It looks like something went wrong with the location you were trying to reach.The server may be down or the location may no longer exist.We will open the following location instead:|0Do you want to continue?
It is also possible that you do not have the appropriate permissions to delete messages. If you need to delete content from ...
It is not possible for an e-mail user to see the mailbox of another user if their e-mail server is not configured to communicate ...
It is possible that you have run out of system resources (disk space or RAM), or that another program on your system has ...
It is recommended you implement source code control for development efforts by using the Microsoft Visual Source Safe Add-in ...
It looks like something went wrong with the location you were trying to reach.The server may be down or the location may ...
It looks like you don't have permissions to do this. You could try contacting the document owner or your help desk to get ...
It's your Office - it goes wherever you go. On any computer or smart phone you use, your Office is available anywhere you ...
Items labeled '%s' have not found a match in your current recipient list. To match these fields to items in your recipient ...
Keep this change and move on to the next one.Click the arrow for additional options, such as accepting all the changes at ...