You can't sort on a calculated field in a form.@You can sort on a calculated field only in a query.@Create a calculated field in a query, sort the field, and then base the form on the query.Because the query must execute before the form opens, the form will open more slowly.@1@@@1
You can't set the IgnoreNulls property of a primary key to Yes.@A primary key, by definition, can't allow null values.@If ...
You can't set the PictureData property in Datasheet view.@To see the valid settings for this property, search the Help index ...
You can't set the Unique property of a primary key to No.@A primary key, by definition, contains only unique values.@If you ...
You can't set the | property in print preview or after printing has started.@Try setting this property in the OnOpen event.@1@1 ...
You can't sort on a calculated field in a form.@You can sort on a calculated field only in a query.@Create a calculated field ...
You can't sort on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all fields in the underlying table or query, you can't ...
You can't specify criteria for the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the underlying table or ...
You can't specify criteria on the same field for which you entered Value in the Crosstab row.@You tried to display a crosstab ...
You can't specify Group By, Expression, or Where in the Total row for this column.@Specify an aggregate function, such as ...