A folder in which you made changes may have been moved or deleted or Outlook may have encountered network or server problems.
A digital ID gives you the ability to digitally sign messages and prove your identity to those you communicate with. Additionally, ...
A failure may have corrupted the content of the item. Copy the content to a new item, or save the item as a text file or ...
A fatal error has occurred in Microsoft Office Outlook. The data in your envelope has been lost, but your document is still ...
A fatal error has occurred in Microsoft Office Outlook. This document is no longer viable. Copy your data to a new document ...
A folder in which you made changes may have been moved or deleted or Outlook may have encountered network or server problems. ...
A form for the class '%s' is already defined. Do you want to replace the existent form definition or update its platform-specific ...
A meeting cannot be created from an attachment. To add this item to your calendar, ask the meeting organizer to send you ...
A Microsoft Exchange account has been added to your profile and is now your primary account. To begin using this account ...
A Microsoft Office Outlook component cannot be loaded. Close some windows or other applications and try again. If the problem ...