- Office for Mac 2008
- Office for Mac 2016
- Office System 2010
- Office System 2013
- Office System 2016
- Visual Studio 2010
Part of the data used to create this SmartArt graphic has become corrupted. Try saving the file, and then close and reopen it, or recreate the SmartArt graphic.
Page Break Preview Switches the active sheet to page break preview, which is an editing view that displays your sheet with ...
Page Setup (File menu) Sets margins, paper source, paper size, page orientation, and other layout options for the active ...
Parallelogram Draws a parallelogram where you click or drag in the active window. To draw a parallelogram that retains its ...
Parameters Specify options for a special kind of query that prompts for criteria when you run it. In a parameter query, the ...
Part of the data used to create this SmartArt graphic has become corrupted. Try saving the file, and then close and reopen ...
Password protected sheets cannot be saved in an XML Spreadsheet. To save this file as an XML Spreadsheet, you must first ...
Password protected workbooks cannot be saved in an XML Spreadsheet. To save this file as an XML Spreadsheet, you must first ...
Password to modify Sets the password required to modify the document. If you type a Password To Modify, the document will ...
Password to modify Sets the password required to modify the workbook. To prevent another user from changing and saving the ...