"Lets the system run startup scripts simultaneously. Startup scripts are batch files that run before the user is invited to log on. By default, the system waits for each startup script to complete before it runs the next startup script. If you enable this setting, the system does not coordinate the running of startup scripts. As a result, startup scripts can run simultaneously. If you disable this setting or do not configure it, a startup cannot run until the previous script is complete."
Length of message passed to NtRequestPort or NtRequestWaitReplyPort was longer than the maximum message allowed by the port. ...
Less than two network interfaces were detected on this machine. For standard VPN server configuration at least two network ...
Let us know how we can improve Microsoft products. Send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions using our online feedback ...
Lets another user log on while your programs and files remain open. (You can also switch users by pressing the Windows logo ...
Lets the system run startup scripts simultaneously. Startup scripts are batch files that run before the user is invited to ...
Lets users run a 16-bit program in a dedicated (not shared) Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) process. All DOS and 16-bit programs ...
Lets you add to the list of folders excluded from the user's roaming profile. This setting lets you exclude folders that ...
Lets you selectively permit or prohibit the use of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins. - If you enable this setting, ...
Level 1 TLB Fills/sec is the frequency of faults that occur when reference is made to memory whose Page Table Entry (PTE) ...