The activity {0} references Dataset {1}, but it is missing or invalid. Please ensure the Dataset was successfully created, then retry this request.
The "externalData" property was not a child of "policy". Please rename it to "waitOnExternal" and move it under "availability". ...
The "index" property of WebTable is "{0}" but the service is expecting an integer value that is larger than or equal to zero. ...
The "waitOnExternal" property is no longer a child of "availability". You can either use the "external" property under a ...
The 'linkedServiceName' property '{0}' of activity '{1}' is of type '{2}' which is not a compute linkedService. Activity ...
The activity {0} references Dataset {1}, but it is missing or invalid. Please ensure the Dataset was successfully created, ...
The activityruns endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
The activitywindows endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
The Azure Data Catalog data source publisher tool has encountered a problem and cannot continue. If this problem persists ...
The Azure subscription used for Azure Data Catalog has been changed to use a different Azure tenant than the tenant used ...