Usage: GalGrammarGenerator.exe -d dialplan -s server -p -u -g -l -a -x -o -a: generate grammar scoped to the AddressList ...

Usage: GalGrammarGenerator.exe [-d dialplan] [-s server] [-p] [-u] [-g] [-l] [-a ] [-x ] [-o ]      -a: generate grammar scoped to the AddressList or OrganizationalUnit whose Identity is given in the parameter to this option.       -d: generate a dial plan-scoped grammar for the given dial plan.       -s: If the argument is a valid UM server, this application will find out all the dial plans that are associated with this server. For each dial plan, it will generate a dial plan-scoped grammar.        -p: all generated files are pre-loaded by the platform.       -u: The DTMF map is updated for the users.       -g: The grammar for the GAL is generated.       -x: The file specified in the argument is used as a filter for grammar generation.    The filter should be in the XML format. For an example, see speechgrammarfilterlist.xml in the bin directory of the Exchange installation.       -o: The specified log file will contain debugging information.       -l: The grammar for the Distribution List is generated.       NOTE: The arguments above can't be combined. The GalGrammarGenerator will only generate grammar for the dial plan, server, GAL, or update the DTMF map per invocation.
English (United States)