Your changes could not be saved to '|1', but were saved to a temporary document named '|0'. Close the existing document, then open the temporary document and save it under a new name.
You'll be asked to provide the location of the OLAP cube and any other information needed by the provider. For more information ...
You'll be asked to supply the location of your database and any other information needed to make a connection. See the administrator ...
You've entered | arguments for this function. To get help with this function, click OK to close this message. Then click ...
You've selected a single cell for the print area. If this is correct, click OK. If you selected a single cell by mistake, ...
Your changes could not be saved to '|1', but were saved to a temporary document named '|0'. Close the existing document, ...
Your file could not be printed due to an error on |. There are several possible reasons: There may not be enough memory available. ...
Your formula cannot be entered because calculated fields cannot contain circular references. Change the formula to make sure ...
Your formula includes a function that cannot be used in PivotTable formulas. You cannot use functions that return variable ...
Your formula is incomplete. You must include an operand following each operator. For example, =A1+A2+ is missing an operand ...