To quickly copy an appointment in your calendar, hold down the CTRL key, and then drag the appointment to a new time or date.
To quickly assign a task to someone, right-click the task, and then on the shortcut menu, click Assign Task, and then type ...
To quickly change the subject of a meeting or an appointment in your Calendar, click the meeting, and then type the new subject. ...
To quickly change the time zone for all Windows-based programs, right-click the space at the top of the time bar when viewing ...
To quickly change the width of a column in a Single Line layout table view to see all the information in the column, right-click ...
To quickly copy an appointment in your calendar, hold down the CTRL key, and then drag the appointment to a new time or date. ...
To quickly create a contact with the same company name and address as those of another contact, select that contact in your ...
To quickly create a meeting request from a meeting agenda, drag the file containing the agenda to the Calendar button in ...
To quickly create a task from a file containing details about a task, drag the file to the Tasks button in the Navigation ...
To quickly create a task related to a contact, click the contact, and then on the Actions menu, click New Task for Contact. ...