Your Exchange server is temporarily unavailable. (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) will automatically continue trying to reconnect. If this problem continues, please contact your support team.
Your contact list has moved back to (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) Server. You can now make changes to the contact list on all ...
Your contact list was moved to your Exchange Server mailbox. We recommend upgrading to Microsoft (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) ...
Your current call forwarding setting requires you to select at least one delegate to receive calls. If you want to remove ...
Your desk phone is currently operating with limited functionality. To enable full functionality, your network logon information ...
Your Exchange server is temporarily unavailable. (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) will automatically continue trying to reconnect. ...
Your IM conversation will be saved in Rich Text Format to preserve formatting and ink messages. You can change the file format ...
Your Lync Meeting invitation needs to be updated due to changed server policies. Clicking OK will update the invitation. ...
Your meeting link won't work because the server address changed. Please click OK to update it, and then you'll need to resend ...
Your message or invitation was not delivered, possibly because it contains a hyperlink or other content that your system ...