{An import error occurred.}An error occurred during import on line # ^1. ^2 To continue importing with additional error messages, click Yes. To continue importing with no error messages, click No. To stop the import operation, click Cancel.
An external data query was queued because there were already %1 active external queries. To improve performance, consider ...
An hour of audio may take two or three hours to get indexed. We recommend that you leave (!idspnOneNote) running at night ...
An IIS web site by the name of {0} already exists on this server. This name is reserved for the SharePoint Central Administration ...
An image has already been uploaded. You may choose to replace it with an updated image, but all existing ratings and comments ...
An import error occurred.}An error occurred during import on line # ^1. ^2 To continue importing with additional error messages, ...
An import error occurred.}Check row ^2 column ^3. ^1 To continue importing with additional error messages, click Yes. To ...
An Import/Export map called \"^1\" already exists.}To replace the existing map, click OK. To choose a different name, click ...
An index corruption was encountered while attempting to restart an aborted merge. A catalog reset of search application "%1" ...
An index corruption was encountered while attempting to restart an aborted merge. A catalog reset of search application %1 ...