{You selected a project that was saved to Project Web App.}Project is unable to open the selected project. You selected a project saved to Project Web App while you are offline, or you selected an offline project that has been deleted. To open projects saved to Project Web App, close and then reopen Project. In the Project Web App Accounts dialog box, click the correct account, and then click Connect to establish a connection with the Project Web App.
You need to enter your manager's cc:Mail e-mail name.}Click the File tab to open the Backstage view. Click Info and then ...
You need to have Microsoft Project Professional 2013 installed and configured to connect to a profile for this Project Web ...
You need to have permissions to open \"^1\" in read write mode. \Please ask the Project Web App administrator for permissions.}Do ...
You saved \"^1\" in a new location, but kept the same name.}If you want to update the location of the existing project '^1' ...
You selected a project that was saved to Project Web App.}Project is unable to open the selected project. You selected a ...
You selected projects of two or more versions.}Projects selected in this step of the wizard must be of the same version. ...
You set a % Complete value for this task and the task cannot be split. This could result in a scheduling conflict later because ...
You set a ^1 constraint on the summary task '^2'. This could result in a scheduling conflict either now or later because ...
You set a ^1 constraint on the task '^2'. This could result in a scheduling conflict either now or later because this task ...