DESCRIPTION: Adds a folder (link) to the specified namespace. %1!ws! PARAMETERS: : UNC path of the link to be created. : ...

Adds a folder (link) to the specified namespace.


            : UNC path of the link to be created.
<\\server\sharepath> : UNC path to the share on the target server.
Restore              : Option to restore a link.
[]          : Comment for the link

1. Folders can be created with the restore option . In this case, the 
   folder target does not need to be a SMB path. Use this for 
   namespace paths (\\domain
amespace), NFS shares or any folder target
   that you do not want to verify.
2. To add another folder target to an existing folder, use the command
   "Dfsutil Target Add".
dfsutil link add \\
amespace1\Link1 \\Server\Share "New Link"
dfsutil link add \\SRV1\StandaloneNamespace1\dir\Link1 \\Server\Share