Visual Studio 2012

  1. TypeDescriptor with name '{0}' is defined as a collection but has more than one child TypeDescriptors. Collection TypeDescriptors ...
  2. Typename of the visual that is targeted by this animation. If the target object is a child of the visual (such as Transform), ...
  3. TypeOf operator Determines the run-time type of an object reference variable and compares it to a data type. Returns True ...
  4. Types and methods with a high degree of class coupling, cyclomatic complexity and/or program length can be difficult to maintain. ...
  5. Types can have types or values as parameters. For example, a type defining a Bag could have a parameter representing the ...
  6. Types deriving from the data collection context cannot be used for sending data and messages. The DataCollectionContext used ...
  7. Types that allocate unmanaged resources should implement IDisposable to allow callers to release those resources on demand. ...
  8. Types that are automatically ordered by the runtime should not be visible to COM. Types that are automatically laid out by ...
  9. Types that declare disposable members should also implement IDisposable. If the type does not own any unmanaged resources, ...
  10. Types that do not extend certain base types should not use reserved name suffixes. Types and members should not use 'Ex' ...
  11. Types that extend certain base types have specified name suffixes. Types that extend Attribute, for example, should be suffixed ...
  12. Types that extend ServicedComponent should not have the WebMethod attribute applied to members. Marking members of types ...
  13. Types that implement ICollection should also provide a version of CopyTo with the first parameter set to a strong type, namely ...
  14. Types that implement IComparable should redefine Equals and comparison operators to keep the meanings of less than, greater ...
  15. Types that implement IEnumerator should also provide a version of the Current property that returns a type other than Object. ...
  16. Types that redefine the equality operator should redefine Equals as well to ensure that these members return the same results. ...
  17. Types with no public default constructor are not COM-creatable. COM does not support parameterized object construction. A ...
  18. Types with the 'AllowNullLiteral' attribute may only inherit from or implement types which also allow the use of the null ...
  19. Types with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute that extend types without that attribute might unintentionally expose ...
  20. UAC Bypass UI Protection : Specifies whether or not to bypass user interface protection levels for other windows on the desktop. ...
  21. UAC Execution Level : Specifies the requested execution level for the application when running with User Account Control. ...
  22. UAC Manifest Options If you want to change the Windows User Account Control level replace the requestedExecutionLevel node ...
  23. UAC Manifest Options If you want to change the Windows User Account Control level replace the requestedExecutionLevel node ...
  24. UAC Manifest Options If you want to change the Windows User Account Control level replace the requestedExecutionLevel node ...
  25. UI Feedback conflict not resolved.{0}Requested permission: {1}{0}Conflicting permission: {2}{0}Requesting recognizer type: ...
  26. UI stuttering observed. This is caused by visual tree changes and template expansion. In the timeline, select the time range ...
  27. UI test Touch Redirection is injecting the pointer messages which have not been processed by the UI Test framework. It is ...
  28. UI visualizer (ServiceId = %s, Id = %d) is defined more than once. The second definition will be ignored. Previous definition: ...
  29. Unable to access IntelliTrace custom events folder "{0}". Events in this folder will not be included in the collection. Please ...
  30. Unable to access IntelliTrace Event fragment file "{0}". Events in this file will not be included in the collection. Please ...
  31. Unable to access the Help Viewer configuration file. It may be missing or corrupt. To resolve this issue, repair the Help ...
  32. Unable to access the IIS service. For more information see the DataCollectorErrorsWarnings.txt attachment in the test results. ...
  33. Unable to access the Microsoft Visual Studio Deployment Server on the computer '{0}' (error = {1}). You might lack the necessary ...
  34. Unable to activate Windows Store app '%1'. The %2 process started, but the activation request failed with error '%3'. See ...
  35. Unable to activate Windows Store app '%1'. The activation request failed with error '%2'. See help for advice on troubleshooting ...
  36. Unable to add a new reference. One or more references already exists or the 'Metadata' section is not empty in the .svcmap ...
  37. Unable to add a reference to project '{0}'. Portable Library projects can only reference other Portable Library projects ...
  38. Unable to add a reference to project '{0}'. The current project does not support references to Portable Library projects. ...
  39. Unable to add a reference to project '{0}'. The current project's target framework is not one of or compatible with the target ...
  40. Unable to add a reference to project '{0}'. The target frameworks of Portable Library project '{0}' are not the same or compatible ...
  41. Unable to add a service reference to the specified OData feed because WCF Data Services is not installed for this target ...
  42. Unable to add the specified project reference. The reference must be a Windows Phone project that targets the current or ...
  43. Unable to apply this change while debugging. A method containing usage of an embedded interop type/member was affected. You ...
  44. Unable to associate your App with the Windows Store because the app manifest is invalid. Correct the errors in the app manifest. ...
  45. Unable to associate your App with the Windows Store because the app manifest is missing. Add an app manifest to the project. ...
  46. Unable to attach to process. Attach is only supported for processes that are running in the same user session as the Remote ...
  47. Unable to attach to the process "{0}". Visual Studio has insufficient privileges. To profile this process, Visual Studio ...
  48. Unable to check out the current file. The file may be read-only or locked, or you may need to check the file out manually. ...
  49. Unable to communicate with Simulator, Simulator might be running under different security context, please exit Simulator ...
  50. Unable to complete requested task because of network connectivity issues: {0} Check your network connection and try again. ...
  51. Unable to complete the operation. This could be because the device's security settings are too restrictive. Please use the ...
  52. Unable to compress directory '%1' to '%2'. Please check that the directory exists and that the destination location is accessible. ...
  53. Unable to connect to a phone. For Windows Phone 7 phones make sure the Zune software is running and the Zune recognizes your ...
  54. Unable to connect to server '{0}' or project '{1}' Check that the server name is correct and that you have access to the ...
  55. Unable to connect to server '{0}' or project '{1}' Check that the server name is correct and that you have access to the ...
  56. Unable to connect to the controller on '{0}'. Reason: {1}. Make sure the test controller is online and reachable from this ...
  57. Unable to connect to the specified database. An exception occurred attempting to connect to a database using the following ...
  58. Unable to connect to the SQL Server debugger. To fix this, please stop the debugging session and update the version of mssdi98.dll ...
  59. Unable to connect to the web server. Verify that the web server is running and that incoming HTTP requests are not blocked ...
  60. Unable to convert string {0} to date format '{1}'. Provide the date string in current culture format (example:- '{2}') or ...
  61. Unable to copy text to the clipboard. You may need to close another application that currently has the clipboard open and ...
  62. Unable to create a new TeamProjectLibraryShare from TeamProjectCollectionLibraryShare '{0}'. Failure occurred with error ...
  63. Unable to create a new Visual Basic Windows Phone project because some of the files are the incorrect version. To correct ...
  64. Unable to create collection settings, diagnostics and data collection may not take place. This can be caused by having more ...
  65. Unable to create relative path to '{0}' from '{1}'. Make sure that all files needed for this FxCop project (targets, rules, ...
  66. Unable to create simulator service in the remote desktop session. Please try logging off from remote session in the simulator ...
  67. Unable to create the new project because some of the files are the incorrect version. To correct the problem, try to repair ...
  68. Unable to create the schema file. Confirm the file name is valid, the target folder is not write-protected, and there is ...
  69. Unable to create the workspace '{0}' due to a mapping conflict. You may need to manually delete an old workspace. You can ...
  70. Unable to deploy this application to the device because it targets a version of Windows Phone that is higher than what the ...
  71. Unable to determine from build name {0} the correctly mapped build identifier since it is mapped to multiple build identifiers ...
  72. Unable to determine the workspace. You may be able to correct this by running 'tf workspaces /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl'. ...
  73. Unable to download content from content {0}, because its file extension could not be determined from the associated URL: ...
  74. Unable to fetch the list of host groups bound to this project's team project collection. Failure occurred with error '{0}' ...
  75. Unable to fetch the list of library shares bound to this project's team project collection. Failure occurred with error '{0}' ...