Lists the contents of the global assembly cache. When the optionalparameter is specified only matching assemblies are listed.
List the paths of all IIS metabase keys where Windows Communication Foundation is scriptmapped, together with the version. ...
ListBox cannot have variable height and be multicolumn. Either make the ListBox owner-draw fixed height, or make the ListBox ...
Listener of type '{0}' registered with event manager of type '{1}', but then did not handle the event. The listener is coded ...
Lists the contents of the global assembly cache including traced reference information. When the optional parameter is specified ...
Lists the contents of the global assembly cache. When the optional parameter is specified only matching assemblies are listed. ...
Lists the custom errors (HTTP Status code and the redirected error page) that are defined in this node's configuration file. ...
Lists the directories to search when the project is loaded for assemblies referenced by the project. This setting is specific ...
Lists the header cell IDs associated with the current table cell. This attribute is rendered with the HTML headers attribute. ...
ListView '{0}' has a GroupItemCount specified on it but no GroupTemplate. A GroupTemplate must be present for ListView to ...