The server was unable to open ODBC Data source %1, Table: %2, under UserName %3. The ODBC Error is: %4. The data is the error code.
The server was unable to find the log file directory %1. The data is the error code. For additional information specific ...
The server was unable to load ODBC32.DLL for sql logging due to the following error: %1 The data is the error code. For additional ...
The server was unable to login with the username and password provided. Please change your login information or click cancel ...
The server was unable to logon the Windows NT account '%1' due to the following error: %2 The data is the error code. For ...
The server was unable to open ODBC Data source %1, Table: %2, under UserName %3. The ODBC Error is: %4. The data is the error ...
The server was unable to open ODBC Data source %1, Table: %2, under UserName %3. The ODBC Error is: %4. The data is the error ...
The server was unable to PUT to the URL %1 (filename %2). For additional information specific to this message please visit ...
The server was unable to PUT to the URL %1 (filename %2). This file may have been lost. A backup copy was saved as %3. For ...
The server was unable to read the file %1 due a to lack of access permissions. For additional information specific to this ...