URL '{0}' cannot be set as a valid RMS URL. A valid RMS URL should start with http:// or https:// and should not contain a comma, fragment or a query.
Update Remote Domain settings based on the Organization Relationship's Federated Delivery settings. This script should be ...
Update rollup 1 for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 is not installed on server {2}. This update is highly recommended for computers ...
Updating the Active Directory membership of the Started and Stopped Servers lists for database availability group '{1}' with ...
Upgrade only languages included with Setup. NOTE: Your current Windows display language is unavailable. The remainder of ...
URL '{0}' cannot be set as a valid RMS URL. A valid RMS URL should start with http:// or https:// and should not contain ...
URL You can direct the user to a Web site for more information about litigation hold. This URL appears in the user's mailbox ...
Usage: GalGrammarGenerator.exe -d dialplan -s server -p -u -g -l -a -x -o -a: generate grammar scoped to the AddressList ...
Usage: GalGrammarGenerator.exe -d dialplan -s server -p -u -g -l -a -x -o -a: generate grammar scoped to the AddressList ...
Usage: {0} Options: -cfg Read the settings and rules from configuration . The default is ExBPA.Config.xml in \program files\exbpa\ ...