the WebParts section of the configuration ...
  40. Web Site Administration Tool requires to be run as full trust. Please configure the Web Site Administration Tool application ...
  41. Web site configuration settings are stored in an XML file named Web.config, which is located in the root folder of the Web ...
  42. WebGetAttribute/WebInvokeAttribute supports setting the BodyStyle property to Bare only with DataContract and XmlSerializer ...
  43. WebMethod {0} on WebService {1} claims conformance, but use=encoded is non-conformant according to WS-I Basic Profile v1.1. ...
  44. WebMethod {0} on WebService {1} claims conformance. Using SOAP header with {2}={3}.{4} is not allowed on conformant methods. ...
  45. WebServiceOutputActivity should not be configured for a WebServiceInputActivity that has no out parameters or return value. ...
  46. Websites and applications might invoke Windows CardSpace repeatedly. This can happen maliciously or by accident. Either way, ...
  47. WebSockets are not supported in the classic pipeline mode. Consider using the integrated pipeline mode for the application ...
  48. Welcome to the %2 installation wizard. This wizard guides you through installing this program and all required components. ...
  49. Welcome to the %2 setup wizard. This wizard guides you through installing, as well as repairing or removing, this program ...
  50. Welcome to the Security Setup Wizard This wizard helps you set up security for your Web site. You can set up individual users ...
  51. When 'system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/multipleSiteBindingsEnabled' is set to true in configuration, the endpoints ...
  52. When -disable is specified with -i, -ir or -r, ASP.NET will be disabled in the IIS security console (IIS 6.0 or later). Note: ...
  53. When -enable is specified with -i, -ir or -r, ASP.NET will be enabled in the IIS security console (IIS 6.0 or later). Note: ...
  54. When an object is returned with a NoTracking merge option, Load can only be called when the EntityCollection or EntityReference ...
  55. When attempting to generate a reference assembly path from the path "{0}" and the framework moniker "{1}" there was an error. ...
  56. When authentication schemes 'Basic' and also '{0}' are enabled, the value of IncludeWindowsGroups for Windows ('{1}') and ...
  57. When batching, the command's UpdatedRowSource property value of UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord or UpdateRowSource.Both ...
  58. When both 'xsl:matching-string' and 'xsl:non-matching-string' elements are present, 'xsl:matching-string' element must come ...
  59. When caching is enabled for the XmlDataSource that is not in the page's control tree it requires a UniqueID that is unique ...
  60. When caching is enabled for the XmlDataSource that is not in the pages control tree it requires a UniqueID that is unique ...
  61. When called from '{0}', rewriting a node of type '{1}' must return a non-null value of the same type. Alternatively, override ...
  62. When calling the CreateFromPolicy method, the policy argument must be an XmlElement instance with LocalName '{1}' and NamespaceUri ...
  63. When constructing a StylusPointDescription, any StylusPointPropertyInfos that represent buttons must be placed at the end ...
  64. When doing Edit and Continue, some JITs do not allow increasing the maximum level to which exception handling can be nested. ...
  65. When enabled, any policy supplied by this assembly's publisher will be applied to this assembly. The publisher policy will ...
  66. When EnablePaging is set to true, this property indicates the parameter of the Select method that accepts the value for the ...
  67. When EnablePaging is true, this indicates the parameter of the Select method that accepts the value for the number of rows ...
  68. When false, security-sensitive information, such as the password, is not returned as part of the connection if the connection ...
  69. When generating or updating an application manifest, the {0} option can only be used when the UseManifestForTrust option ...
  70. When implementing a derived StateManagedCollection, the implementation of CreateKnownType() must match the implementation ...
  71. When multiple endpoints on a service share the same ListenUri, those endpoints must all have the same Identity in their EndpointAddress. ...
  72. When passing ResXDataNodes as the IDictionary values to StronglyTypedResourceBuilder.Create, the keys must match the corresponding ...
  73. When performing a write operation with AllowWriteStreamBuffering set to false, you must either set ContentLength to a non-negative ...
  74. When set to true and you rename a component or control from the property grid or document outline, a rename refactoring operation ...
  75. When specifying an assembly (.resources.dll, .dll or .exe) as input, an output directory must be specified. {0} appears to ...