"Lets you selectively permit or prohibit the use of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins. -- If you enable this setting, all snap-ins are prohibited, except those that you explicitly permit. Use this setting if you plan to prohibit use of most snap-ins. To explicitly permit a snap-in, open the Restricted/Permitted snap-ins setting folder and enable the settings representing the snap-in you want to permit. If a snap-in setting in the folder is disabled or not configured, the snap-in is prohibited. -- If you disable this setting or do not configure it, all snap-ins are permitted, except those that you explicitly prohibit. Use this setting if you plan to permit use of most snap-ins. To explicitly prohibit a snap-in, open the Restricted/Permitted snap-ins setting folder and then disable the settings representing the snap-ins you want to prohibit. If a snap-in setting in the folder is enabled or not configured, the snap-in is permitted. When a snap-in is prohibited, it does not appear in the Add/Remove Snap-in window in MMC. Also, when a user opens a console file that includes a prohibited snap-in, the console file opens, but the prohibited snap-in does not appear. Note: If you enable this setting, and you do not enable any settings in the Restricted/Permitted snap-ins folder, users cannot use any MMC snap-ins."
Lets another user log on while your programs and files remain open. (You can also switch users by pressing the Windows logo ...
Lets the system run startup scripts simultaneously. Startup scripts are batch files that run before the user is invited to ...
Lets users run a 16-bit program in a dedicated (not shared) Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) process. All DOS and 16-bit programs ...
Lets you add to the list of folders excluded from the user's roaming profile. This setting lets you exclude folders that ...
Lets you selectively permit or prohibit the use of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins. - If you enable this setting, ...
Level 1 TLB Fills/sec is the frequency of faults that occur when reference is made to memory whose Page Table Entry (PTE) ...
Level 2 TLB Fills/sec is the frequency of faults that occur when reference is made to memory whose Page Table Entry (PTE) ...
Library %1 failed to write a Free media label on media %2 because an error occurred trying to move the media to a drive. ...
Library %1 failed to write a Free media label on media %2 because RSM does not support writing Free media labels on this ...