Azure Data Factory
- Pipeline '{0}' has a path with no outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
- Pipeline '{0}' is not ready. Current status: {1}. If '{0}' is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object ...
- Pipeline '{0}' is on Hub '{1}', and Linked Service '{2}' (referred by Activity '{3}') is on Hub '{4}'. Please ensure that ...
- Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this feature. ...
- Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this feature: ...
- Pipeline {0} and Linked Service {1} referred by Activity {2} are not on the same hub. Please ensure that all activities that ...
- Pipeline {0} has a path with no outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
- Pipeline {0} has no activity with outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
- Pipeline {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and ...
- Pipeline {0} is on Hub {1}, and Linked Service {2} (referred by Activity {3}) is on Hub {4}. Please ensure that all activities ...
- Please do not close the wizard until settings for configuring your on-premises cluster are generated. Note: After the settings ...
- Property 'rejectSampleValue' can not be specified in 'polyBaseSettings' of SQL Data WareHouse Sink if 'rejectType' is not ...
- Property 'rejectSampleValue' must be specified in 'polyBaseSettings' of SQL Data WareHouse Sink when 'rejectType' is set ...
- Property '{0}' under TextFormat in {1} dataset and property '{2}' in activity are not allowed to be set at the same time. ...
- Property {0} with value {1} is of type {2}. The expected type is string or EncryptedString. Consider converting the parameter ...
- Property {0} with value {1} is of type {2}. The expected type is string or EncryptedString. Consider converting the parameter ...
- QuoteChar in TextFormat is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if ...
- QuoteChar in TextFormat is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if ...
- Resource group name is not valid. Name can contain only alphanumeric characters, dash, underscore, opening parenthesis, closing ...
- scriptLinkedService '{0}' is not supported. Currently scriptLinkedService can only accept an Azure Storage linked service. ...
- SliceIdentifierColumnName' property is currently not supported for SQL Data WareHouse Sink. Please use 'SqlWriterCleanupScript' ...
- Specifies the interval within the defined frequency. For example, frequency set to 'Hour' and interval set to 1 indicates ...
- Specify the ADF Blob dataset representing the iLearner file that will be uploaded by the update operation. The dataset must ...
- Specify user name if you are using Windows Authentication, or with Anonymous Authentication without any password protection ...
- Status {0} is not valid. Acceptable status values include: Ready, PendingExecution, PendingValidation, Failed, FailedValidation, ...
- Stored Procedure activity only supports Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse datasets. Please change your dataset ...
- Stored procedure parameter format is 'parameterName' : 'stringValue' pairs. Please modify the invalid part '{0}' according ...
- Stored procedure parameter format is 'parameterName' : 'stringValue' pairs. Please modify the invalid part '{0}' according ...
- Text format properties "treatEmptyAsNull", "skipLineCount" and "firstRowAsHeader" are not enabled for subscription '{0}'. ...
- The "external" property is not supported for your client version. Please use "waitOnExternal" property instead and move it ...
- The "externalData" property was not a child of "policy". Please rename it to "waitOnExternal" and move it under "availability". ...
- The "index" property of WebTable is "{0}" but the service is expecting an integer value that is larger than or equal to zero. ...
- The "index" property of WebTable is '{0}' but the service is expecting an integer value that is larger than or equal to zero. ...
- The "useBinaryTransfer" property in dataset is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support ...
- The "waitOnExternal" property is no longer a child of "availability". You can either use the "external" property under a ...
- The 'linkedServiceName' property '{0}' of activity '{1}' is of type '{2}' which is not a compute linkedService. Activity ...
- The activity "{0}" (type = "{1}") cannot be run on the Azure Batch envrionment. Please check the supported activities and ...
- The activity '{0}' (type = '{1}') cannot be run on the Azure Batch envrionment. Please check the supported activities and ...
- The activity '{0}' is of type '{1}' which is not compatible with the linked service '{2}'. For supported linked service types ...
- The activity '{0}' references Dataset '{1}', but it is missing or invalid. Please ensure the Dataset was successfully created, ...
- The activity {0} references Dataset {1}, but it is missing or invalid. Please ensure the Dataset was successfully created, ...
- The activityruns endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
- The activityruns endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
- The activitywindows endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
- The activitywindows endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
- The authentication token for your {0} linked service has expired. Please reauthorize the linked service and re-run the slice/activity ...
- The authorization code for your {0} linked service is invalid to generate authentication token. Please reauthorize this linked ...
- The Azure ML linked service '{0}' mlEndpoint '{1}' does not appear to be a valid batch execution URL. The expected URL should ...
- The Azure ML linked service '{0}' mlEndpoint '{1}' does not appear to be a valid batch execution URL. The expected URL should ...
- The Azure ML linked service '{0}' updateResourceEndpoint '{1}' does not appear to be a valid management URL. The expected ...
- The AzureML batch activity '{0}' linked service is missing. Please specify an AzureML batch execution Linked Service in the ...
- The AzureML batch activity linked service '{0}' is of an unsupported type. Please specify an AzureML batch execution Linked ...
- The AzureMLUpdateResource Activity is under development and is not yet available for general use. Please remove this activity ...
- The batch scoring request failed. Ensure that the Sql Azure Reader for your model at '{0}' exposes web service parameters ...
- The character used to escape any special character in the blob content. This property is optional. There is no default value ...
- The character used to escape any special character in the file content. This property is optional. There is no default value ...
- The compression method of Zip (Deflate) is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support ...
- The connection string in linked service '{0}' is missing property '{1}', which is required for use with AzureMLActivity input ...
- The container name '{0}' in the folderpath '{1}' of Dataset '{2}' is invalid. For container naming restriction, please see ...
- The container name '{0}' in the folderpath '{1}' of Dataset '{2}' is invalid. For container naming restriction, please see ...
- The CopyBehavior property is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
- The CopyBehavior property is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
- The data gateway '{gatewayName}' associated with the data store needs to be registered with the Data Factory service. Click ...
- The data gateway has expired. Click Download and install data gateway button to download and install the latest version of ...
- The data gateway is about to expire. We recommend that you download and install the latest version of data gateway by clicking ...
- The data gateway is offline. Launch Data Management Gateway Configuration Manager on the gateway machine and confirm that ...
- The data gateway needs to be registered with the Data Factory service. Click Download and install data gateway button to ...
- The Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity '{0}' is missing a linked service. Please specify a Data Lake Analytics linked service ...
- The Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity '{0}' references a linked service '{1}' of an unsupported type. Please specify a Data ...
- The Dataset definition contains new type system values: culture, and format) that is under experiment. Please contain ADF ...
- The end date-time of the duration in which data processing will occur or the data slices will be processed. Example: 2014-05-05T00:00:00Z ...
- The entry file of Spark activity job not found. DataFactoryName '{0}', PipelineName '{1}', ActivityName '{2}', EntryFileUri ...
- The FileSystemSink type is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
- The FileSystemSink type is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
- The JSON supported by older versions of the client is not supported by this version of the client. If you have not already ...