Your changes could not be saved. It is recommended that you select Open in {0:Excel} or try to save your changes to a different location immediately. If your changes can still not be saved after a few more minutes, your session will be ended to prevent any more loss of data.
Your changes conflict with those made concurrently by another user. If you want your changes to be applied, click Back in ...
Your changes could not be saved because they conflict with changes that were made by another user. Refresh the current web ...
Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint Web site has exceeded the storage quota limit. You must save your ...
Your changes could not be saved to '|1', but were saved to a temporary document named '|0'. Close the existing document, ...
Your changes could not be saved. It is recommended that you select Open in {0:Excel} or try to save your changes to a different ...
Your changes have been saved but a copy of the file is still pending upload to the server. Do you want to cancel this pending ...
Your changes have been saved locally. Click "Publish Sandbox" in the Designer to send your changes to other members of the ...
Your changes have been saved to a temporary document. To close this document, do one of the following: Keep: Replace the ...
Your changes have been saved to a temporary document. To close this document, do one of the following: Keep: Replace the ...