Visual Studio 2012

  1. Unable to find a suitable host to place virtual machines. System Center Virtual Machine Manager server returned the following ...
  2. Unable to find a Visual Studio component (VsDebugLaunchNotify.exe). For remote debugging, this file must be present on the ...
  3. Unable to find appropriate display filter for file extension "{0}". Add a mapping into MimeMap.Xml file under App_Data folder. ...
  4. Unable to find connection '{0}' for object '{1}'. The connection string could not be found in application settings, or the ...
  5. Unable to find or download required files for managed minidump debugging. See Output window for additional information. Managed ...
  6. Unable to find or download version %s of '%s'. Managed minidump debugging is disabled. Restart the debug session after trying ...
  7. Unable to find Reporting service definitions. Either the project collection has already been upgraded, or there is not enough ...
  8. Unable to find window with '{0}' in the title. Control with Friendly Name '{1}' was found instead and is being used. Verify ...
  9. Unable to fully update '{0}' in {1} because the folder or a file in it cannot be written. The file may be marked read-only, ...
  10. Unable to get installed books. The content on your computer may be being updated. Please refresh this page to try it later. ...
  11. Unable to grant UpdateBuildInformation permission to 'Project Collection Test Service Accounts' group. Failure occurred with ...
  12. Unable to increase the time allowed for Windows services to start to {0:N0} seconds. TFS Windows services may sometimes fail ...
  13. Unable to initialize Visual Studio debugger component (vsdebugeng.dll). If this problem persists, repair your installation ...
  14. Unable to initialize Visual Studio debugger due to a configuration error. If this problem persists, repair your installation ...
  15. Unable to install application. The maximum number of developer applications on this phone has been reached. Please uninstall ...
  16. Unable to install or run the application. The application requires Microsoft .NET Framework containing Common Language Runtime ...
  17. Unable to install or run the application. The application requires Microsoft .NET Framework v{0} or compatible to be installed. ...
  18. Unable to load a Visual Studio component (symbollocator.dll). If the problem persists, repair your installation via 'Add ...
  19. Unable to load a Visual Studio component (symbollocator.dll). If the problem persists, repair your installation via 'Add ...
  20. Unable to load a Visual Studio component (symbollocator.resources.dll). If the problem persists, repair your installation ...
  21. Unable to load a Visual Studio component (VSDebugScriptAgent110.dll). If the problem persists, repair your installation via ...
  22. Unable to load binary Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.IntegrationService.dll. Try repairing your installation and ...
  23. Unable to load filter library. The supplied external filter will not be applied. Please run 'regasm Microsoft.VisualStudio.Profiler.Filtering.dll ...
  24. Unable to load style sheet {0}. This might be caused by scripts embedded in the style sheet. Scripts are not allowed in style ...
  25. Unable to load test lists from the metadata file. Make sure the selected file is a valid test metadata file. The file has ...
  26. Unable to load the CLR. If a CLR version was specified for debugging, check that it was valid and installed on the machine. ...
  27. Unable to load the CLR. The target device does not have a compatible version of the CLR installed for the application you ...
  28. Unable to load the metadata for assembly '{0}'. This assembly may have been downloaded from the web. See http://go.micro ...
  29. Unable to load the requested UI element from a UI Factory (UI Factory:{0}, element {1}). The UI factory service returned ...
  30. Unable to load the test container '{0}' or one of its dependencies. If you build your test project assembly as a 64 bit assembly, ...
  31. Unable to load types from the test source '{0}'. Some or all of the tests in this source may not be discovered. If you are ...
  32. Unable to load Visual Studio debugger component (vsdebugeng.dll). If this problem persists, repair your installation via ...
  33. Unable to locate the workflow's association data. To restore the association data to the workflow, restart the workflow settings ...
  34. Unable to lock the registry for IntelliTrace Collection modifications. Please ensure no other IntelliTrace commands are running. ...
  35. Unable to move the content, because the destination directory already contains content. Please specify a new or empty directory. ...
  36. Unable to move the content, because you do not have permission to access one or more of the catalog directories. Please contact ...
  37. Unable to navigate to event handler. Valid event assignment not found. Select an event handler in the XAML and try again. ...
  38. Unable to open file. This appears to be a makefile. If this is a non-Visual C++ makefile, it cannot be loaded as a project. ...
  39. Unable to open file. This appears to be a project file from a version of Visual C++ between 1.x and 2.x. Converting of projects ...
  40. Unable to open project '{0}' because some of the files are the incorrect version. To correct the problem, try to repair the ...
  41. Unable to open project because some of the files are the incorrect version. To correct this problem, try to repair the Microsoft ...
  42. Unable to open project {0}. No support for Visual C# detected. Repair Visual Studio 2010 and reopen the Windows Phone project. ...
  43. Unable to open the '{0}' project. To open a Windows Phone project, you must either uninstall the different language build ...
  44. Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. Expected one of the following: MachineName, ProcessName, ProcessId, ThreadName, ...
  45. Unable to properly configure Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Office Developer Tools (x64). Please run "devenv /setup" from a ...
  46. Unable to properly configure Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Office Developer Tools (x86). Please run "devenv /setup" from a ...
  47. Unable to read Code Analysis output report. Make sure that the directory is writable (default is the project output directory). ...
  48. Unable to read data from the Visual Studio Web Development registry. You will need to re-install Visual Studio in order to ...
  49. Unable to read delimited fields because a double quote is not a legal delimiter when HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes is set to ...
  50. Unable to read identity information from source for following identity: {0}. Team Foundation Server will use cached identity ...
  51. Unable to read list of errors from the load test repository; they may not have been recorded yet. Please try again later. ...
  52. Unable to read objects of the type {0} because there are no accessible constructors. To allow this type to be used in XAML, ...
  53. Unable to recompile file while spawning. This source file has changed. It no longer matches the version of the file used ...
  54. Unable to remove legacy performance counter categories. New performance counters can still be registered but the old performance ...
  55. Unable to reset VS performance driver. Dynamic Hardware Partitioning happened after driver has been started. Use /Admin:driver ...
  56. Unable to resolve the host name for {0}. Your proxy settings may have been configured incorrectly. For assistance, see your ...
  57. Unable to restart servicing jobs for the Team Project Collection {0} because a more recent servicing job is queued or running. ...
  58. Unable to restore some default file associations. Note: you must be an administrator or a power user on this machine in order ...
  59. Unable to retrieve information for this node, possibly because the node has been deleted or its connection disrupted. If ...
  60. Unable to retrieve the schema from the database table. Source column mapping information will not be available. Would you ...
  61. Unable to retrieve WS-Federation metadata from the following address: {0}. You can perform the following to troubleshoot ...
  62. Unable to return a TimeSpan property value for a Duration value of '{0}'. Check the HasTimeSpan property before requesting ...
  63. Unable to satisfy all prerequisites for %1. Setup cannot continue until all system components have been successfully installed. ...
  64. Unable to save database instance hint. The saved database instance is only used to intialize the Upgrade Wizard's database ...
  65. Unable to save object because the object type is not supported. This editor can only manipulate triggers, stored procedures ...
  66. Unable to send message to the following recipients: {0} Preferred Email address is not configured within the user's profile. ...
  67. Unable to serialize type '{0}'. Verify that the type is public and either has a default constructor or an instance descriptor. ...
  68. Unable to set lab management related permissions on this collection. Run the TFSLabConfig permissions command line before ...
  69. Unable to set the Custom Tool or Custom Tool Namespace properties of this file in order to change strongly-typed resource ...
  70. Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that ...
  71. Unable to start collection because collection is already in progress or the ETW sessions used by the Concurrency Visualizer ...
  72. Unable to start debugging. A fatal error occurred. For more details, please see the Microsoft Help and Support web site. ...
  73. Unable to start debugging. Check for one of the following. 1. The application you are trying to debug uses a version of the ...
  74. Unable to start debugging. Check your debugger settings by opening project properties and navigating to 'Configuration Properties->Debugging' ...
  75. Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight debugging component '%s' was not installed correctly. Re-install the Silverlight ...