File Data Operations/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is processing data operations. One operation should include many bytes, since each operation has overhead. The efficiency of this path can be determined by dividing the Bytes/sec by this counter to obtain the average number of bytes transferred per operation.
File Control Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system operations that are neither reads nor writes, such as file ...
File data inconsistency was detected and the parity repair was scheduled at the end of the task. No user action is required. ...
File data inconsistency was detected and was repaired successfully. File name: %2 Range offset: %4 Range length (in bytes): ...
File Data Operations/ sec is the combined rate of read and write operations on all logical disks on the computer. This is ...
File Data Operations/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is processing data operations. One operation should include ...
File data scrub operation failed. File name: %2 Range offset: %4 Range length (in bytes): %5 Bytes repaired: %6 Bytes not ...
File Description: This file is the Failover Cluster tombstone file for a disk that was previously designated as a quorum ...
File Explorer and Internet Explorer may be configured to prevent active content obtained through restricted protocols from ...
File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. Tap ...