Literal strings that are embedded in source code are difficult to localize. Avoid passing literal strings as arguments in circumstances where a localized string is generally expected.
Lists the contents of the global assembly cache. When the optional parameter is specified only matching assemblies are listed. ...
Lists the directories to search for assemblies referenced by the project when the project is loaded. This setting is specific ...
Lists the directories to search when the project is loaded for assemblies referenced by the project. This setting is specific ...
Literal of type double cannot be implicitly converted to type '%2!ls!'; use an '%1!ls!' suffix to create a literal of this ...
Literal strings that are embedded in source code are difficult to localize. Avoid passing literal strings as arguments in ...
Literal strings used as attribute parameters that represent URLs, version numbers, or GUIDs, should have the appropriate ...
Load Test license compliance violation: The number of virtual users running load tests ({0}) exceeds the licensed number ...
Loaded files may only be F# source files (extension .fs). This F# script file (.fsx or .fsscript) will be treated as an F# ...
Loads symbols for the specified module using the current symbol path, or lists the loaded modules. The symbol path can be ...