---- FILE Commands Supported ---- findbysid Find a file by security identifier queryallocranges Query the allocated ranges for a file setshortname Set the short name for a file setvaliddata Set the valid data length for a file setzerodata Set the zero data for a file createnew Creates a new file of a specified size queryfileid Queries the file ID of the specified file queryfilenamebyid Displays a random link name for the file ID
FID references block beyond the end of the partition. Deleting FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block ...
File %1 has been orphaned since all its filenames were invalid Windows will recover the file in the orphan recovery phase. ...
File %s has an unsupported format version of %s. The parser expects version %s or any other minor revision compatible with ...
File Backup could not start a new backup using your existing settings for the following reason: %1!s! The configuration wizard ...
FILE Commands Supported - findbysid Find a file by security identifier queryallocranges Query the allocated ranges for a ...
File Control Bytes/sec is the overall rate at which bytes are transferred for all file system operations that are neither ...
File Control Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system operations that are neither reads nor writes, such as file ...
File Data Operations/ sec is the combined rate of read and write operations on all logical disks on the computer. This is ...
File Data Operations/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is processing data operations. One operation should include ...