Description: Adds a driver group to a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Add-DriverGroup /DriverGroup: /Server: /Enabled:{Yes ...

Description: Adds a driver group to a WDS server.

WDSUTIL [Options]
        [/Enabled:{Yes | No}]
        [/Applicability:{Matched | All}]
          /Policy:{Include | Exclude}
          /Value: [/Value: ...]]

        The name of the new driver group.

        The name of the WDS server. This can be either the NetBIOS
        name or the FQDN.  If not specified, the local server will be

[/Enabled:{Yes | No}]
        Enables or disables the package.

[/Applicability:{Matched | All}]
        Specifies which packages to install if the filter criteria is
        met. Matched means install only the driver packages that match
        a client's hardware. All means install all packages to
        clients regardless of their hardware.

        The type of the filter to add to the group.   can
        be Model, ImageID, DeviceGroup, BiosVendor, BiosVersion,
        ChassisType, Manufacturer, UUID, OsVersion, OsEdition or
        OsLanguage.  You can specify multiple filter types in a single
        command. Each filter type must be followed by /Policy and at
        least one /Value.