Pipeline {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and inspecting the error message, then decide whether you need to update some of its properties or recreate the object.
Package connection string used in activity '{0}' does not contain AccountName and AccountKey. Package connection string must ...
Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this feature. ...
Pipeline {0} and Linked Service {1} referred by Activity {2} are not on the same hub. Please ensure that all activities that ...
Pipeline {0} has no activity with outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
Pipeline {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and ...
Pipeline {0} is on Hub {1}, and Linked Service {2} (referred by Activity {3}) is on Hub {4}. Please ensure that all activities ...
Please do not close the wizard until settings for configuring your on-premises cluster are generated. Note: After the settings ...
Please note that Azure Active Directory distribution groups are not supported for authorizing access to Data Catalog. As ...
Please select the objects to be registered with Azure Data Catalog. The structural metadata for the selected objects, including ...