Your contact list has moved back to (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) Server. You can now make changes to the contact list on all versions of (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT).
Your call could not be completed because your audio device is not available. This can happen for several reasons: - The device ...
Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint web site has exceeded the storage quota limit. Contact your SharePoint ...
Your connection to the IM conversation has been lost. (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) will attempt to rejoin as soon as possible. ...
Your connection to the IM conversation has been restored. Messages sent by other contacts while you were not in the conversation ...
Your contact list has moved back to (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) Server. You can now make changes to the contact list on all ...
Your contact list was moved to your Exchange Server mailbox. We recommend upgrading to Microsoft (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) ...
Your current call forwarding setting requires you to select at least one delegate to receive calls. If you want to remove ...
Your desk phone is currently operating with limited functionality. To enable full functionality, your network logon information ...
Your Exchange server is temporarily unavailable. (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) will automatically continue trying to reconnect. ...