Returns a view of {0} where the functions specified in {1} are used in lieu of the default behavior of an operation when ...

Returns a view of {0} where the functions specified in {1} are used in lieu of the default behavior of an operation when the operation is applied to the view.

Handler functions are optional. If a handler function is not specified for an operation, the default behavior of the operation is applied to {0} instead (except in the case of GetExpression).

Handler functions must return a value that is semantically equivalent to the result of applying the operation against {0} (or the resulting view in the case of GetExpression).

If a handler function raises an error, the default behavior of the operation is applied to the view.

Table.View can be used to implement folding to a data source – the translation of M queries into source-specific queries (e.g. to create T-SQL statements from M queries).

Please see the published documentation for a more complete description of Table.View.

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