Visual Studio 2012

  1. This wizard will allow you to configure an existing installation of SharePoint Products to be used with Team Foundation Server. ...
  2. This wizard will allow you to export a project or project item from the current solution to a template which future projects ...
  3. This wizard will ask you a series of questions about your application and walk you through creating a performance session. ...
  4. This wizard will help you create an end-to-end workflow for building, deploying and testing applications in an environment. ...
  5. This wizard will help you make a connection to an OLE DB database. Click the Data Source button to select the database provider ...
  6. This wizard will lead you through the steps of creating a deployment project. A deployment project installs your application ...
  7. This wizard will lead you through the steps of creating a setup project. A setup project creates an installer for your application. ...
  8. This wizard will use the default system account Network Service for the services used by Team Foundation Server. A separate, ...
  9. This wizard will walk you through the steps to create a load test that contains: A load test scenario to which you will add ...
  10. This work item cannot be published because it is assigned to more than one resource. Team Foundation requires that a work ...
  11. This workbook is shared. Windows Forms controls and the Excel ListObject control cannot be added to a shared workbook. To ...
  12. This XMI file contains uninstalled custom profiles. If you do not install these profiles at this time, then model elements ...
  13. Though the target has declared its inputs, the input specification only references empty properties and/or empty item lists. ...
  14. Though the target has declared its outputs, the output specification only references empty properties and/or empty item lists. ...
  15. Thread ID","File Name","Number of Reads","Bytes Read,Read Latency (ms)","Number of Writes","Bytes Written","Write Latency ...
  16. Thread ID","File Name","Number of Reads","Bytes Read,Read Latency (ms)","Number of Writes","Bytes Written","Write Latency ...
  17. Thread Id: {0}, Thread Name: {1}, Cross-Core Context Switches: {2}, Total Context Switches: {3}, Percent of Context Switches ...
  18. Thread static and context static 'let' bindings are deprecated. Instead use a declaration of the form 'static val mutable ...
  19. Thread-based concurrency analysis depends on data collection that is only available on Windows Vista or later on x86 platforms ...
  20. Thread-static and context-static variables must be static and given the attribute to indicate that the value is initialized ...
  21. Throw statement Throws an exception within a procedure so that you can handle it with structured or unstructured exception-handling ...
  22. Thrown before OnEnterBreakMode. Setting the action allows the handler to affect the IDE's UI upon exiting the handler. The ...
  23. Thumbprint of a Window Azure API Certificate. The certificate must be installed into My store on the current computer and ...
  24. Tier Interaction Profiling (TIP) enables you to see the number of times a query (or a stored procedure) was executed in your ...
  25. tile barrier operation found in control flow that is not tile-uniform when compiling the call graph for the concurrency::parallel_for_each ...
  26. Time Format string specifies the .Net standard custom format specifier pattern to be used for storing the time. For example ...
  27. Time in GC is relatively high. This indication of excessive amount of garbage collection overhead could be impacting the ...
  28. Timed out invoking diagnostic data adapter event handler '{0}'. To increase the timeout values for all diagnostic data adapters, ...
  29. Timed out waiting for agents to restart; the following agents have not yet restarted: '{0}'; check the controller log file ...
  30. Timed out waiting for Hyper-V Data Exchange Service to start. Start Hyper-V Data Exchange Service first and then try starting ...
  31. Timed out while initializing data and diagnostics adapters. If the Windows Firewall does not have Microsoft Test Manager ...
  32. Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR) must be disabled at the remote site. For more information search for 'TdrLevel' in MSDN ...
  33. Timeout occurred while running the SharePoint Sandboxed Code service. This service is required to run sandboxed solutions ...
  34. Timeout occurred while running the SharePoint Sandboxed Code service. This service is required to run sandboxed solutions ...
  35. Timeout occurred while waiting for data and diagnostics collection. To increase the timeout values for all diagnostic data ...
  36. Timeout value of the test (hours:minutes:seconds) , which represents the maximum amount of time the test can take, after ...
  37. To access your test run, deployment, and reverse deployment files from a previous version of Visual Studio with Visual Studio ...
  38. To activate this build machine, you must manually configure the Team Foundation Build Service after completing this wizard. ...
  39. To activate this product you will need to enter a valid Team Foundation Server 11 product key. Enter the 25-character key ...
  40. To add a shape to My Shapes, you must first select at least one shape from the presentation that you have opened and can ...
  41. To add a suppression to this file, right-click the message in the %s Code Analysis Window, point to "Suppress Message", and ...
  42. To add a suppression to this file, right-click the message in the {0} Code Analysis results, point to "Suppress Message", ...
  43. To add a user that is not currently known to Team Foundation Server, type their Windows Live ID. If the member is known, ...
  44. To add a Windows user or group that is not currently known to Team Foundation Server, type the domain\username. If the identity ...
  45. To add assertions, drag the crosshair onto the UI Control. You can also press {0} + {1} to select the control at the location ...
  46. To add new items, drag them from the {0}, or right-click the diagram surface. To create layers from existing items, or link ...
  47. To allow remote debugging, any firewalls between the Visual Studio computer and the remote debugger must be configured so ...
  48. To allow the breakpoint to be hit when the source code is different, right-click on the breakpoint, choose 'Location.', and ...
  49. To apply an expression to '|1', type '|1 ' . Otherwise the expression will be applied to the parameter in the current position ...
  50. To associate your app with the Store, you must sign in to a Store account with a Microsoft account. For more information ...
  51. To attach to an already running process: Start the Attach to Process dialog from the Tools or Debug menu, and enter the remote ...
  52. To avoid accidental disclosure, security information in the data source connection string was not included in the generated ...
  53. To avoid accidental disclosure, the Web test password and security information in the data source connection string were ...
  54. To be able to create this connection, you should either override CreateConnection(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Utilities.Shape, ...
  55. To be able to target your test project to .NET Framework 3.5, you must use the steps documented at the following Microsoft ...
  56. To change the test result, you must have permission to access the test case for the test result. Contact your Team Foundation ...
  57. To collect data and diagnostics from ASP.NET applications running on Internet Information Services, please enable the "ASP.NET ...
  58. To collect data for the action log, you must reboot your remote device before any exploratory testing can be done. Reboot ...
  59. To collect data for the action log, you must reboot your remote device before you run any manual tests. Reboot this remote ...
  60. To complete the Store association process, click Associate. The following values will be added to the local manifest file ...
  61. To connect to a specific instance of the remote debugger, include the port number along with the computer name in the 'remote ...
  62. To create a primary XML index on table {0}, the table must have a clustered primary key that has fewer than {1} columns in ...
  63. To create a Windows Phone project, you must either uninstall the different language build of VS2010 Express for Windows Phone ...
  64. To create an environment, you must have a test controller available. To add a test controller to your team project collection, ...
  65. To create build definitions using LabDefaultTemplate build template for application deployment and testing, please visit ...
  66. To create test projects, at least one of the following project systems must be installed. Visual C# Visual Basic Visual C++ ...
  67. To create the database '{0}' your user account must have the either the SQL Server 'sysadmin' role or both the 'serveradmin' ...
  68. To debug a web site: Open the web site from a remote file share, and then configure the Custom Web Server property to the ...
  69. To debug this project, you must enable SQL/CLR debugging for the connection. Note that during debugging all managed threads ...
  70. To design database diagrams or tables, you must install the SQL Server Service Pack. Run the Setup program for the SQL Server ...
  71. To enable additional features such as snapshots or creation of environments from templates, install System Center Virtual ...
  72. To enable client application services, you must set the Target Framework for your application to .NET Framework 3.5 or later. ...
  73. To enable client application services, you must set the Target Framework for your application to .NET Framework 3.5 or later. ...
  74. To enable complete call stacks on x64 platforms, executive paging must be disabled. A reboot is then required. For more information, ...
  75. To enable complete call stacks on x64 platforms, executive paging must be disabled. A reboot is then required. To make this ...