You can't specify Group By, Expression, or Where in the Total row for this column.@Specify an aggregate function, such as Sum or Count, for the field or expression you designate as the Value in the crosstab query.For more information on aggregate functions, click Help.@@2@1@9980@1
You can't sort on a calculated field in a form.@You can sort on a calculated field only in a query.@Create a calculated field ...
You can't sort on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all fields in the underlying table or query, you can't ...
You can't specify criteria for the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the underlying table or ...
You can't specify criteria on the same field for which you entered Value in the Crosstab row.@You tried to display a crosstab ...
You can't specify Group By, Expression, or Where in the Total row for this column.@Specify an aggregate function, such as ...
You can't switch to a different view at this time.@Code was executing when you tried to switch views.@If you are debugging ...
You can't switch to Datasheet view and you can't return to Design view.@Another user has opened this table or a query, form, ...
You can't switch to Design view because your form contains too many OLE objects.@Close other applications, close the form, ...
You can't undo this command and, once it's completed, you won't be able to edit this object.@Do you want to continue anyway?@19@2 ...