The server was unable to PUT to the URL %1 (filename %2). This file may have been lost. A backup copy was saved as %3. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:
The server was unable to logon the Windows NT account '%1' due to the following error: %2 The data is the error code. For ...
The server was unable to open ODBC Data source %1, Table: %2, under UserName %3. The ODBC Error is: %4. The data is the error ...
The server was unable to open ODBC Data source %1, Table: %2, under UserName %3. The ODBC Error is: %4. The data is the error ...
The server was unable to PUT to the URL %1 (filename %2). For additional information specific to this message please visit ...
The server was unable to PUT to the URL %1 (filename %2). This file may have been lost. A backup copy was saved as %3. For ...
The server was unable to read the file %1 due a to lack of access permissions. For additional information specific to this ...
The server was unable to read the file %1. The file does not exist. For additional information specific to this message please ...
The server was unable to read the file %1. The file exceeds the maximum allowable size of %2. For additional information ...
The server was unable to read the file %1. The Windows 32 error returned from the attempt is %2. For additional information ...